
  1. 本文通过对一起接头盒中光纤涂覆层脱落的案例进行分析,提出了避免问题出现的方法和光缆接续时的注意事项。

    Through analysising a case of optical fiber coating peeling in joint closure , a method to avoid and Attentiveness when optical fiber splice are proposed .

  2. 其次,由于光纤光栅及其涂覆层材料的热光系数和热膨胀系数较小,导致光纤光栅的温度灵敏度也较小,如果用光纤光栅作为传感元件,所得到的温度分辨率不高。

    Also , because thermo-optical and thermal expansion coefficient of the fiber grating and coating material are small , the temperature sensitivity is quite low . Using fiber grating as sensor , the temperature resolution is not so high .