
  1. ORCA梦想的守护者们,我们的时间已经来到了!

    The defenders of ORCA dream , NOW IS OUR TIME !

  2. 欧洲货币联盟的守护者们现在已被希腊纳税人绑架。

    The guardians of European Monetary Union are now held hostage to Greek taxpayers .

  3. 他死了,不过你们会和其它占有了身淀的守护者们战斗&除了生命之王菲娅。

    He 's dead , but you fight the other guys that had the temples , except for Freya .

  4. “狮子守护者”们帮助牧人们寻找迷失的绵羊、山羊、牛;

    The Lion Guardians help herders find lost sheep , goats and cows .

  5. 有时“守护者”们干预和驱散猎狮者们。

    Sometimes the guardians intervene and break up lion-hunters .