
guāng yóu
  • gloss oil
光油[guāng yóu]
  1. 该易拉贴的手指接触部位(手触部)涂抹有去胶光油。

    Degumming gloss oil is applied on the finger touch part ( hand touch part ) of the easy-to-pull sticker .

  2. 紫外线光油:在紫外光照射下,即时乾燥的光油。

    UV varnish : Varnishes which dried immediately by exposure ultra-violet light .

  3. 预聚物和单体对水性UV光油性能的影响

    Effect of Pre-polymer and Monomer on Performance of Water-base UV Varnish

  4. 印制PVC墙纸用(甲基)丙烯酸酯乳液光油

    ( Methyl ) acrylate for Printing PVC Wallpaper

  5. 通过一系列实验研究,探讨了单体、预聚物以及相互比例对UV光油固化膜层柔韧性的影响。

    The effect of monomers and prepolymers on flexibility of UV curable varnish film is studied through a series of experimentals .

  6. 通过配方试验设计的方法,确定了混合预聚物及混合单体的最佳配比,优化了水性UV光油的最佳配方。

    Through the formulation experiment to make sure the proportions of mixed monomers and to optimize the formulation of water-base UV varnish .

  7. UV光油的成膜性质对包装印刷的质量影响很大,特别是UV光油固化膜层的柔韧性。

    The performance of UV curable varnish film has a great effect on the quality of package printing products , especially the flexibility .

  8. 一种新型水性聚氨酯光油的制备及其性能探讨

    Preparation and Properties of a Novel Polyurethane Dispersion with High Gloss

  9. 制革用水性聚氨酯顶涂消光光油的研究

    Study on Aqueous Polyurethane Top Matting Oil for Leather

  10. 合理控制薄膜材料和光油的表面张力,使两者结合牢固。

    The reasonable control of filmogen and gloss surface tension so that both firm .

  11. 三重交联型聚氨酯水性光油的研究

    Triple Crosslinking Polyurethane Top Oil in Aqueous Emulsion

  12. 光油:稀,透明涂剂。施加于印刷品上以增加光泽及作保护层。

    Varnish : Thin , transparent coating applied to printed work for gloss or protection .

  13. 固化:用化学方法使油墨或光油速变成固体。

    Curing : The rapid solidification of ink or varnish by means of chemical action .

  14. 红外分光油分析仪的设计与研究

    Design and research for infrared oil spectrometer

  15. 耐光性两性光油的研究

    Study on ampholytic glossy oil with light-fastness

  16. 你用完那种擦光油后,我们来试试这种新的吧。

    When you have used up the polish , let 's try this new kind .

  17. 水性光油的组成分析

    Analysis of water based varnishing oil

  18. 光油:偏向红及黄的颜色。亦称前进色。

    Warm colours : A colour on the red or yellow side . Also called Advancing colour .

  19. 用环氧改性丙烯酸树脂和丁醚化氨基树脂制备瓶盖用光油。

    The polishes for the bottle cover is prepared by the epoxy modified acrylate resin and butylated amino resin .

  20. 通过凸版组合轮转印刷机的凸版印刷、卷筒网印,利用印刷网点和光油、亚光油的结合,视觉效果分明,凸显质感。

    Through rotary letterpress and roller screen printing , make use of the combination of dot and varnish and matt varnish to strengthen the visual effect and its quality .

  21. 印刷水印在个性化印刷技术领域有着广泛的应用前景,水印光油实现水印效果已成为印刷水印研究的新热点。

    In the personalized printing technology field printing watermark has a wide range of applications , using watermark varnish to achieve watermark effect has become a new research hot spots .

  22. 热释光油气勘查理论认为,油气藏上方放射性异常区域的形成与油气运移有关。

    Based on the theory of hydrocarbon exploration by thermoluminescence ( TL ), it was considered that the formation of radioactivity abnormal areas over oil and gas pools was related to hydrocarbon migration .

  23. 水性罩光油具有环保、低成本、运输方便、产品质量稳定等优点,广泛应用于食品、药品、化妆品包装材料,是当前纸品罩光油领域研究的重点和发展方向。

    Water-based varnish is the current focus of research and development , because of its environmental friend , low-cost , easy transportation , product quality stable . The paper packaging of water-based varnish is widely used for food , pharmaceutical , cosmetic .

  24. 为消除传统工艺中三氯乙烯对环境的有害影响,研制出一种BH-7A快速滚光除油剂。

    In order to eliminate the detrimental effect of trichloroethylene used in traditional degreasing process , BH-7A fast barrel degreasing agent was developed .

  25. 地表热释光找油机理的探讨

    Research on mechanism of oil exploration using TL surface soil

  26. 滚光除油工艺在电镀业中应用广泛。

    Fast barrel degreasing process has been widely adopted for pretreatment in electroplating industry .

  27. 结论普通光镜油镜头检测尿红细胞形态操作简便,对鉴别血尿的来源和诊断有较大的临床实用价值。

    Conclusions : Examinating the morphology of urinary red cell by ordinary microscope is simple , it shows an important clinical value for disclosing the source of hematuria and diagnosis of the hematuria .

  28. 野生木本植物油&光皮树油制取生物柴油的研究

    Study on the production biodiesel utilizing cormus wilsoniana fruit Oil

  29. 光皮树油催化异构化反应产物结构分析

    Structure-analysis of Isomerized Products of Comus wilsoniana Fruit Oil

  30. 林光防腐木油选用天然原料精制而成,具有超强的渗透和附着力。

    Production of Lin Guang anticorrosive wood oil select natural material , it has strong percolating force and adhesive force .