
yǐn wén
  • a citation;quotation;cite;quoted passage
引文 [yǐn wén]
  • [quoted passage; quotation] 从别的文章中摘录的句子。也叫引语

引文[yǐn wén]
  1. 文章采用文献计量学、引文分析法等基本理论和方法,将《学报》1991~2000年这10年间所发表论文中的参考文献进行统计、分析和研究。

    The basic theories and methods of literature metrology and quoted passage analysis have been employed th count , analyse and study the reference literature of the theses published from 1991 to 2000 in the Journal of Chongqing Normal University ( JCNU ) .

  2. ISI引文索引是世界最著名的检索工具,得到世界用户的广泛关注,许多著名大学、机构乃至许多国家都把它作为一种战略性投资。

    ISI quoted passage index is the most famous search tool of the world , get the extensive concern , a lot of famous universities and organization , and even a lot of countries regard it as one kink strategy investment .

  3. 比赛的要求是把引文和它的作者配在一起。

    The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it .

  4. 第二段引文出自D.H.劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。

    The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties .

  5. 这段引文是从报上抄录来的。

    This quotation is taken from a newspaper article .

  6. 此处引文从略。

    The quotation is omitted here .

  7. 这条引文出自哪本书?

    Which book does this quotation come from ?

  8. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义

    Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean .

  9. 情报学核心期刊Web引文的作者分析

    An analysis of authors of web citations from the core information science periodicals

  10. 2000年《Science》载文、作者和引文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Articles ? Authors and Quotation in the 《 Science 》 of 2000

  11. Web引文可引证性的分析

    Rationality of Web Citation

  12. 从《PlantPhysiology》的引文分析看植物生理学国外核心期刊的分布

    To Determine Plant Physiology Foreign Core Periodicals on the Basis of citation Analysis on Plant Physiology

  13. 利用Dialog系统进行SCI收录和引文检索的研究

    A Study of Retrieving the Coverage and Citation of SCI with Dialog System

  14. 1958年-2003年SCI(科学引文索引)收录辽宁大学论文统计与分析

    SCI Statistic and Analysis of Articles about Liaoning University from 1958 to 2003

  15. 本文在简述引文索引数据库WEBOFSCIENCE检索流程的基础上,介绍了此数据库实现引文索引功能的两种途径。

    Based on the simple statement of Web of Science and its searching flowchart , the two approaches of achieving the citation index 's function are introduced in this paper .

  16. 从SCI引文案例看科学创造最佳年龄区&文献计量学的实用研究之一

    The Citation Analysis of Illustration in THE AREA THE BEST AGE IN SCIENCE CREATION

  17. ISI引文索引数据库收录个性化信息服务文献的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Documents in the Field of Personalized Information Services in Web of Science

  18. 你别认为这是疯人疯语,查理一世的引文可是出自著名历史学家J。

    In case you think this is just a deranged rant , the Charles I citation was from the distinguished historian J.

  19. 介绍美国《科学引文索引》(SCI)的概况、结构及特点以及SCI的作用和重要意义。

    This paper introduces Science Citation Index ( SCI ), its structure and feature . The paper also discusses its role and significance .

  20. ENCompass是适用于分布环境下数字资源集成管理的系统,能够实现跨库检索、引文链接以及数字馆藏的管理。

    ENCompass is a practical system that has function of federated search , cited link and e-collection .

  21. 基于PageRank的引文分析方法探讨

    Exploration of PageRank-based citation analysis method

  22. APA模型对真实引文网络的合理描述能够揭示引文网络的演化规律。

    The rational description of real citation network by APA Model can indicate the evolution rules of citation network .

  23. 扩展版科学引文索引(SCIE)的编排和利用

    The Layout and Uses of Science Citation Index Expanded

  24. 在此,可以参考SCI的某些做法,着力构建与SCI接轨的中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)是提高我国科研业绩评价有效性的重要举措。

    It is a key measure to consult SCI to construct our CSCD to improve the evaluation of teachers ' scientific research performance .

  25. SCIE林业类期刊论文引文分析

    Citation Analysis of the Forestry Periodicals in SCIE

  26. 介绍科学引文索引(SCI)的来源、性质、内容和选刊条件,评析其对科研成果的评估作用及其可靠性。

    SCI and its source , contents , description , condition of selecting serials have been introduced . Its reliability on evaluating scientific research results has been analyzed .

  27. 介绍了美国科学信息研究所(InstituteforScientificInformation,ISI)的主要信息产品及选刊标准,讨论了《科学引文索引》(ScienceCitationIndex,SCI)在科研绩效评价中的作用及应注意的问题。

    The feature products from Institute Scientific Information ( ISI ) and their journal selection standards are introduced . The use of Science Citation Index ( SCI ) in the assessment of research is discussed .

  28. 介绍了ISIEssentialScienceIndicators数据库的检索和使用,重点探讨了引文数据的分类统计和定量分析在评估研究绩效和辅助指导科学研究中的应用。

    This paper introduces the retrieval and utilization of ISI Essential Science Indicators database , and probes into the application of classified statistics and quantitative analysis of the citation data in evaluating the research performance and assisting the scientific research .

  29. CAJ-CD引文标注规范存在的问题

    Problems in marking rules for the CAJ-CD quotations

  30. 利用美国科学信息研究所(ISI)出版的期刊引文报告(JCR)2002版报道的定量数据,对ISI收录期刊及期刊的影响因子在医学学科中的分布情况进行了比较分析。

    Based on the ISI 《 2002 JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS 》, the distributions of Impact Factors of medicine journals indexed by SCl are analysed in this paper .