
  1. 《通用汉语著者号码表》自动配号系统评介

    An Evaluation of an Automatic Numbering System for Chinese General Author Table

  2. 论实施矿业权统一配号意义及政策建议

    On the Importance of the enforcement of assignment of uniformed number of mining rights and policy suggestions

  3. 四段配号相加即为该帐户的总配号数。

    The total matched numbers under such account shall be the accumulation of the numbers in the said four sections .

  4. 研究了系统体系结构、数据模型、数据远程访问、配号及配线算法。

    The system architecture , data model , telematic method , allocation method and algorithm of telephone numbers and lines are given out and discussed .

  5. 上市开放式基金的募集沿用新股上网定价模式,但无配号及中签环节。

    The raising of lofs follows the model of online pricing of new shares , but without the steps of matching number and winning lot .

  6. 同一帐户多次申购的,将多次申购的数量全部累加后,对同一帐户的申购进行连续配号。

    In case there are repeated subscriptions under the same account , the subscriptions under the same account shall be consecutively matched with numbers after accumulating the repeated subscriptions .