
  • 网络the Illuminati
  1. 唯一知道这些的人就是光照派(Illuminati)的后代们,他们给出种种暗示以期能给他们的人带来生存的机会。

    The only people who know are the descendants of the Illuminati who have placed these hints in perfect clear view to give their people the chance for survival .

  2. 不幸的是因为粗心大意,在这方面就是因为光照派的傲慢。

    Unfortunately for the unwary , in this the Illuminati are masterful .

  3. 阿斯他家族是另一个有影响力的光照派家族。

    The Astor family is another influential Illuminati family .

  4. 对他们来说不幸的是,以色列人卝民正在认清他们被黑卝暗势力光照派所利卝用的这一事实。

    Unfortunately for them , the Israeli people are waking up to the fact they are being used by a criminal cabal .

  5. 来自光照派的行动在不断减少,这是由于他们的重臣们不断脱离他们而走向善这边。

    The activities of the Illuminati are decreasing as more and more of their minions move away from that path towards the good .

  6. 对于处理你们的问题我们有著完全的优势,一些来自于光照派政策的结果。

    We have the advantage of fully understanding the causes of your problems , and some are the result of the policies of the Illuminati .

  7. 而对于光照派,比较他们对于全球经济钢铁般的紧握姿态,只留下极微小机动性能了。

    As for the Illuminati , compared to their former iron grasp on the global economy , they have but an iota of maneuvering capability left .

  8. 据报道光照派前几步之一是要消灭梵蒂冈,目的是复仇,也为了教堂的支配力量。

    Reportedly one of the Illuminati 's first steps will be to eliminate the Vatican for purposes of revenge and because of the power wielded by the church .

  9. 最大的转变是达成全球和平的目标,而且移除光照派的权力与影响必须在我们的帮助下达成。

    The biggest change must fulfill the call for world peace , and removal of the Illuminati 's power and influence can only be established with our help .

  10. 对于石油和原子能的需求替换资源也在强力的挫败光照派,因为他们从这些资源中有利可图。

    Demands for alternative energy sources to oil and nuclear power are gaining strength much to the dismay of the Illuminati , who profit handsomely from those power sources .

  11. “请注意”中国的领导人是如何与西方世界达成认可的,并且他们在运用他们的力量去阻止光照派去企图把据点更远的拓展到东方世界。

    Notice how the Chinese leaders are making concessions to the West , and that they are using their power to prevent the Illuminati from making further footholds in the East .

  12. 在头顶上的我们家庭成员们和那些在你们中间不断进行接触的,所有人都在勤勉的服务你们,带来长期光照派控制的结束。

    Our family members overhead and those in your midst are in constant contact and all are diligently serving to help you bring to an end the long era of Illuminati control .