
shǒu jié
  • not remarry;preserve chastity after the death of her husband;be devoted to duty
守节 [shǒu jié]
  • (1) [preserve chastity after the death of her husband]∶信守名分,保持节操。特指妇女在丈夫死后不再嫁或未婚夫死后终身不嫁

  • (2) [be devoted to duty]∶遵守规则,忠于职守

  • 君既为府吏,守节情不移。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

守节[shǒu jié]
  1. 你何必定要如此苦苦守节?

    So why must you be so faithful ?

  2. 因为照所写的例,守这节的不多了(或作因为民许久没有照所写的例守节了)。

    It had not been celebrated in large numbers according to what was written .

  3. 一年三次,你要向我守节。

    Three times in the year you are to keep a feast to me .

  4. 然而,按我的意见,她若守节更是有福;

    But she is more blessed if she so remains , according to my opinion ;

  5. 四是统治者基于社会道德风尚与文化伦理提倡与鼓励守节。

    The forth was based on social morality and cultural ethics , rulers encouraged and advocated chastity .

  6. 对嫠妇的救助由来已久,其出发点主要是为了督促寡妇守节,旌表节妇,以维护社会风化。

    But the starting point is to urge the widow chastity , in order to maintain the social morals .

  7. 在耶和华所选择的地方,你当向耶和华你的神守节七日。

    For seven days celebrate the Feast to the LORD your God at the place the LORD will choose .

  8. 然而,在国家所赋予的权益之外,「守节与否」似非寡妇自身主观意愿所能决定的选择。

    Despite the rights conferred by the state , the decision of whether or not to remain chaste remained personal .

  9. 六是唐代佛道盛行,宗教文化中有较为浓厚的守节思想,而当时妇女普遍信仰宗教。

    Religious culture was in a more deep thinking chastity at a time when religious belief wide spreading among women .

  10. 五是唐代妇女享有较多的经济权利,有一定的经济基础,大致能够保障她们守节的进行。

    The fifth women enjoyed more economical rights in Tang Dynasty and certain economic basis to safeguard their keeping to chastity .

  11. 事实上,唐代妇女不守节现象虽然较多,但并不是社会的主流。

    In fact , Tang women , although not keeping to chastity was very popular but not the mainstream of society .

  12. 丈夫死去一年后,她的父亲劝她守节已够久,不要再悲伤了。

    A year after her husband died her father suggested to her that she had worn the willow for long enough .

  13. 全会众商议,要再守节七日。于是欢欢喜喜地又守节七日。

    The whole assembly then agreed to celebrate the festival seven more days ; so for another seven days they celebrated joyfully .

  14. 改造了传统禁欲的守节观念,使之与霭理士中庸克己的人文主义性道德观相一致;

    He remolded traditional ascetic ideas of " preserving chastity " and made them consistent with Havelock Ellis 's moderate humanist sex moralities .

  15. 然而按我的意见,若常守节更有福气。我也想自己是被神的灵感动了。

    But she is happier if she so abide , after my judgment : and I think also that I have the Spirit of God .

  16. 文章指出生存压力、传统习俗以及守节妇女的贫困化是造成各类慈善救济组织创办和增多的客观因素。

    The article pointed out customs of pressure , tradition of surviving and the woman pauperization are the objective factors of the organization establish and increase .

  17. 亚伦看见,就在牛犊面前筑坛,且宣告说:“明日要向耶和华守节。”

    When Aaron saw this , he built an altar in front of the calf and announced , " tomorrow there will be a festival to the Lord . "

  18. 迷失的本性&从《明史·列女传》中的妇女守节现象析明代妇女的贞节观念

    Natural Instinct lost & Analyses Women 's Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Chaste Women Recorded in the History of Ming Dynasty , Biographies of Chaste Female

  19. 那时所罗门和以色列众人,就是从哈马口直到埃及小河,所有的以色列人都聚集成为大会,守节七日。

    At that time Solomon held the feast for seven days , and all Israel with him , a very great assembly , from Lebo-hamath to the Brook of Egypt .

  20. 七月十五日,你们当有圣会。什么劳碌的工都不可作,要向耶和华守节七日。

    And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month let there be a holy meeting ; do no field-work , and keep a feast to the Lord for seven days ;

  21. 正月十四日,你们要守逾越节,守节七日,要吃无酵饼。

    In the first month , in the fourteenth day of the month , ye shall have the passover , a feast of seven days ; unleavened bread shall be eaten .

  22. 第八日设立严肃会,行奉献坛的礼七日,守节七日。

    And on the eighth day they had a holy meeting ; the offerings for making the altar holy went on for seven days , and the feast for seven days .

  23. 唐代妇女选择守节之地,视其家庭状况与个人具体情形而有所不同,一般居于夫家,也有的回到娘家,或者进入寺院道观等其他地方。

    Women chose chastity depending on their family status and personal circumstances varied the general living in the family , and some returned home , or to enter the Taoist temples and other places .

  24. 本文试图以这些贞妇、贞女的守节现象为研究对象,探索明代妇女的贞节观念,并分析这一现象背后的真正原因。

    This text attempts to regard the phenomena of these loyal woman , chaste girl as the research object , explore women 's chastity idea of Ming Dynasty , analyse the inherent reason behind this phenomenon .

  25. 守节的时候,你和你儿女,仆婢,并住在你城里的利未人,以及寄居的与孤儿寡妇,都要欢乐。

    Be joyful at your Feast & you , your sons and daughters , your menservants and maidservants , and the Levites , the aliens , the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns .

  26. 周秦汉晋时期农业灾害和农业减灾方略研究汉晋时期妇女的守节与再嫁

    Study on The Agricultural Natural Disaster During Zhou , Qin , Han and Jin Dynasties and The Strategies of Agricultural Disaster Reduction Women 's keeping unmarried after widowed and remarrying in the Han and Jin Dynasties

  27. 耶路撒冷在守节作祭物所献的羊群怎样多、照样、荒凉的城邑必被人群充满.他们就知道我是耶和华。

    As the holy flock , as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts ; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men : and they shall know that I am the LORD .

  28. 唐代绝大多数妇女重视守节、践行守节,原因主要有:一是唐代仍是以男性为中心的社会,强化妇女守节正是维持这一社会秩序的重要基础。

    Most women in Tang Dynasty , fulfilling the chastity , main reasons were : the first was the Tang Dynasty was still a male-centered society . Strengthening the chastity was an important foundation of maintaining social order .

  29. 第三部分总结张守节的地理考证方法,将其分为逻辑推理法、事理推证法、比较法、以今证古法、排除法和综合考证法等六种方法。

    In the third section , there are six types of the method of geographical textual research , logic , reason , comparison , elimination , comprehensiveness and the method of giving evidence for ancientness in modern times .

  30. 摩西说,我们要和我们老的少的,儿子女儿同去,且把羊群牛群一同带去,因为我们务要向耶和华守节。

    And Moses said , we will go with our young and our old , with our sons and our daughters , with our flocks and our herds ; for we are to keep a feast to the lord .