
  • 网络Search Fields;Search term;SEARCH IN
  1. 存储库中的每个项具有唯一的项ID,可将其用于检索项的键。

    Each item in the repository has a unique item id , which can be used as a key to retrieve it .

  2. 由于许多检索项除了作为因果类话语标记语还有其它的用法和语义(如since,for等),因此还要对索引行进一步的分析及筛选,最终获得完全符合本研究的数据。

    The further refining work to concordance lines should be conducted in order to acquire the most accurate data , because many search words have various functions and semantic meanings except for ones as causal DMs ( like since , as . for , etc ) .

  3. 将AES对称加密与RSA非对称加密相结合,构建了一种数据库的混合加密方案;在该方案中,对敏感数据进行加密存储,明文关键字作为检索项。

    Combined with the AES symmetric encryption and the RSA asymmetric encryption , we form a mixed encryption scheme . In this scheme , we only encrypt sensitive data , and the key words as expressly retrievals in database .

  4. 必须增加字段,采用CNMARC和非CNMARC并存的方式,使用有利于满足读者需求的检索项和多媒体阅读工具。参考文献5。

    We should add some fields outside the CNMARC format to fully describe materials to facilitate the access by users . 5 refs .

  5. 应检索项文本的边框。

    The bounding rectangle of the item text should be retrieved .

  6. 另外,本节还描述如何将本地工作区与源代码管理服务器同步以及如何检索项的特定版本。

    Additionally , this section describes how to synchronize your local workspace to the source control server and how to retrieve specific versions of items .

  7. 创建一个类,负责从缓存中检索项并处理回调方法,以将项添加回缓存中。

    Create a class that is responsible for retrieving the item from the cache and handling the callback method to add the item back into the cache .

  8. 重点阐述了模型中的案例表示和案例检索两项关键技术,提出了用XML语言表示案例的方法和自学习案例检索模型。

    Subsequently the thesis focuses on case presentation and case retrieval , two key technologies in CBR .

  9. 通过current属性可以检索当前项,通过list属性可以检索整个列表。

    The current item can be retrieved through the current property , and the entire list can be retrieved through the list property .

  10. 通信器无法连接到目录服务器XX,因此无法检索首选项信息。

    Communicator could not connect to the directory server XX to retrieve preference information .

  11. 其id属性用于在数据库中存储及检索该项,而title和text属性则表示该项的实际内容。

    Its id attribute is used to store and retrieve the entry in a database , while the title and text attributes represent the entry 's actual content .

  12. 请输入从目录服务器ZZ检索首选项信息所需的口令。

    Please enter your password to retrieve preferences from the directory server ZZ .

  13. BlockingQueue还支持接收时间参数的方法,时间参数表明线程在返回信号故障以插入或者检索有关项之前需要阻塞的时间。

    BlockingQueue also supports methods that take a time parameter , indicating how long the thread should block before returning to signal failure to insert or retrieve the item in question .

  14. 检索当前项的子项数目。

    Retrieves the count of subkeys of the current key .

  15. 利用基于内容的文本检索这项成熟的技术来实现基于内容的图像检索。

    Content-based Image Retrieval ( CBIR ) is implemented by Content-based Text Retrieval ( CBTR ) .

  16. 在列表视图控件中检索指定项的边框的指定部分。

    Retrieves the specified portion of the bounding rectangle for a specific item within the list view control .

  17. 插入项时,可指定检索该项要求具有的权限。

    When you insert an entry , you can specify a permission demand to enforce when the entry is retrieved .

  18. 此时,可在所检索的项数量上生成断言,如清单14所示。

    At this point , you can make the first assertion on the number of items retrieved , as shown in Listing 14 .

  19. 而搜索引擎是信息检索的一项成功应用,为用户提供快速、准确、全面、时新的海量Web信息导航服务。

    The search engine is a successful application of information retrieval . It provides users with information navigation service which is fast , accurate , comprehensive and new among the massive web information .

  20. 参数是可选的,允许检索文档的项值,而不是正被当前URL处理的当前项值。

    The argument is optional and allows retrieving of item values for a document other than the current one being processed by the current URL .

  21. 除了按项ID直接检索某个项以外,服务器端API还包括基于项的属性和关系对存储库中的项运行复杂查询的操作。

    In addition to direct retrieval of an item by item id , the server-side API includes operations for running complex queries over the items in the repository based on their properties and relationships .

  22. 人脸检测是人脸识别与图像及视频检索的一项重要任务。

    Face detection is an important task in face recognition and content-based image and video retrieval .

  23. 检索每个订购项的发货日期、数量、总价和发货仓库。

    The delivery date , quantity , total price and delivering warehouse are retrieved for each order line .

  24. 论文分析了中文信息全文检索几种索引项的适用范围,选择二元语法作为企业信息管理的索引项。

    This paper analyzes the application scope of various index-items , and the bi-gram is selected as index-item for the enterprise information management .

  25. 人耳检测是人耳识别以及基于内容的图像和视频检索的一项重要任务。

    According to the feature of ear image and requirement of extraction , this paper proposes a new edge detection method based on contour composition .

  26. 加密技术是保护数据机密性和隐私的一种较为有效的手段,然而对加密后的数据进行检索却是一项非常困难的工作。

    Encryption is an effective means of protecting the confidentiality and privacy of data , but retrieval on the encrypted data is a very difficult task .

  27. 经检索,本项研究在同类研究工作中居于国内外领先水平。

    The result of data inspection show that the research work is in the lead among research in the same kind over the country and the world .

  28. 当然,面对不断增长的数字图像信息,如何快速有效地实现数字图像检索是一项具有挑战性的工作。

    Of course , when the amount of digital image information is increasing , it is a challenging job how to realize digital image retrieval fast and effectively .

  29. 图像特征提取作为基于内容的图像检索的一项关键技术,研究了图像的纹理特征,探索了多算法的融合检索,然后提出了集成检索算法。

    Image feature extraction as a key technology of content-based image retrieval , the texture feature of the image is researched and ensemble retrieval is explored for many algorithms , and then an ensemble retrieval algorithm is proposed .

  30. 数据的加密是保证数据安全的一种有效的方式,但对加密数据的检索却是一项非常困难的任务,因此,可搜索加密技术成为国内外研究的热点之一。

    As we all know , the data encryption is an effective way to ensure data security . However , the retrieval of the encrypted data is a very difficult task . Therefore , searchable encryption technology is to become one of the hottest research aspects at home and abroad .