
  • 网络fiber core
  1. 同时,二氧化硅的光纤纤芯材料具有脆性,被用作传感时可能由于受到不均匀应力而损坏。

    Meanwhile , the fiber core materials are made of are fragile , when used in sensing applications may be damaged due to uneven stress , tension .

  2. 烧蚀主要发生在铜质连接头与石英光纤纤芯之间的粘合剂区域,并且部分烧蚀产物沉积在光纤端面上。

    The ablation mainly takes place in the binder region between metal connector and quartz fiber core , and a part of ablating products was deposited on the end face of optical fiber .

  3. 向塑料光纤纤芯材料纯PMMA中引入链转移剂正丁硫醇(nBM)以控制摩尔质量。

    Chain transfer agents ( n-BM ) was applied to pure PMMA , which was used as the core materials in polymer optical fiber ( POF ), to control the molecular weight of PMMA .

  4. 此外,通过优化光纤纤芯各层的掺杂原子浓度,在1530nm处光纤的氢损降到了0.01dB/km。

    Furthermore , the hydrogen induced attenuation at 1530 nm decreases to the value of less than 0.01 dB / km by optimizing the dopant concentration of different core layer .

  5. 多层单模光纤纤芯椭圆形变引起的双模色散

    Polarization Mode Dispersion in the Elliptical Core Single-Mode Fibers with Layered Structure

  6. 塑料光纤纤芯折射率分布的聚焦法测量

    Determination of the Refractive Index Profile of Plastic Optical Fiber by Focusing Method

  7. 探索了利用真空溅射技术在光纤纤芯上沉积纯铝腐蚀敏感膜的工艺。

    The technics of fabricating pure Al corrosion sensing film with vacuum sputter were groped .

  8. 空芯光子晶体光纤纤芯中的功率分数及其带隙特性

    Relation between Power Fraction in the Core of Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers and Their Bandgap Property

  9. 同时,模斑形状的不同决定了信息采集光纤纤芯形状的选择。

    Their two-dimensional ( 2D ) profile determines the choice of the core shape of the information pick-up fiber .

  10. 若光纤纤芯和包层参杂浓度沿传输方向变化,将导致布里渊频移发生变化,增益谱结构变化,最终影响受激布里渊阈值功率。

    If the dopant concentrations of core and cladding along the fiber length are varied , the Brillouin frequency shift and the Brillouin gain spectrum will change .

  11. 结合理论分析和实验验证,探讨了聚焦法测量塑料光纤纤芯的折射率分布的可行性。

    The possibility of applying the focusing method to measure the refractive index profile of polymer optical fibers is studied through combination of the theoretical analysis and experimental verification .

  12. 利用光波导中的模式耦合理论,考虑到经紫外光照射后光纤纤芯折射率的直流增量,推出了新的光纤光栅耦合模方程,得到了较简洁的耦合系数表达式。

    New coupled-mode equations as well as a concise representation of coupling constant are derived and obtained , via using the coupled-mode theory of optical guidance and considering the direct increase of fiber refractive index of fiber core after UV exposure .

  13. 应力型大模面积光子晶体光纤的纤芯设计

    Design on core parameters of stress-induced large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber

  14. 光子晶体光纤的纤芯等效半径分析

    Study of Equivalent Core Radius of Photonic Crystal Fibers

  15. 掺铒光纤的纤芯折射率

    Refractive Index Control in Fabrication of Erbium-Doped Fiber

  16. 双包层掺镱光纤的纤芯作为单模波导用于传输信号光,内包层设计为多模波导用于传输泵浦光。

    Fiber core of DCYDF is designed as signal waveguide , and inner-cladding is designed as pump waveguide .

  17. 该光纤的纤芯由常规石英组成,而其包层由一系列交替掺杂的石英组成。

    The core of this Bragg fiber is composed of conventional silica , and the cladding is formed by a set of alternating layers of up-doped and un-doped silica .

  18. 振幅掩膜紫外写入的长周期光纤光栅的纤芯折射率分布函数为矩形波。

    The refractive index distribution function of long period fiber grating ( LPG ), which is ultraviolet written by amplitude mask , is a rectangular wave in the core region .

  19. 与普通单模光纤相比,小纤芯PCF具有非线性效应强、布里渊增益大的特点,适合作为布里渊光纤激光器的增益介质。

    Compared with common single mode fiber , the small core PCF has higher non-linear coefficient and larger Brillouin gain , and is suitable for the gain medium of Brillouin fiber laser .

  20. 用WKBJ方法推导了2个积分,分别用以计算两部分不能被双包层光纤(DCF)纤芯吸收的模式数量;

    Then two integrals have been derived by using WKBJ method to calculate the number of two different parts of modes which are not absorbed by the core of double-clad fiber ( DCF ) .

  21. 理论计算了双包层掺杂光纤特性参数(纤芯的稀土掺杂浓度、限制因子、吸收截面和发射截面)。

    Double cladding fiber characteristic parameters ( doped rare-earth concentration in core , confinement factor , absorption cross and emission cross ) are calculated theoretically . In the paper , the configuration of double cladding fiber amplifier is designed .

  22. 长周期光纤光栅是在光纤纤芯中沿轴向形成折射率周期性调制的带阻型光纤器件。

    A long period fiber grating ( LPFG ) is a band rejection fiber device with periodical retractive index modulation formed along the axis of the fiber core .

  23. 光纤光栅是沿光纤轴向在纤芯内形成周期性折射率调制分布的一种新型光纤无源器件。

    Fiber grating is a new type passive optical component with the refractive index modulated along the fiber length .

  24. 研究了基于掺铒光纤的长周期光纤光栅的纤芯基模、包层模式的有效折射率随波长的变化关系,及两者之间耦合后的透射谱线。

    Dependences of effective indices for fundamental core mode and cladding mode on the wavelength , and the transmittance spectra after coupling are studied .

  25. 导出在光纤扰模情况下,光纤纤芯-包层-气体介质的能量关系,研制了光纤扰模气体传感器,并进行了光纤气体传感实验研究。

    The energy exchange relations between fiber optic core cladding and surrounding medium are discussed in different disturb mode , the gas fiber optic sensor was developed .

  26. 与传统的光纤不同,双包层光纤在纤芯外面增加了一个内包层。

    Different from general fiber , double clad fiber has an inner clad at the outside of fiber core .

  27. 光子晶体光纤的无截止单模特性使得光纤纤芯尺寸增加的同时保持单模,从而有效地降低了光纤的非线性,非常适合于高能量超短激光脉冲的传输。

    The photonic crystal fiber can scale up the mode area while keeping a single guided mode due to the endless single mode property , which effectively scale down the fiber nonlinearity , and is ideal for high power laser pulse propagation .

  28. 通过将完善的传统光纤理论拓展至微结构光纤,定义了纤芯区域中模式功率分数。

    The fraction of modal power in the core region is defined with the help of extending the applicability of well-established classical optical fiber theories to MFs .

  29. 首先,将光纤光栅传感器简化为由保护层包裹着中心的光纤纤芯轴对称结构;

    Firstly , the fibre grating sensor is simplified as a symmetric structure with the fibre core covered by the coating layer ;

  30. 讨论了长周期光纤光栅弯曲时引起的波导弯曲、光纤截面变形和纤芯折射率分布改变等对其透射特性的影响。

    The effect of optical loss in bent waveguide , change of fiber transverse section and index distribute on transmission of bent long-period fiber grating ( LPFG ) are discussed in this paper .