
  • 网络Coordination Titration;Complexometric titration;complex formation titration;compleximetry
  1. 配位滴定法测定加重中药饮片硫酸镁的含量加热炮制对中药饮片黄曲霉毒素B1含量的影响

    Determination of magnesium sulfate in adulterated with magnesium sulfate Chinese herb pieces by complexometric titration Effects of heating processing method on AFB1 content in TCM cut crude drug

  2. 将多元线性回归计算法应用于pH配位滴定法中,同时测定了其EDTA络合物稳定常数相近的金属离子浓度,讨论了方法原理、回归方程及最佳实验条件。

    This article applies the method of multiple linear regression to pH complexometric titration . It determines metallic ions concentration simultaneously which is very similar to stable constant of EDTA complex compound . The article discusses the method principle , regression equation and optimum experimental condition .

  3. pH配位滴定法同时测定铜和锌

    Simultaneous Determination of Copper (ⅱ) and Zinc (ⅱ) by pH Complex Titration

  4. 关于配位滴定中溶液酸度的影响和pH值的控制

    Effect of Solution Acidity and Control of pH Value in Coordination Titration

  5. 多元线性回归pH配位滴定法同时测定钙和镁

    Chelatometric pH titration of calcium and magnesium by the multiple linear regression method

  6. 介绍Cr(Ⅲ)配合物的惰性在配位滴定的掩蔽、萃取、分离和测定中的应用。

    The uses of the inertance of Cr (ⅲ) complex in the blanket , extraction , separation , and determination of the coordination titrimetric analysis were described .

  7. 5-Br-PADAP作为配位滴定铅指示剂的研究

    Studies on 5-Br-PADAP as metallochromic indicator for Complexometric Titration of lead

  8. 前言:目的:采用EDTA配位滴定法准确快速测硫酸钡纯度并与常用的铬酸钡容量法进行对照。

    Objective : To dopt EDTA complexometry veraciously quickly measure barium sulfate purity and in contrast to barium chromate volumetric procedure .

  9. 方法:应用分析化学原理对掺假物进行定性分析,用EDTA配位滴定法对掺假物进行定量分析;

    Method : Making quantity analysis to adulteration by applying the principle of analytical chemistry , while quality analysis could be done by EDTA coordination titration .

  10. 采用分光光度法测量镀锌添加剂中EDTA的含量,并与配位滴定法测得的同种样品中EDTA的含量接近。

    Spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of EDTA in additives for Zn plating , and the test result with this method is similar to that with complex titration .

  11. 5-Br-PAN-S作指示剂配位滴定耐火材料原料中三氧化二铝

    Use of 5-Br-PAN-S as metallochromic indicator in chelatometric titration of alumina in refractories

  12. 在配位滴定中,常用标准的EDTA溶液滴定金属离子,达到测定试样中金属含量的目的,因而在实际中有广泛的应用。

    In complex formation , the metal ion is usually titrated with the standardized EDTA Solution in order to determine the metal content of sample . Therefore , it is widespreadly applied in practice .

  13. 确定了铬黑T(EBT)乳化剂OP苦味酸体系作为配位滴定钙镁含量的指示剂:钙指示剂(NN)乳化剂OP苦味体系作为配位滴定的指示剂。

    Chromium black T ( EBT ) - emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of the calcium and magnesium contents and calcium indicator ( NN ) & emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of titration are determined .

  14. 配位滴定法同时测定金属离子浓度的研究

    The study of multicomponent determination of metal ions in compler titration

  15. 掩蔽和解蔽在配位滴定中的作用及其应用

    The function and application of covering and relieving in coordination titration

  16. 配位滴定法连续测定铁铝钛的研究及应用

    Study on Measuring Continuously Iron , Aluminium , Titanium with Coordination Titration

  17. 配位滴定指示剂的变色点与终点误差

    Colour-shift point of indicator and titration error for complexation titration

  18. 配位滴定法连续测定铜和锌的新指示剂

    A new indicator used in successive chelatometric titration of copper and zinc

  19. 中心教学法在配位滴定教学中的应用

    Application of Center Teaching Method in Coordination Titration Teaching

  20. 恒电位氟-铝配位滴定法测定铝的研究

    Study on aluminium determination with aluminium-fluoride complex formation by titration under constant potential

  21. 就配位滴定钙、镁的指示剂问题进行了探讨。

    Calcium and magnesium indicators in titration is discussed .

  22. 锌、稀土元素的同时配位滴定法测定锌的含量

    Measurement of zinc content by using simultaneous coordinate titration of zinc and rare-earth element

  23. 目的用配位滴定法测定不同来源水的硬度。

    ObjectiveThe different source of the water hardness were measured by the coordination titration .

  24. 通过林邦公式推导酸碱滴定和配位滴定的滴定条件。

    This article deduces the titration conditions of acid-base and coordination by the Ringbom formula .

  25. 配位滴定曲线的计算

    The Calculation of Coordination Titration Curve

  26. 实习型药用基础化学实验教学方案的设计&5-Br-PAN-S作为配位滴定指示剂的研究

    Design to Teach Pharmaceutical Basic Chemistry Experiment of Practice Nature & Study on 5-Br-PAN-S as an Indicator of Complexometric Titration

  27. 本文提出了测定钛白粉和金红石中二氧化钛的简易置换配位滴定法。

    In the paper , a simple and fast selective chelatometry of titanium dioxide in titania and rutile is presented .

  28. 高镁低钙样品中钙镁的直接配位滴定研究

    Studies on Direct Complex Formation Titration of Calcium and Magnesium in The Specimens of Higher Mg and Lower Ca Contents

  29. 本文将氧化还原滴定与配位滴定相结合,对铬、锆、铝多金属鞣剂中铬、锆、铝含量的连续测定进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the measurement of the content of Zinc simultaneously by complex formation titration of Zinc and spare soil .

  30. 方法:分别采用配位滴定法、氮测定法测定乙酰谷酰胺锌中锌、乙酰谷酰胺的含量。

    METHODS : Coordination titra_ tion and nitrogen method were employed to determine the content of zinc and aceglutamide in aceglutamide zinc .