
  1. 雅典娜是智能女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。

    Athena was the goddess of wisdompatroness of house holdarts .

  2. 所有男性神灵都低于他们的守护女神。

    All male deities are secondary to their patron goddess .

  3. 就在不可避免即将开战的前夜,象征着希腊人守护女神雅典娜的猫头鹰在夜空中飞翔出现。

    On the night before the inevitable battle , an owl , symbol of their protective goddess Athena , was seen flying through the night sky .

  4. 传说,富士山的守护女神“木花之开耶姫”脾气阴晴不定,从不展示真颜。

    Legend holds that the goddess of Mount Fuji , Konohana Sakuya Hime , is protective of the mountain , moody , and doesn 't show it to everyone .