
  1. 配线网用标准的24芯带纤的分析

    Analysis of a modular 24-fiber ribbon for the distribution network

  2. 这种光缆的主要特点在于容易从跨度中间接入,有利于降低分散用户的配线网建设成本。

    The novelty of this cable lies in its easy mid-span access that allows the cost reduction of distribution networks for scattered customers .

  3. 那辆保时捷早已不在,但丰田章男喜欢秀他的保时捷圆珠笔,笔身包裹着一层用于保护汽车引擎盖下配线的钢网。

    The Porsche is long gone , but Mr. Toyoda likes to show off his Porsche ballpoint pen clad in the steel mesh used to protect wiring under the hood .