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  1. 本文主要通过汉语的例子管中窥豹,对谐音、和谐与对称、言语禁忌、语言崇拜、语言伦理等五种语用民俗作了一些探讨。

    This paper discusses five folkways in language usage : homophony , harmony & symmetry , linguistic taboo , language worship and language ethics .

  2. 建瓯民俗中语言崇拜主要表在两个方面:语言崇拜和语言禁忌。

    There are two sectors in the language-worship in the folk customs of Jian ' ou : the language worship and the language taboos .

  3. 在此基础上,文章的第二章着重从四个方面探究了其深厚的文化底蕴,即语言崇拜、汉民族思维特点、汉民族委婉、趋利避害心理等。

    In the second section , emphatically make a thorough inquiry from four aspects : language worshipping 、 thinking characteristic 、 euphemism 、 advantages and disadvantages .

  4. 英汉语数字泛化的内涵和外延,由于受民族心理、宗教信仰、语言崇拜等文化差异的影响,虽有共同的规律,但也存在较大的差异。

    There 're considerable differences in the connotation and extension in spite of the common regularities , for the sake of influence of the national psychology , religious beliefs , worship of languages and other cultural differences .

  5. 他们提出的原始态、零度情感、自然人、本能主义、陌生化和语言崇拜等原则已经使文学创作从一个极端走向了另一个极端。

    The principles they formulated , such as " primitive state ", " zero-emotion ", " natural man "," instinctism "," unfamiliarizing " and " language cult ", caused literature creation to go from one extreme to the other .

  6. 认为言语呼叫活动、语言灵物崇拜在其中起了关键作用。

    It concludes that speech arousing actions and the worship of ghosts and gods in language play an important role .

  7. 符号、语言与语言灵物崇拜

    Symbols , Language and Its Worship

  8. 然而,古人因不知语言的本质,对语言盲目崇拜,故在翻译中几乎不涉及补偿问题,其中又以经书的翻译为甚。

    However , in ancient time , people knew little about the nature of language and blindly worshiped it , so they seldom talked about translation compensation , especially when they translated holy books .

  9. 语言的“塔布”导致了语言的灵物崇拜。

    The language taboo leads to its worship .

  10. 而作为记录语言的符号体系,汉字又自然地受到与其关系密切的语言的影响,因语言崇拜的产生存在而产生存在着文字崇拜。

    In another aspect , as a sign system to record language , Chinese characters were affected by the language adoration phenomenon because language has a close relation with letter .