
  • 网络optical network;optical networking;ASON;FTTH;EPON
  1. 智能光网通过引入基于IP的控制平面技术,使SLA在未来智能光网中应用和实践成为可能。

    Through the introduction of control plane technology based on IP , ASON makes it possible for SLA to be applied in future ASON .

  2. E-NNIRSVP-TE信令协议是自动交换光网(ASON)网络控制平面协议栈的重要组成部分。

    E-NNI RSVP-TE is a major part of control plane protocol stack in ASON network .

  3. 光网监测系统的GIS模块实现技术

    Realization on GIS module of optical fiber network monitoring system

  4. IPoverWDM光网分层体系结构

    On layered architecture of IP over WDM optical networks

  5. IPoverWDM光网的统一控制面研究

    Research on Unified Control Plane for IP over WDM

  6. 介绍了传统的IPoverWDM光网实现方案,指出各种方案的优缺点。

    Classical implementation schemes of IP over WDM optical networks are presented and their advantages and disadvantages indicated .

  7. 考虑功率限制的WDM光网有效设计

    Efficient Design of WDM Networks with Power Constraints

  8. 多约束条件下WDM光网中多播选路和波长分配算法

    An Algorithm of Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Multiple Constraints in WDM Optical Networks

  9. 关于WDM光网的一些探讨

    Some Discussions on WDM Optical Network

  10. WDM光网中的功率管理

    Power Management in WDM Optical Networks

  11. 在对电信网管理和互联网控制进行对比的基础上,提出了将管理平面技术和控制平面技术相结合来实现IP和光网的融合,并对此进行了分析。

    This article compares the Telecom-style management and Internet-style management , propose integrate the control and management to realize Optical Internet , and analysis the approaches .

  12. 讨论了WDM光网中,在动态业务流量和有限范围波长变换情况下的动态路由和波长分配问题。

    Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment in the WDM networks with both dynamic service traffic and limited-range wavelength conversion have been discussed .

  13. 智能光网中的MSTP

    MSTP in Smart Optical Network

  14. 理论分析与实验研究了双波长法解调光纤F-P传感器的基本原理,证明了双波长双通道解调法可以补偿传感器光网中和波长无关的变动引起的误差。

    It is proved that the method can eliminate errors resulting from wavelength-independent variations in the fiber interconnect to the sensor .

  15. 本文介绍全业务网(FSAN)的新进展。论述Ethernet无源光网(EPON)的优越性。

    This article tries to discuss the new development in full service access network and the advantages of Ethernet passive optical network .

  16. 以太无源光网的DBA算法应当高效、公平,并保证服务质量。

    In Ethernet passive optical networks , a good dynamic bandwidth allocation ( DBA ) scheme is expected to support quality-of-service and be efficient and fair .

  17. DWDM光网络的每个节点又包含着大量的光电子器件和各种功能模块,光学滤波器是DWDM光网中一类重要的光子器件。

    In Each main node in the DWDM network involves a lot of optoelectronic components and various function modules . Optical filter represents a big class of key photonic components .

  18. 实验证明,基于共享的分布式恢复机制能大大提高网络的资源利用率,有效地缩短恢复时间,满足了IP与光网相互融合的需要,可用于实现自动交换光网络的分布式恢复。

    It is proved by experimentation that the shared mechanism can increase greatly the resource utility , and decrease efficiently the restoration time . The mechanism meet the request of the convergence of IP and optical network , could be applied to the ASON for efficient restoration .

  19. 视频会议、内容分发、互动媒体等组播应用对QoS有严格要求,光网络组播可以保证QoS,因此适用于电视频道传送,电视频道传送是自动交换光网的一个重要增值应用。

    Multi-cast applications such as video conference , content distribution and interactive multi-media have stringent QoS requirements , and since optical multi-cast can ensure QoS , it is suitable for television channel transport . Television channel transport is an important profitable application of ASON .

  20. 提出了一种基于禁忌搜索技术的启发式算法&有效波长与路由分配(RWATSP)来解决考虑功率限制的WDM光网的优化设计。

    A heuristic algorithm based on fabu search technology , routing and wavelength assignment ( RWA ) - TS-P , which developed from the local search greedy algorithm RWA-greedy , was proposed to solve the optimal design for WDM networks .

  21. 根据光传送网的特点以及可能的业务种类,定义了一组基本的光传送QoS参数,并讨论了光网QoS参数到网络性能参数的映射问题。

    According to the characteristic of optical transport network and the possible types of operation , the paper defines a set of QoS parameters about optical transfer network , and dis-cusses the issue of maping from QoS parameters of optical network to network performance parameters .

  22. 简述了自动交换光网/自动交换传送网(ASON/ASTN)的特点及结构,对ASTN建模策略进行了分析。

    The characteristics , structure and model strategy for ASON / ASTN ( automatic switched optical network / automatic switched transport network ) are analyzed .

  23. 宽带IP网络的发展趋势是端到端的以太网,采用波长路由器和DWDM系统构成智能光网核心网(采用以太网帧传输),由设置在边缘的以太网路由器构成宽带城域网,接入网采用以太网结构。

    The development trend for broad-band IP network is end - to - end Ethernet . Wavelength router and DWDM system are adopted to form the core network of optical intelligent network ( transmitted in Ethernet frames ) . Edge-located Ethernet routers form the broad-band WAN .

  24. EPON(以太无源光网)作为一种新的接入技术,利用VLAN(虚拟局域网)可以满足用户对多种业务的需求,同时也可优化网络性能和满足同一EPON系统多运营商接入的需求。

    As a new access technology , EPON ( Ethernet Passive Optical Network ), not only meets multi-service requirement from subscribers via VLAN ( Virtual Local Area Network ), but optimizes network performance and multi-carrier access requirement at the same time .

  25. 提出了智能光网中的备份路径的本地恢复、全局恢复和更为合理的两阶段恢复方案,并在GMPLs控制平面内设计了若干信令协议用于实现备份路径的建立与故障通知和恢复过程。

    In this paper , we propose local , global and two-stage restoration schemes for backup paths in intelligent optical networks . Several procedures are developed to setup , notify and restore backup paths in the GMPLS control plane .

  26. 在波长路由光网(WRON)中,波长转换对提高网络性能、减少阻塞率起着重要的作用。

    In a wavelength routing optical networks ( WRON ), wavelength converters can greatly enhance the fiber utilization and reduce the overall call blocking probability of the networks .

  27. 为了规范、设计、仿真和优化全光通信网,开发一套功能强大的光网用计算机辅助设计软件(OCAD)是十分必要的。

    For specification , design , simulation and optimization of all optical communicationnetworks , it is essential to develop a prototype of powerful OCAD ( optical computer aided design ) software tool .

  28. 中国电信则表示,将会实现千兆光网城市布局新区,即下游带宽可达到1G。此外,中国电信还计划建设安全可靠的基础设施,确保雄安可以比其他地区相对较早地实现对信息和通讯技术的充分利用。

    China Telecom also said it would establish gigabit network access in the special economic zone , meaning the downstream bandwidth can achieve 1G . It also plans to provide reliable infrastructure to enable the city take full advantage of information and communication technology earlier than other regions .

  29. 基于最小化波长需求的波长路由光网的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Wavelength-routed Optical Network Based on Minimizing Wavelength Requirement

  30. 基于波分复用的智能光网节点管理模型

    Node Management Model for Intelligent Optical Networks Based on WDM Technology