
jiǎn xiū
  • overhaul;service;examine and repair;recondition
检修 [jiǎn xiū]
  • [overhaul;examine and repair] 对机器进行检验与修理

检修[jiǎn xiū]
  1. CT、X线机雷击故障检修

    To examine and repair the lightning strike problems of CT , X-ray machine

  2. 汽车检修服务业应对WTO的模块式运作及优化

    How to Operation and Optimize of WTO Model in Vehicles Examine and Repair Service

  3. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。

    Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing .

  4. 建议每年一定把机器检修一次。

    It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year .

  5. 我们得把车送去检修一下了。

    We need to have the car serviced .

  6. 发动机已彻底检修过了。

    The engine has been completely overhauled .

  7. 南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。

    Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up

  8. 你可以去任何地方给汽车作检修。

    You can go anyplace to get the car serviced .

  9. 他们曾保证水管一年前彻底检修过。

    They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago

  10. 我已经把我的车送到当地汽修厂检修了。

    I had had my car serviced at the local garage

  11. 他迅速进入检修加油站,飞快地爬出赛车。

    He moved quickly into the pits and climbed rapidly out of the car .

  12. 确保所有的煤气取暖器和中央供暖的锅炉每年都检修一次。

    Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually .

  13. 该国正计划对全国公路进行大规模的检修。

    The country is planning a major overhaul of its highways .

  14. 这台发动机需要检修。

    This engine needs an overhaul .

  15. 修车厂对这辆汽车进行了彻底检修。

    The garage gave the car a thorough going-over .

  16. 请把你所有的工具借给我好吗?这样我就可以在家里检修我的汽车了。

    May I borrow your bag of tricks so that I can service my car at home ?

  17. 风机检修的的标准流程是什么

    The wind turbine generator overhauls what is the standard flow ?

  18. 一个修理工对那辆汽车的发动机进行了彻底的检修,换了一些新部件

    A mechanic overhauled the car 's motor with some new parts .

  19. 众所周知,铁路系统需要大检修。

    It is generally appreciated that the rail network needs a complete overhaul .

  20. ManB&W镍铬钛排气阀的检修铬镍渗碳钢的残余奥氏体

    Inspection and maintenance for MAN B & W nickel-chromium-titanium exhaust valve

  21. 基于SqlServer的电力变电检修管理信息系统

    Introduction on Transforming Maintenance Management Information System Based on SQL Server

  22. XY110型X射线机电源和高压次级电路工作原理及检修

    Working principle and repairing of XY-ray machine and the power

  23. GEMR紧急停止开关电路的工作原理及故障检修

    Part-time Job Functional principle and maintenance for emergency stop switch circuit in GE MR

  24. 基于ASP的机车检修培训考核系统的开发

    Development of ASP-based Examining System for Locomotive Overhaul Training

  25. 丰田大霸王汽车ABS故障代码的读取及检修

    Reading Fault Code and Inspection of ABS on TOYOTA PREVIA

  26. PickerIQCT机架倾斜故障的分析及检修

    Examining and analyzing malfunctions in Picker IQ CT Gantry Titling

  27. 百特Meridian血液透析机电导度温度报警故障检修

    Troubleshooting of conductivity and temperature of Baxter Meridian dialyzer

  28. PCB的激光检修

    Laser Repair of Printed Circuit Boards

  29. 本文将状态检修与大面积停电问题结合起来,提出一种基于状态检修(conditionbasedmaintenance,CBM)的N-k故障分析方法。

    Combining Condition-Based Maintenance ( CBM ) with large-area power-failure , an N-k contingency analysis method based on CBM is proposed .

  30. 实施HSE风险管理确保装置检修安全

    Implementing HSE Risk Management System to Guarantee Safety of Plant Overhaul