
  • 网络language awareness;language consciousness;Linguistic awareness;written language awareness
  1. KayWesterfield:“如果你只有缺乏文化背景的语言意识或技巧,你很有可能成为一个语言流利的傻瓜。”

    KAY WESTERFIELD : " If you just have the language awareness or the skills without culture , you can easily be a fluent fool . "

  2. 浅谈英语教学中两种语言意识的培养

    On Fostering Two Kinds of Language Awareness in English Teaching

  3. DA理论起源于元语言意识的研究。

    The theory of Dynamic Assessment arises from the research on meta-linguistic awareness .

  4. 在对研究进展总结的基础上,提出将DA理论与外语教学相结合,强调师生角色互动的原则,并倡导若干有效策略以激发学习者的元语言意识。

    The paper proposes the employment of DA in FL instruction , emphasizes the role-playing interaction and illustrated effective strategies to stimulate learners ' meta-linguistic awareness .

  5. 文字意识是有关文字形式和功能的意识(Justice,2000;Evans,2005),也被称为书面语言意识(writtenlanguageawareness)或者文字知识(printknowledge)。

    The print awareness is the awareness of the text form and function ( Justice , 2000 ; Evans , 2005 ), also known as the awareness of written language ( written language awareness ) or word knowledge ( print knowledge ) .

  6. 在网络新闻的政治性语篇领域CDA理论有助于培养读者的批评性语言意识从而提高阅读技能,增强对网络新闻语篇的反控制力。

    In the political Netnews , CDA theories can help the readers to cultivate the critical awareness of language , thereby strengthening their ability of reading comprehension and anti-controlling .

  7. 那么我们就要思考是否网络新闻的上述特点致使网络新闻语篇不带有某种意识形态了呢,CDA理论能否帮助网络新闻读者培养起自己的批评性语言意识呢。

    Then we wonder whether the characteristics of Netnews will make it free from the influence of the ideology and whether the CDA theories can help to cultivate the critical awareness of language for the Netnews readers .

  8. 中古英语头韵体诗歌《珍珠》反映了一种敏感的语言意识。

    The Middle English alliterative poem Pearl is a language-conscious poem .

  9. 跨文化交际中英汉语言意识差异分析

    Discrepancy Analysis on Language Awareness of English and Chinese in Trans-cultural Communication

  10. 英语教学中语料库与成人学生语言意识的培养

    Corpus and the Cultivation of Language Awareness in Adult English Language Learners

  11. 民族语言意识的内涵及其基本特征

    The Connotation and Basic Features of the National Language Consciousness

  12. 论新诗的语言意识与汉语诗性智慧

    Language Consciousness of New Poetry and Poetic Wisdom of Chinese

  13. 本章着重分析结构主义批评的语言意识。

    This chapter focuses on the language awareness of Structuralism .

  14. 那么,如何在英语教学中提高教师语言意识?

    Then how can teachers improve TLA in English teaching ?

  15. 试论中国现代文学批评的语言意识

    A Tentative Approach to the Language Awareness of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism

  16. 英语教师的语言意识水平:调查与启示

    English Teachers ' Language Awareness : Investigation and Implications

  17. 本章主要论述后结构主义的语言意识。

    This chapter discusses the language awareness of Post-structuralism .

  18. 在外语教学过程中,学习者的元语言意识是一个重要元认知构成。

    The metalinguistic awareness is a key meta-cognition element in the FL instruction .

  19. 对网络成人英语教育中语言意识缺失的分析

    An Analysis of the Lach of Language Awareness in Online Adult English Language Education

  20. 语感、语言意识与语文教学论析

    Language intuition , Language Consciousness and Language Teaching

  21. 关于英语专业学生元语言意识的思考&一份基于英语专业学生本科毕业论文的调查报告

    Reflections on Metalinguistic Awareness of English Majors : A Survey Based on Undergraduate Theses

  22. 本章主要阐述英美新批评的语言意识。

    This chapter is designed to investigate the language awareness of Anglo-American New Criticism .

  23. 语言意识活动与交际能力的培养

    Language Awareness Activity and Communicative Competence Development

  24. 语言意识培养在大学英语语法练习中的实现

    Language Awareness Enhancement in English Grammar Activities

  25. 元语言意识对阅读的影响研究综述

    The influence of Metalinguistic Awareness on Reading

  26. 语言意识与语言学习的关联性浅析

    Conjunction between Language Consciousness and Language Learning

  27. 这要求我们应建立起强烈的人本意识、熏陶意识、语言意识。

    This requires us to establish a strong sense of humanism , nurturing and the language .

  28. 加勒比英语文学与本土语言意识

    Anglophone-Caribbean Literature and Native Language Consciousness

  29. 语言意识活动可以在两种语言相互转换的准确性和流利性之间架起一座桥梁。

    Language awareness activities can bridge the accurateness and smoothness in the transfer of two languages .

  30. 这篇论文探究了语言意识以及语言在上海城区的运用。

    The purpose of this study is to explore language ideology and usage in urban Shanghai .