
  • 网络China and the World
  1. 北京是对中国和世界都有巨大影响力的城。

    Beijing has a great influence on China and the world .

  2. 这些政策对于中国和世界是否要紧?

    Do these policies matter for China and the world ?

  3. 丝绸之路对中国和世界都很重要。

    The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world .

  4. 将中国和世界各地连在一起的系统正是由HP9000服务器和工作站驱动的。

    This key connection between China and the rest of the world is powered by HP 9000 servers and workstations .

  5. 对中国和世界上这三条界线的研究表明,它们具有下列相似特征:许多生物门类大量绝灭、铂族元素的正异常、稳定同位素(δ~(13)C)的突然变化等。

    Studies of these boundaries in China and over the world strongly suggest that they have similar features : mass extinction of many taxa of lifeforms , positive anomalies of platinum group metals , and abrupt changes of stable isotopes (δ ~ ( 13 ) C ), etc.

  6. 通过中国和世界银行WDI多国数据的实证分析表明,较高的人力资本水平对于协调外商直接投资、经济增长、环境污染具有重要作用。

    Human capital plays an important role on the coordination of foreign direct investment , economic growth , and environmental pollution .

  7. 威嘉国际律师事务所(WeilGotshal&Manges)产品责任案件负责人阿文•马斯金(ArvinMaskin)表示:与中国和世界其它各国做生意的公司可能必须采取额外措施来保护自己。

    Companies that do business with China and other countries round the world may have to take additional steps to protect themselves , says Arvin Maskin , head of the product liability practice at the law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges .

  8. 它在中国和世界诗坛上都占有重要的地位。

    It holds a significant position in Chinese and world poetry .

  9. 全球贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响

    The Impacts of Global Trade Liberalization on China and World Economy

  10. 这在中国和世界上都是少见的。

    This is rare both in China and the world .

  11. 对于中国和世界而言,经济刺激计划有所帮助。

    The stimulus programme is helpful , for China and the world .

  12. 中国和世界水泥工业现状与发展趋势

    Present situation and Development Trend of Cement Industry in China and the World

  13. 那么,这30年为中国和世界带来了什么?

    What have those 30 years brought to China and to the world ?

  14. 对中国和世界来说,这将是个重大决定。

    It will be a momentous decision , for China and the world .

  15. 2003年,一种新的疾病让中国和世界震惊,抓牢了他们的注意力。

    In2003 , a new disease caught China and the world by surprise .

  16. 我跟他一样关注中国和世界的政治经济问题。

    I share his concern with China and the world political and economic issues .

  17. 它被称作“中国和世界的零和游戏”。

    It has been framed as a zero-sum game between China and the world .

  18. 发展与变化中的中国和世界

    China & the World in Development and Changes

  19. 他说这对中国和世界都有好处。

    ' He called that'good for China and good for the rest of the world .

  20. 主要从事贸易服务,致力于中国和世界的联系。

    Mainly engaged in trade in services , is committed to China and the world .

  21. 中国和世界一切爱好和平的人们应早作打算,积极应对。

    The peace-loving people of China and the world should prepare early and answer actively .

  22. 中国和世界在经济全球化进程中已经形成利益交融的局面。

    Economic globalization has brought the interests of China and those of the world closely together .

  23. 第三,以当代中国和世界其他国家发展的实际为现实依据。

    Third , it bases on the reality of development of contemporary China and other countries .

  24. 在中国和世界各地华夏子孙的心中,春节永远是最重要的节日。

    For Chinese at home and abroad , the Spring Festival is always the most important festival .

  25. 近十年中国和世界田径运动发展状况的比较研究

    Comparative analysis of development situation of world and China track and field spots in recent ten years

  26. 中国和世界交通医学研究的作者合作度偏低,均低于医学类平均4.49的水平。

    The collaborating degree of China and world was lower than 4.49 , average for medical research .

  27. 它可以有重要的后果,工人在中国和世界其余地区。

    It could have important consequences for workers in China and in the rest of the world .

  28. 这无论从道德上还是从经济上都让中国和世界其他国家受益匪浅。

    This is a moral and economic good for China and for the rest of the world .

  29. 中国和世界卫生组织发起了一项抗击全球卫生威胁的行动。

    China and the World Health Organization have launched an initiative to fight against global health threats .

  30. 那么,为什么好声音会在中国和世界上舞台上如此受欢迎呢?

    So why is the Voice franchise winning such huge popularity in China and around the globe ?