
  1. 分析了存在距离-速度同步拖引干扰时的信号频谱特征,研究了一种脉冲多普勒(PD)雷达抗距离-速度同步拖引干扰的方法。

    The spectrum characteristics of synchronous jamming on range and velocity are analyzed . A method for a PD radar to counter the jamming is also discussed .

  2. 当剧团把宏达首席执行官周永明(peterchou)引上台时,他看上去略显尴尬一名工程师站在一群舞蹈演员中间。

    When the troupe led chief executive Peter Chou on to the stage , he looked slightly awkward an engineer among dancers .

  3. 冰冻射击引入的目的是为了减少每次引怪时布设陷阱的时间进行了改革因为它对新玩家的亲和度不够。

    Freezing shot was introduced to make pulls faster without having to deploy your traps on the ground each time .

  4. 利用流体引纬时,织机的入纬率与苏尔寿片梭织机相近,但这种引纬方法在织物幅宽上受到限制。

    The technique of inserting weft in a fluid jet achieves weft-insertion rated comparable with those achieved by the Sulzer weaving machine , but there are width limitations .

  5. 可是,当“战友们”把“敌人”引过来时,我还在一心一意地趴在地上“清理积雪”,于是我被“敌人”砸成了雪人。

    However , when the " comrades " to " enemy " over primer , I also wholeheartedly to lie on the floor " clean-up of snow ", so I was the " enemy " has become a snowman smashing .

  6. 本文主要介绍了劲性旋喷桩抗弯、抗剪强度计算分析,H型钢引拔回收时粘结力的计算以及减磨剂的选择等试验内容。

    In this paper , it were briefly studied about the calculation and analysis of bending strength and shear strength of strengthened rotating jet grouting pile , calculation of friction force in draw-reclaiming , and the test on choosing of antifriction agent .

  7. 模拟结果表明,当采用工作喷管直径(dp1)为190mm的引射器时,由乏气送粉所导致的系统阻力变化不大。

    The results showed that when the working nozzle diameter ( dp1 ) was 190 mm , the change of system resistance caused by the exhaust air feeding system is little .

  8. 根据多年的实验资料,建议实际引雷试验时,以500m高度上的电场为参考来决定火箭的发射时刻,北方雷暴大于50kV/m,南方雷暴大于25kV/m。

    For the artificially triggering lightning experiment , it is suggested that the rocket lunching instant could be determined by referring the electric field at 500m above the ground , which is greater than 50kV / m in northern China and 25kV / m in southern China .

  9. 看戏中,每当演员说到引人发笑时,他总是用胳膊肘来碰碰我。

    Throughout the play he kept digging me in the ribs whenever anyone said anything remotely funny .

  10. 当大家吵闹喧嚷,为了引人瞩目时,你无可奈何,反而留意到安静一隅。

    When everyone is clamoring for attention , you can 't help but notice the quiet and the calm .

  11. 当激光功率超过产生自导引阈值功率时,激光束斑沿着传输光轴方向振荡。

    For laser power exceeding the dritical power of self-guiding , self-guiding occurs and laser beam oscillates along the propagation direction .

  12. 长丝的直径还与导丝盘从喷丝头孔引离长丝时的速度有关。

    The size of the filament is also controlled by varying the rate at which the filaments are pulled away from the hole by the godet wheel .

  13. 不掺引气剂时,水灰比越低,混凝土传热时间越短,最大温度应力越小。

    The lower W / C ratio , the shorter heat deliver time , the lower temperature stress when there is no any air entraining agent in concrete .

  14. 因此在上引连铸铜坯时,控制残余P含量是改善连铸坯力学性能和塑性加工性能的主要工艺措施。

    So , proper P addition can better deoxidize the Cu materials and improve mechanical properties and machining performance .

  15. GCL1与保水剂HEC、引气剂复配时,改善了水泥净浆的保水性能,提高了硬化水泥的早期及后期抗压强度。

    When GCL1 combined with water retaining admixture HEC and air entraining agent , it will further improve the water retaining performance and increase the early stage and long term compressive strength .

  16. 设计意图:根据中秋节这一主线,创设情境,引出现在完成时。

    Greeting students and say two sentences about Mid-autumn using the Present Perfect Tense .

  17. 自吸泵,自引泵(启动时不用灌水)自吸过滤式呼吸器对人体主观舒适度的影响

    Self priming pump Influence on subjective well-being of human body By wearing non-powered air-purifying respirator

  18. 表明在引射火箭设计时,应结合引射火箭的结构和流动参数对二次喷管出口面积进行优化设计,以达到最佳推力性能。

    The conclusion that the optimal secondary nozzle exit area generating the maximum thrust agrees well with the numerical simulation , indicating that the exit area of secondary nozzle should be optimized according to structure and flow parameters during design .

  19. 从这些试验曲线出发,提出在设计燃气轮机排气引射通风冷却时,几何参势选取原则及其最佳值的范围。

    Based on the test curves obtained , the authors offer a basis or guiding principle for selecting proper geometric parameters and a range of their optimum values during the design of air ventilation cooling by use of turbine exhaust gas ejection .

  20. 当采用引射器来抽引冷却空气时,必须注意减少推力损失。

    When ejectors are used for pumping this air , attention must be given to minimizing thrust losses .

  21. 应用含组分守恒方程的质量平均Navierstokes方程和BL代数湍流模型,数值模拟了后台阶构型燃烧室在采用台阶上游支板引射和壁面垂直引射燃料时的内部流场。

    The internal flow fields of supersonic combustion ramjet ( scramjet ) combustion chamber with strut or normal wall injectors are simulated numerically by using the Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model .

  22. 多孔喷管引射器引射系数达到最大值时,混合室长度要比参考引射器对应该引射系数时的混合室长度小得多。

    The mixing length ratio of the optimal multihole nozzle ejector is much shorter than that of the reference one if their entrainment coefficients are the same .