
  1. Bicyclekick(也可用overheadkick表示)指球员在腾空状态下、且头下脚上将球往后踢的动作。也就是传说中的“倒钩球”。

    Bicycle kick ( also known as overhead kick ) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards3 and over his own head .

  2. 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。

    He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head .

  3. 结果:①C2颈神经后内侧深支支配头下斜肌和头半棘肌。

    Result : ① The deep ramus of the medial branch of C2 dorsal ramus supplied the obliguus capitis inferior muscle and semispinalis capitis muscle .

  4. 目前国际上治疗股骨颈骨折的首选方法是空心加压螺钉内固定,适用于骨质较好、基底和经颈型骨折、头下型骨折中Garden分型Ⅰ、Ⅱ及部分Ⅲ型患者。

    The best treatment for femoral neck fracture is now internal fixation with cannulate screws , especially for the patients with good bone density , fundus and intertrochanteric fractures as well as the type I , type ⅱ and part of type ⅲ fractures in Gardon 's classification .

  5. 寰椎横突、头下斜肌、枕大神经和C2颈脊神经前支为该入路的标志性结构。

    The transverse process of the first cervical vertebral ( the atlas ), the obliquus capitis inferior muscle , the occipital major nerve and the anterior branch of the first cervical nerve ( C1 ) were the landmark structure in this approach .

  6. 结果肩胛提肌和头下斜肌、头外侧直肌、C2神经前支、寰椎横突、寰椎后结节和椎动脉周围静脉丛是识别椎动脉的解剖标志;

    Results The anatomic landmarks to identify the vertebral artery include the levator scapulae , the inferior oblique muscles , the rectus capitis lateralis muscle , the C_2 ventral ramus , the transverse process of atlas , the posterior tubercle of atlas and the venous plexus around the vertebral artery .

  7. 闭孔泡沫铝在圆柱形平压头下的压痕性能

    Indentation Property of Closed-cell Aluminum Foam under the Flat-end Cylindrical Indenter

  8. 莫利躺在床上,一只手在她头下。

    Molly was on the bed , one hand under her head .

  9. 超声波检测螺栓头下裂纹的检测概率曲线测定

    Study on inspection probability curves with ultrasonic detection of cracks covered by screws

  10. 他仰卧着,双手交叉枕在头下。

    He lay on his back , his hands crossed under his head .

  11. GB/T3105-1982螺栓和螺钉的头下圆角半径

    Radii under the head of bolts and screws

  12. 他的左手必在我头下,他的右手必将我抱住。

    His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me .

  13. 平头压头下基体对压痕规律的影响研究

    Study of the Influence of the substrate on penetration depth by the flat cylindrical indenter

  14. 她仰卧在床上,双手交叉着放在头下。

    She lay on her back in bed , her hands crossed under her head .

  15. 这个方法,液体在恒定的压头下,测定液体的体积。

    The method involves measurement of the volume of liquid , under constant head conditions .

  16. 保留股骨颈人工髋关节置换治疗头下型股骨颈骨折12例

    Total hip replacement with femoral neck preservation for the treatment of sub-capitated femoral neck fracture in 12 cases

  17. 他双手放在头下,躺在那里思考着。

    He lay there thinking , his hands behind his head ( with his hands behind his head ) .

  18. 因此,对压头下应力分布的深入研究有着重要的意义。

    So it has great significance to do deep research on the distribution of the stress under the indenter .

  19. 笔者报道带蒂骨瓣加骨髓移植治疗青壮年股骨颈头下型骨折的护理。

    Nursing experiences of patients with subcapital femoral neck fractures treated by operation of bone grafting and bone-marrow transplantation were reported .

  20. 他脱掉了外衣和鞋子,把小提箱枕在头下,很快就进入了梦乡。

    He took off his coat and his shoes , put his suitcase under his head , and soon fell asleep .

  21. 并在头下垫块枕头,若找不到枕头也可以卷起一些衣服来代替。

    26 with a small pillow to support your neck or possibly roll up some clothing and place under your neck .

  22. 我步行去商店,我在淋浴头下的“毛毛细雨”中瑟瑟发抖,我这样做真的能改变世界吗?

    Does my walking to the store or shivering under the drizzle of my anaemic shower head make any real difference to the world ?

  23. 日期写在信笺的右上端,位于信头下一行,信内地址上一行。

    The date is always on the upper side of the right , and one line under the heading and one line above the inside address .

  24. 就在他加入不久,一个魔鬼大声喊道:“午茶时间结束,回到头下脚上倒立的姿势。”

    No sooner had he done so than another devil yelled out : " OK , tea time 's over . Get back on your heads . "

  25. 研究中计及了硬度实验中压头下的双向压力(垂直和切向压力)对其硬度的影响,尤其是垂直压力的影响。

    The double-faces stresses ( vertical and tangential stress ) of the measuring tool in the hardness experiments , especially the vertical pressure , are accounted for .

  26. 咱们从寻常的蒸鸡、烤鸡中换个口味,这个藏在泗岩沫的一棵茂密树头下毫不起眼的棚子里的摊子有完美的酥脆的炸鸡。

    A change from the usual steamed and roast chicken , this stall in Segambut serves perfectly crisp fried chicken from an unassuming shack under a shady tree .

  27. 胰头下1/3血液通过胰十二指肠下前、后静脉回流到肠系膜上静脉。

    The inferior 1 / 3 part of the head of the pancreas was drained into the superior mesenteric vein via the anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal veins .

  28. 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。

    A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst , with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother 's pelvis and tailbone .

  29. 在经济方面,广大平民妇女是社会财富的直接创造者和被剥削者,而拥有头下军州的公主则可以直接享有社会财富。

    On economy , the commoner women directly created social wealth , but also were exploitees , while the princesses who possessed their own castles held social wealth .

  30. 临床13例实践证明,采用螺纹钉+骼骨植骨治疗头下型股骨颈骨折,近期内未见股骨头坏死发生。

    13 clinical practices have proved that to cure femoral neck fracture by using HSI method will not result femoral head necrosis ( at least it has not happened yet ) .