
  • 网络The Starter Wife
  1. 有负心汉就有薄情女。头号前妻【名】坚忍的已婚女性,心甘情愿地全力支持丈夫度过消沉岁月——比方说资助他完成医学院的课程,或者在他出演龙套角色的电影试映会上握着他的手。

    starter wife \\ stahr-ter wahyf \\ n : long-suffering woman who marries and emotionally supports a man through his lean years - maybe paying his way through medical school , or holding his hand while he auditions for non-speaking roles .

  2. 一旦他爬上事业高峰并且开始制造成千上万富含胶原质的饱满嘴唇或者在银幕上风度翩翩的时候,头号前妻就将被一脚蹬开,取而代之的将是更为年轻的或者更有名的新伴侣。

    Once he 's reached the pinnacle of success and is making millions pumping lips full of collagen or gracing the silver screen , the starter wife is kicked to the curb in favor of a younger or more famous new mate .