
xiē hòu yǔ
  • a two-part allegorical saying, of which the first part, always stated, is descriptive, while the second part, sometimes unstated, carries the message;a two-part allegorical saying;sequel
歇后语 [xiē hòu yǔ]
  • [a two-part allegorical saying;sequel] 由两部分组成的固定语句,前一部分多用比喻,像谜面,后一部分是本意,像谜底,通常只说前一部分,后一部分不言而喻

歇后语[xiē hòu yǔ]
  1. 汉语歇后语的意义构建与概念整合理论

    The Meaning Construction of Chinese Wisecrack and the Conceptual Integration Networks

  2. 歇后语有外在表层结构和内在深层结构。

    A two-part allegorical saying consists of surface structure and deep structure .

  3. 构成歇后语内在深层结构的前后两部分是矛盾统一体。

    The two parts in the deep structure constitutes the contradictory unity .

  4. 第四部分是歇后语的隐喻构建。

    The fourth part is the metaphorical construal of EFSs .

  5. 歇后语是汉语习语中一种独特的语言形式。

    Two-part allegorical saying is a unique language form in Chinese idioms .

  6. 自从1920年以来,就开始了对歇后语的大量研究。

    Since 1920 , plenty of studies on Xiehouyu have been conducted .

  7. 略论汉语歇后语中的毁鬼现象

    The Brief Analysis of the Derogation to Ghost in Chinese Two-part Allegorical Saying

  8. 歇后语的结构及其规范化

    The Structure of Two-part Allegorical Sayings and Their Standardization

  9. 浅谈成语、歇后语的区别与联系

    Difference and Connection between the Idiom and Allegorical Saying

  10. 关联翻译理论对汉语歇后语英译的启示

    C-E Translation of Two-Part Allegorical Sayings with the Enlightenment of Relevance Translation Theory

  11. 从等效译论看汉语歇后语的翻译

    On Translation of Chinese Allegorical Sayings from the Perspective of Principles of Equivalence

  12. 其内在深层结构才是歇后语安身立命之点。

    It is the deep structure that keeps the two-part allegorical saying vital .

  13. 从空间整合理论看汉语歇后语的语义建构

    The Study on Semantic Construction of Chinese Xiehouyu from Mental Spaces Integration Theory

  14. 分析并概括出这六种语义类型的汉语歇后语语义建构模式图。

    Analyzing and summarizing semantic construction models of these six types Chinese Xiehouyu .

  15. 汉语歇后语的认知语用研究

    A Cognitive-Pragmatic Study of Chinese Enigmatic Folk Similes

  16. 歇后语人物形象中的意识文化

    Conscious Culture Reflected in the Images of Xiehouyu

  17. 本研究的结论将对现有的歇后语静态研究作出有效的补充和扩展。

    The present static study of xiehouyu .

  18. 歇后语在中英翻译中具有相当的挑战性。

    The translation of CFWs is challenging .

  19. 语海之中家族多区别融通应探索&论典故与成语、俗语、谚语、歇后语等的区别与融通

    On the Difference and Relationship among Literary Quotation , Idiom , Vulgarism , Proverb and Parol

  20. 论汉语歇后语的英译策略

    Tactics of Translating Chinese Folk Wisecracks

  21. 汉语歇后语应用和功能的语境顺应研究

    A Study of the Applications & Functions of Chinese Xiehouyu from the Perspective of Contextual Adaptation

  22. 对译者而言,将汉语歇后语翻译成维吾尔语,始终是一种挑战。

    For the translators , it is always a challenge to translate two-part sayings into Uyghur .

  23. 歇后语中图形和背景相互激活形成对歇后语的独特认知。

    The figure and ground in EFSs activate each other to form the cognition on EFSs .

  24. 通过与成语、歇后语的比较,对惯用语的范围进行了界定。

    Compared with the idiom , the two-part allegorical saying , defined the scope of Chinese idiom .

  25. 楚雄歇后语的修辞艺术及其审美意蕴中西方传统书信艺术差异之修辞分析

    A Rhetorical Perspective on the Differences between the Western and the Chinese Traditional Art of Letter Writing

  26. 第五章分析《红楼梦》俗语的特点,翻译文体,和歇后语的特征与翻译。

    Chapter five analyzes the features of folk adages , its translation , and enigmatic folk similes .

  27. 较之传统歇后语,它在主体结构方面有诸多新的特征。

    Compared with the traditional allegorical sayings , the allegorical sayings on campus have many new characteristics .

  28. 第四部分和第五部分从具体的操作层面对歇后语的认知特点进行探讨。

    The fourth part and fifth part analyze the cognitive feature of EFSs from the specific operative level .

  29. 几乎没有从认知机制方面来研究歇后语,解释歇后语的形成的认知过程。

    Little research is done in cognitive mechanism of CFW to interpret the cognitive process of the formation .

  30. 双句歇后语分析

    Analysis on Double-clause Xiehouyus