
  • 网络searches;search strategy;variant
  1. 检索式与创成式相结合的CAPP系统

    CAPP system & a combination of variant and generative

  2. 为此,本文提出了开发派生式与检索式相结合的CAPP工具系统的方法,并结合一个开发实践介绍了系统的总体结构和关键技术。

    Aiming at this problem , an idea of developing an integrated variant and retrieval type of CAPP tool system is presented , and combined with a development practice , the structure and some key technologies of the system are also introduced .

  3. 中文搜索引擎用户检索式特征探析

    End User Searching Behavior on Chinese Search Engines Based on Query Analysis

  4. 数字图书馆中的检索式扩展方法研究

    Research of Query Reformulation in Digital Library

  5. 介绍计算机辅助机电产品造型的概念设计的三种方法:基于数据库的检索式计算机辅助造型设计;

    Three conceptual design methods of the styling of mechatronics productions were introduced in this paper , that is , database based indexing computer aided styling design ;

  6. 提出检索式工艺设计和基于实例的工艺设计方法,并对其中关键技术进行分析研究,提出实现方案;

    Searching mood method of process design and method of process design based on real example are proposed . Key technology of them is researched and realizing plan is provided .

  7. 介绍了一个将传统图书馆中的知识组织工具(分类法、主题词表)加以改造来构造知识网络以支持基于概念的检索式扩展的方法。

    Finally , recommends one method to transform knowledge organization tool ( the classification , thesaurus ) in the traditional library , constructs the knowledge network in order to support the method of query reformulation based on concept .

  8. 针对民航座椅工艺特点,进行了工艺的典型化处理,建立了基于典型工艺的检索式工艺设计方法,实现了相似零件典型工艺的自动检索。

    As to features of the civil aviation seats manufacturing , the retrieval process planning method based on standard process is built and the automatic retrieval of standard process corresponding to similar parts is developed followed by process standardization .

  9. 检索策略式的制定对科技查新质量的影响

    The influence of setting search strategy on sci-tech novelty quality

  10. 自动构造布尔检索提问式算法研究

    Study of algorithms for automatic con - struction query formulations in Boolean form

  11. 阐述文献检索自导式教学系统的设计目标、开发与运行环境、系统功能与特点,并从技术角度对该系统的关键性技术和核心问题作简要说明。

    The paper expounds the design goals , the environments of developing and running , the function and characteristic of the self-directed teaching system of literature retrieval course . In addition , the paper simply introduces some important technologies and core problems of the system .

  12. 文中分析了二者各自的优势,并结合ASP和Chime插件技术,给出了在数据库中检索分子结构式的具体实现方法。

    Based on ASP and Chime plug in techniques , examples on the molecular structure retrieval and display from the Web based database are demonstrated .

  13. 文献检索课开放式教学模式探索

    Probe into the Open Teaching Model of the Literature Retrieval Course

  14. 网络环境下信息检索课协作式教学策略实施

    Collaborative Teaching Strategies of Information Retrieval Courses under Network Environment

  15. 信息检索中主题式词典的构建方法

    A Topic-specific Dictionary Construction Algorithm for Information Retrieval

  16. 分析网络环境下信息检索课合作式教学模式的理论依据,对网络环境下信息检索课合作式教学模式的要素进行分析,阐述网络环境下信息检索课合作式教学模式的操作流程。

    This article analyses the theory , factors and operating procedure of the cooperative teaching mode of the information retrieval course under the network environment .

  17. 分析了网络环境下信息检索课协作式教学的重要性,介绍了信息检索课协作式教学策略的实施方案。

    This article analyses the importance of collaborative teaching of information retrieval courses under network environment , and recommends the scheme of implementing collaborative teaching strategies of information retrieval courses .

  18. 高校文献检索课在线自导式教学模式研究

    A study of online self-guided mode for document retrieval course in colleges

  19. 中文化学化工文献检索应注意分子式检索的使用

    Care the Use of Molecular Formula Index in Searching Chinese Literature of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

  20. 提出跨平台检索及一站式检索、个性化信息服务、网上虚拟参考咨询是数字图书馆服务的发展趋势。

    Service oriented digital libraries are organized by digitization of holding in the library , acquisition databases , valuable information on the Internet Finally , the paper addressed the development trend of digital service that consists of cross platform retrieval , personalized information service and virtual reference service .

  21. 本文介绍了在科技查新检索过程中检索策略式的重要性,以及检索策略式的制定、检索语言的选择与检索技巧的使用。

    This article discussed the importance of search strategy in Sci-Tech novelty retrieval , the setting of search strategy , the choices of search methods , and the utilization of search techniques .

  22. 对德国《数学文摘》数据库及其快速检索、高级检索、命令式检索、引文查询功能做了较详细的介绍与分析,并对其收录、评论情况做了较细致的描述。

    Its function of search , advanced search , command search , and citation checker are introduced and analysed , and the elaborate status of selection and review are described .

  23. 叙词由于其概念定义明确,有很好的词间关系的显示,叙词能在基于关键词检索的搜索引擎中实现检索式的扩展的功能;

    Because the concept of thesaurus is definite , and its relations is well , thesaurus can realize the function of development of retrieval type in information processed by departments with different thesaurus tables and classification systems etc.

  24. 方法:①以(中文标题:心肌梗塞or心肌梗死)and(全部检索条目:中医or中药or中西医结合)的检索式检索中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(1978年1月~2004年11月);

    Methods : ① Searched the CBM database ( 1978.1 ~ 2004.11 ) with the search formula of ( Chinese Title : myocardial infarction ) AND ( All research items : traditional Chinese medicine OR Chinese materia medica OR integrated traditional and western medicine ) .

  25. 在分类检索表的编制原理诠释、实验教学改革方法、检索过程的流程式记录方面作了新的探索。

    Such practices represent new exploration in the respects of the interpretation of the organization principles of the taxa key , a reform of the experimental teaching methods and flow-type recording of view procedures .

  26. 阐述了国外法律信息资源的文献特点和法律文本特征,指出国外法律信息资源检索要遵循的步骤有:分析课题内容,选定法律词汇,制定检索式,确定检索途径,评价检索结果。

    This paper expounds foreign legal information resources and legal texts of literature features , and development of an efficient to foreign legal information resources that the steps are followed : analysis of subjects , selected legal terminology , develop retrieval Type and access , evaluation results retrieval .

  27. 中英文跨语言信息检索作为信息检索的一个分支领域,它是指用户利用中文或英文作为检索语言构造提问检索式,对系统中的中文或英文文献进行检索的方法。

    Chinese-English cross language information retrieval as a branch field of information retrieval is the method that users seek the Chinese or English literature in the system by constructing retrieval formula using Chinese or English .