
  1. 本文利用SPSS软件对吉林省卫生信息研究所1999~2004年完成的919项医药卫生查新检索项目进行情报学分析,旨在探讨查新检索工作的重要性及其与科研工作的关系。

    The paper have made information science analysis and evaluation on retrieval of 919 item of medical hygiene from 1999 ~ 2004 in Jilin province by SPSS , in order to discuss the relation between retrieval and science research .

  2. 提升查新检索功能拓展服务层面

    Promoting the Functions of Novelty-checking and Retrieving to Expand Service Levels

  3. 科技查新检索结论的作用与表述

    Functions and Formulations of the Conclusion of Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval

  4. 寻找查新检索工作的新位置

    Searching for the New Position of Novelty - checking and Retrieval Work

  5. 利用数据库特色功能提高查新检索质量研究

    Research on Improving Information Retrieval Effectiveness of Novelty Retrieval Based on Database Features

  6. 多类型电子资源在查新检索中的综合使用

    Synthetic Use of Multi-type Electronic Resources in Information Retrieval

  7. 谈谈提高查新检索查全率和查准率的方法

    Approach to the Raising of Recall Ratio and Precision Ratio in Retrieving Research Achievements

  8. 科技查新检索系统的建立及其工作程序

    Establishment of Originality Retrieval System of Scientific and Technical Achievement and its Working Procedure

  9. 如何利用网上免费信息资源进行农业科技查新检索

    Methods of Retrieving Free Network Information Resources for Novelty Judgment of Agricultural Science and Technology

  10. 查新检索在课题立项中的意义及结果分析

    Significance of Novelty Assessment and Information Retrival in the Approval of Scientific Research Projects and Results Analysis

  11. 本文介绍了在科技查新检索过程中检索策略式的重要性,以及检索策略式的制定、检索语言的选择与检索技巧的使用。

    This article discussed the importance of search strategy in Sci-Tech novelty retrieval , the setting of search strategy , the choices of search methods , and the utilization of search techniques .

  12. 通过检索实例对3者应用于科技查新专利检索的优势与不足进行评析,并就具体应用方法提出相关建议。

    And related suggestions about their application to sci - tech novelty search are put forward .

  13. 设计并实现了基于中间件的科技查新辅助检索系统的各个功能模块,解决了系统中全局查询、结果集成、数据过滤等问题。

    Then design and implement the Assistant Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval System based on middleware by application of the above system structure . Moreover , we also design the method of global query , result integration and filtering process system .

  14. 科技查新的补充检索工具&免费网络信息资源

    The Supplementary Retrieval Tools for Sci-tech Novelty Searching the Free Information Resources on Internet

  15. 医药卫生项目查新课题的检索策略调整方法探讨

    How to adjust the search strategies in the literature evaluation for application of medical achievements

  16. 试论农业科技查新咨询的检索策略和新颖性判断

    On Retrieval Tactics and Novelty Judgment of Novelty Searching and Consultation in Agricultural Science and Technology

  17. 文献查新,不仅要检索二次文献数据库,还要检索学科范围内近期的核心期刊和相关期刊的一次文献。

    To check topics , we should search not only index databases , but also primary documents in core journals and related journals .

  18. 本文从科技项目查新的新颖性检索的目的、定义、检索年限、范围及审查原则等方面来分析与专利新颖性的异同。

    This article analysis the similarities and differences between patent 's novelty and s & t retrieval from their definition 、 retrieval time limit and retrieval intention , etc.

  19. 概述了农业科技查新咨询的内容,介绍了农业科技查新的数据库和检索系统选择,并根据查新实践,讨论了农业科技查新咨询的检索策略和新颖性判断的问题。

    The paper has summarized the content of novelty searching in agricultural science and technology , recommended database and retrieval system , and discussed problems existed in retrieval tactics and novelty judgment of novelty searching in agricultural science and technology .