
  • 网络Classification number;classification code
  1. 综合性科技学术期刊目次表标注中图分类号的实践与思考

    Practice and thoughts on putting Chinese book classification code to the contents list of comprehensive scientific periodicals

  2. 排架分类号和目录分类号的区分之探

    On the Differences Between Shelf Classification Number and Catalogue Classification Number

  3. F·W·兰开斯特等人于1991年提出了篇名与分类号更多的是与著作固有的主题发生重合,而不是提供更深层次的检索点。

    In 1991 , F. W. Lancaster and other people analyzed some characteristics of title , class number and subject searches .

  4. 面对海量的专利数据库,为了尽快找到所需要的专利信息,每一件专利都会按照其技术内容分配相应的国际专利分类号(IPC)。

    In the mass of the patent database , in order to find the required patent information , each of patents will be allocated in international patent number ( IPC ) .

  5. 第三、在第五章第一节,本文提出了有关中国公立医院行为的理论模中图分类号:FOS,F12主题词:非营利性医院;营利性医院;

    Third , in the first section of chapter 5 , this paper builds a theoretical model to explain the hospital 's behavior in China .

  6. 图书分类号的读音应统一规范

    Pronunciation of Books ' Classified Numbers Should be Unified and Standardized

  7. 中图分类号不宜用做科技论文的分类标志

    Chinese Book Classification Number is not suitable for scientific papers

  8. 二叉分类号&二叉树在图书分类法中的应用

    Binary Class Number & an Application of the Binary Tree in the Book Classification

  9. 图书在版编目数据中分类号的错误分析

    Analysis on Errors of the Classification Number in CIP ( Cataloguing in Publication ) Data

  10. 医学科研论文中图分类号标引的探讨

    Indexing of CLC number in medical papers

  11. 如何在医学科研论文中正确标注中图分类号及文献标识码

    How to Correctly Assign Category Number of Chinese Classification and Code in Medical Research Papers

  12. 为读者提供科技论文《中图法》分类号咨询服务的探讨

    Discussion on providing the classification number of Chinese Library Classification for the authors ' articles

  13. 专利分类号单项服务

    Individual request for patent classification

  14. 不同中图分类号论文的回归模型表明,文摘字数随论文篇幅的变化率为0.021~0.044;

    Regression model showed that the variation of abstract word number was 0.021 ~ 0.044 with thesis length .

  15. 中医基本理论体系的重建与科学技术医学科研论文中图分类号标引的探讨

    Reconstruction Basic System of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Science and Technology ; Indexing of CLC number in medical papers

  16. 以国际专利分类号成长曲线的生命周期,技术皆都处于成熟初期。

    Applications of medical , security and disaster in growth curve of IPCs all are on technology maturity stage .

  17. 《图书馆建设》论文关键词及分类号的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of the Key Words and Classification Numbers of Papers Published in the Journal of " Library Construction "

  18. 另一研究结果指出,罗吉斯成长模型所建构出之应用领域成长曲线与关键国际专利分类号成长曲线,两者间有些微落差。

    And this study finds out that there is a gap between growth curve of application and growth curve of IPCs .

  19. 分类号+地区号+种次号期刊排架法与其它期刊排架法比较探析

    Probe into the Comparison Among Classified Number + District Number + Type Number Periodical Shelf Arrangement and the Other Periodical Shelf Arrangement

  20. 通过分类号检索,对近年来出现的一些接触式和非接触式板形检测仪的专利情况作了简介。

    According to the classifying number some patents concerning the contact and non  ̄ contact types of strip flatness measuring apparatus used in steel rolling process in recent years were introduced .

  21. 知识库实际上是一个基于《中图法》的专家知识系统,包括了中图法库、汉表库、分类号&主题词对应库、同义词库、关键词库、停用词库和特例词库等若干数据库。

    In fact , the knowledge database is an experiential specialist system , which includes library classification , thesaurus , concordance of class number with descriptor , synonymous dictionary , keywords lists , stop-words lists , etc.

  22. 着重介绍了各网站标准数据库系统,以实例说明由分类号、关键词、标准号等途径检索与表面处理技术相关的各国国家标准和国际标准的方法。

    Searchable databases of standards in these websites were emphatically described . Methods for searching international and national standards about surface treatment technologies by document number , keyword , standards classification et al were explained with examples .

  23. 设计了合理的编目流程,强调必须保存编目分类号,并且依据分类号按级分解形成的路径字符串,各级分类隶属关系信息(包括分类号与分类名)。

    It is stressed that the classification number and the subordinate information ( including the classification number and class name ) at each grade should be reserved , and the path character string should be formed at grades based on the classification number .

  24. 谈网络环境下以分类出版号为索书号&利用图书固有信息组成索书号的思考

    Discussions on Taking " Classified Publication Number " as the Call Number under the Network Environment & Thought on the Call Number Composed by the Information of Books

  25. 谈分类目录号与分类排架号的分离&两号分离方法探讨号分类学是一个标识符分类法。

    On the Isolation of the Classified Catalogue Marks and Classified Shelf Marks & Research on the Isolation of the two Marks ; Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy .

  26. 从读者检索需要及开架借阅的实际出发,提出了分类目录号与分类排架号的设计方案,以及实施两号分离的具体操作方法。

    It has not only put forward a plan to isolate the two marks according to the reader 's retrieval need and the open-shelf reality , but also expounded the detailed ways to isolate the two marks .

  27. 中国标准书号由国际标准书号和图书分类&种次号两部分构成。

    China standard book number consists of two parts : international standard book number and book catalogue number-serial number .

  28. 《中国图书馆分类法》分类号是一种只具有线性结构的分类号,不能准确解决跨学科的分类问题;

    The traditional class numbers of Chinese Library Classification has just a linear structure . It can 't solve the problems of cross-subject classification precisely .

  29. 本文提出了一种基于分类的调度模型,用分类号来表征资源的计算力特征;

    In this paper a classifying-based grid scheduling model ( GSM-C ) is presented .

  30. 由于目前存在多种标题表、叙词表、分类表和网络分类法,同一主题概念在不同网站和系统之中采用不同的主题词或分类号表达,网络信息检索变得十分困难。

    It is very difficult to retrieve network information nowadays because there are various subject headings , thesaurus , classifications and taxonomies and the same concept is usually expressed using different subject terms or class number among different websites and systems .