
  1. 就让这最后的爱恋随风而去。

    Let loving and go with the wind last this .

  2. 真希望能让你的忧愁随风而去。

    I wish can take you out the sad like wind is blowing .

  3. 这答案啊,我的朋友,它已随风而去

    The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

  4. 它因而已随风而去。

    So it has gone with the wind .

  5. 我在一站又一站的地方飘荡象一只随风而去的风筝。

    I waft a stop next stop like a kite gone with the wind .

  6. 不要再回头看,一切都让它随风而去。

    Don 't look back , if you do , it hurts even more .

  7. 你放开的时候,你要让风筝随风而去。

    If you love her ( him ), let her ( him ) fly free .

  8. 让怒火随风而去吧,兄弟。

    Let the anger go , buddy .

  9. 梅园不复,而你也早已随风而去。

    Now you have gone with the wind , leaving only the snow in my memory .

  10. 让所有关于你现状的想法随风而去,暂时忘却自我。

    Let all thoughts about your situation and condition drift and be momentarily empty of self .

  11. 不如让它随风而去就像普通的家庭一样

    Maybe we should just try and repress it Like a -- like a normal family .

  12. 它随风而去。我信心百倍,迎接新的太阳,相信“今天是此生最好的一天。”

    Is gone , whether they were good or bad , and greet the new sun with confidence

  13. 我早知道不会有好结果但是我还是随风而去了-嗯

    I knew it wouldn 't work , but I just got sort of swept along . -

  14. 除了被留作来年的金灿灿的种子,它就这样的在它的季节结束后,永远地随风而去。

    In addition to being retained as seed next year 's golden , it 's on its way after the end of the season , forever .

  15. 如今,一切都已随风而去,而我正站在被风吹乱的夏天里,任由思绪迷失方向。

    Now , everything has gone with the wind , and I 'm staying in the summer that is disheveled by the wind , allowed my mind to wander .

  16. 与此相反,图灵没有为他在布莱切利的工作发表任何东西,他战时的实践经验和战前的机器理论全都随风而去,只在他脑中留下了一些思考。

    Alan , in contrast , published nothing that came of his Bletchley work , except in the less direct sense that almost everything he was doing was flowing from his wartime experience added to his pre-war theory of machines .

  17. 把行李装到尾部上;带有方形帆的船随风疾驰而去;船长到船的尾部看看发生了什么事。

    Stow the luggage aft ; ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft ; the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about .