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xiē xi
  • to rest;have a rest;go to bed;put up for the night
歇息 [xiē xī]
  • (1) [have a rest]∶休息

  • (2) [go to bed;put up for the night]∶住宿;睡觉

歇息[xiē xi]
  1. 家庭是您奔波劳累歇息的港湾,合家欢聚的温馨之所。

    House is a harbor in which you can have a rest and a place at which you can happily get together with your family .

  2. 可坐城市,是一个可以让人们安坐下来,歇息,交流,悠然地享受生活的城市,无疑,一个可以坐的城市必定是一个有魅力的城市。

    A sittable city is a city in which people can sit down , have a rest , communicate with each other and enjoy their lives . Obviously , a sittable city must be an attractive city .

  3. 由于天气炎热,我们在一家乡村小旅馆停下来稍作歇息。

    Because of the heat we broke our journey at a small country hotel .

  4. 我一路上鞍马劳顿,权且歇息一下。

    Let me have a break after this rough journey .

  5. 今晚就在我这儿歇息吧。

    Stay here for the night .

  6. 他们到达一片森林的边缘,这里巨木参天,山石湿润,树荫清凉,让他们不禁想好好地歇息一阵。

    They arrived at the outskirts of a forest where the big trees , moist rocks and cool shade invited them to take a well-deserved rest .

  7. 2013年,三个登山爱好者乌里·斯特克(UeliSteck)、西蒙尼·摩尔(SimoneMoro)和乔纳森·格里菲斯(JonathanGriffith)罔顾夏尔巴人暂作歇息的命令而继续攀爬的行为,触怒了当地夏尔巴人,从而引发了一场激烈纷争。

    In 2013 , climbers Ueli Steck , Simone Moro , and Jonathan Griffith found themselves in a violent brawl with Sherpas after allegedly ignoring orders to halt their climb .

  8. 他想休息了,等待他的只有歇息了。

    He wanted rest , and here was rest awaiting him .

  9. 眼下且轻轻地靠着木船舷歇息,什么都不要想。

    Rest gently now against the wood and think of nothing .

  10. 晚上在自己家歇息然后早上的航班。

    Night at the crib and then flight in the morning .

  11. 能离开天空在此歇息,他们都很高兴。

    They were glad to be down out of the sky .

  12. 毛拉四面八方寻找了一通,直到太累才歇息。

    The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired .

  13. 笑嘻嘻的弥勒佛扮成麦当劳叔叔的样子,拿著食物歇息著。

    Grinning Buddha reposes as Ronald McDonald , holding his daily bread .

  14. 这是巨蟒歇息的地方,于无形。

    This is where the serpent lives , the bodiless .

  15. 正在那时候,地要歇息,享受安息。

    Then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths .

  16. 母爱不像其他的爱,需要那么多的歇息。

    Mother love doesn 't need as much sleep as other sorts .

  17. 兵士们把马歇息于教堂中时,即玷污了教堂。

    Soldiers profaned the church when they stabled their horses in it .

  18. 这所无人住的房子的屋檐成了鸽子的歇息处。

    The eaves of this deserted house have become the roost for pigeons .

  19. 这整个宏大的心脏仍然在歇息!

    And all that mighty heart is lying still !

  20. 歇息一会,想想你做了些什么。

    Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done .

  21. 沙漠在宁静中歇息,像熟睡的巨兽。

    The desert rested quietly like a slumbering animal .

  22. 在她歇息的空隙,她环顾了一下四周。

    As she relaxed , she looked around her .

  23. “当我为亨利国王的去世哀悼时,你下去歇息吧”

    " Rest you , whiles I lament king henry 's corse . "

  24. 我们把它当作一次暂时的歇息场所,一次野营旅行。

    We thought of it as a temporary stay , a camping trip .

  25. 随你想去哪里歇息都行

    You can get a break wherer you want .

  26. 加德里曼一只脚站在小架子上,象歇息着的鸟。

    Godliman stood at a lectern , perched one leg like a bird .

  27. 歇息之后,我得到放松。

    After having a rest , I get relaxed .

  28. 我愿当您席垫,供您疲累身躯歇息。

    Let me be Your mattress , On which Your weary body shall lay .

  29. 一些蝙蝠每天生活在黑洞里,有些歇息在树林里。

    Some bats spend their days in dark caves and others rest in trees .

  30. 5追赶我们的,到了我们的颈项上。我们疲乏不得歇息。

    Our necks are under persecution : we labour , and have no rest .