
yǔ yán ɡuī huà
  • language planning
  1. 语言规划(languageplanning)既是应用语言学的一个分支学科,又是社会语言学的一个重要内容。

    Language planning is a branch of applied linguistics , also an important part of sociolinguistics .

  2. 语言规划与语言社会功能密切相关。

    Language planning and social function of language are closely related .

  3. 神经语言规划(NLP)技术在课堂教学中的运用

    The Use of Neuro-linguistic Programming ( NLP ) Technique in the Classroom

  4. 语言规划分地位规划和本体规划。

    The linguistic planning is classified into position planning and noumenon planning .

  5. 略论中国当代语言规划的构成要素

    On Essential Factors to Constitute Contemporary Language Planning In China

  6. 少数民族语言规划的新情况和新问题

    The New Phenomena and New Problems in Minority Language Planning

  7. 语言规划和语言政策作为一门学科的研究

    Aspects of Language Planning and Language Policy as a Field of Study

  8. 这种对英语渗透的担忧体现在语言规划中。

    Such sentiments and fears are usually demonstrated in language planning programs .

  9. 巴基斯坦独立后的语言规划及纷争

    Language Planning and Controversy In Pakistan Since Its Independence

  10. 中国当代语言规划若干理论问题研究

    Several Theoretical Problems of Contemporary Language Planning in China

  11. 语言规划的必要性、必然性和局限性

    The Necessity , Inevitability and Limitations of Language Planning

  12. 汉语词汇现代化是语言规划的一个重要的目标。

    The modernization of Chinese vocabulary is an important object of language plan .

  13. 语言规划与语言政策对外语教学影响的研究

    Study of the Influence of Language Planning and Policy on Foreign Language Teaching

  14. 第三部分介绍了中国的文字改革和语言规划。

    The third part has recommended the reforms of writing systems and language planning .

  15. 语言规划中应该注意提高普通话的情感价值;

    We should improve the emotion value of Putonghua in language planning in the future .

  16. 新加坡,华语,语言规划,单元模式课程,评估,课堂观察。

    Singapore , Chinese , language planning , Modular Curriculum , evaluate , classroom observation .

  17. 明确的语言规划目标也促进了语言规划的高效实施。

    In addition , explicit language planning goals determine the effective implementation of language planning .

  18. 中国语言规划的历史演变

    The Historical Development of China Language Planning

  19. 语言规划视域下新加坡华语教育的五大关系

    On Five Relationships of Chinese Language Education in Singapore from the Perspective of Language Planning

  20. 论语言规划的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Language Planning

  21. 当代中国的语言规划

    The Language Planning in Contemporary China

  22. 其次,关于武汉市语言规划,本文根据武汉方言在发音、词汇及句法等方面的特征,提出了要注意的语言建议,希望对武汉市语言规范化有所帮助。

    Last , suggested proposals have been put forward so as to better standardize Wuhan language .

  23. 词汇现代化与语言规划

    Vocabulary Modernization and Language Plan

  24. 制定、实施语言规划,应当依据一定的原则,才能获得成功。

    The successfully working out and carrying out of language planning should be based on certain principles .

  25. 中国历史上的语言规划

    Language Programming in Chinese History

  26. 论文对这四项语言规划的基本原则作了详细、深入的论述。

    The article does a detailed and thorough exploration of the four basic principles of language planning .

  27. 治理理论视角下的语言规划&对和谐语言生活建设中政府作为的思考

    Governance Theory and Language Planning : On Governmental Performance in Constructing " a Harmonious Language Life "

  28. 英语教育政策的制定必须以语言规划理论为指导。

    The formulation of policies on English education in China must be guided by language planning theories .

  29. 语言学与语言规划

    Linguistics and Language Planning

  30. 本文的意义在于突出语言规划目标对于语言规划的重要性。

    The significance of this study is to highlight the importance of language planning goals for language planning .