
  • 网络Aperture;aperture priority;A mode
  1. 自动曝光,光圈优先(A),快门优先(S),手动曝光(M)

    Programmed auto exposure , Aperture Priority Auto and Shutter Priority Auto , Manual exposure . ; AE lock .

  2. 如果你在使用自动模式、光圈优先模式或者快门优先模式,那么你已经选择了对相机曝光的大部分控制。

    If you are shooting in automatic ( P ), aperture priority ( A or Tv ) or Shutter priority ( S ) modes you have opted to give up most of the control over exposure to the camera .

  3. 光圈优先自动模式和正确设置快门速度指标点燃。

    Aperture Priority Auto Mode and properly set shutter speed indicator lit .

  4. 光圈优先式曝光量自动控制照相机他们持续生产出大量新型的照相机。

    Aperture-priority automatic exposure camera They keep rolling out these new types of camera .

  5. 转动模式盘至包围式曝光模式。光圈优先式曝光量自动控制照相机

    Turn the mode dial to select Auto bracketing mode . aperture-priority automatic exposure camera

  6. 即使在光圈优先或快门优先模式下,当你调整设定,相机会自动调整另一个设定。

    Even in aperture or shutter priority modes , if you attempt the change one setting , the camera will change the other settings to compensate .