
  • 网络query routing;query-routing
  1. 基于P2P的空间查询路由算法综述

    A Survey of P2P-Based Spatial Query Routing Algorithms

  2. 基于后向链接的查询路由研究

    Study of Query Routing Based on Backward Links

  3. 本论文旨在设计一个与网络动态性、分布式、扩展性等特征相适应的互联网搜索体系框架以及相应的查询路由机制。

    The paper aims at designing a searching framework and corresponding Query-Routing scheme to accommodate with the dynamic , distributed and expansionary Internet .

  4. 其实,目前的大多数相关研究中都使用了模式匹配技术,但是其重点都是研究如何改进查询路由或查询算法,而没有注重模式匹配这一点。

    In fact , most of the current relative research all employed the schema matching technology , but nearly all of them pay attention to how to improve the query route and query algorithm .

  5. 为了获取指导查询路由的全局知识,把分布式存储在搜索子网各节点上的资源索引信息以及路由信息通过哈希函数映射到一张哈希表,从而构建了资源的全局视图。

    For the purpose of obtaining the global knowledge to guide route query , the index and route information distributed on each node of the searching subnet is mapped into a Hash Table , consequently constructing a global resources view .

  6. 提供者,为任何资源接收、传送、执行、查询、路由或以某种方式处理消息提供了一致接口。

    Providers , which give a consistent interface for any resource capable of receiving , transmitting , executing , querying , routing or processing messages in some manner .

  7. BRSG网关的设计重点提出了其体系结构的组成、系统数据结构、工作原理、处理流程、路由表的生成、路由表的查询以及路由表的维护策略。

    Our design concentrates on the components of the architecture , system data structure , working principle , processing workflow , and generation , query and maintenance strategy of routing table .

  8. 介绍了分布式P2P网络Gnutella模型的节点定位、查询消息的路由机制,分析了存在的问题。

    In this paper , we introduce the message 's routing mechanism of Gnutella P2P network model and its working principle .

  9. 本文结合了目前流行的P2P技术及设计原理,对P2P网络搭建、信息查询、数据路由、网路加速原理等关键技术进行了深入研究。

    Based on the current popular P2P technology and theory , this paper deeply researched the principle and the critical technique of P2P network building , information search , data routing , and network acceleration .

  10. 在查询消息的路由机制方面,设计了超节点和普通节点的路由机制。

    On the other aspect of routing mechanism of querying message , super node and ordinary node are designed for realizing this routing .

  11. 一种P2P环境下基于查询日志的查询路由策略

    A Strategy for Query Routing Based on Query Log in P2P Environment

  12. 因为交换机需要给管理员提供配置静态路由、查询当前配置的路由及方便开发人员在测试功能期间的调试。

    Because the switches need to configure static route to administrators , check the current configuration of routing and to facilitate the debugging from the developers during the test phase .

  13. 给出了系统中的关键技术,包括数据模型、查询语言模型、路由策略、查询处理及优化策略,以及双向递交机制。

    There are also some new key techniques for the system here , such as data model , query language model , routing policy , query processing , optimization strategy , and bidirectional delivery mechanism .

  14. 本文着重设计一种以完成对无线传感器网络监测区域的查询任务为目的,充分考虑路由路径链路质量的路由协议&基于查询的可靠性路由协议(QBRRP)。

    This thesis puts more emphasis on designing and realizing a query-based reliable routing protocol ( QBRRP ), which considers the link quality of routing path , and aims to monitor the area where the WSN covers .

  15. 增量式查询一般算法模型可以与查询路由算法相结合,使得针对同一查询语义的增量式查询尽力优先访问语义最为相关的节点。

    The general incremental search model can work with query routing algorithms to make incremental search try to access semantic most related nodes .

  16. 它的查询调合过程分5个步骤:查询路由选择、查询分解、并行访问计划生成、子查询变换及执行和查询结果装配。

    Its process of query mediation consists of five steps : query routing , query decomposition , parallel access planning , subquery translation and execution , and query result assembly .

  17. 针对无线传感器网络中多查询问题,提出一种支持多查询的随机路由算法。

    Aiming at the problem of multiple queries in WSNs , a random routing algorithm is proposed .

  18. 用户发出查询请求,传感器网络通过相应的查询处理技术,路由技术、数据融合技术,将用户感兴趣的数据经由网络发送给终端用户。

    Users propose the query requests , and then the interested data is send to the end user by the corresponding query processing , routing and data aggregation techniques via network nodes .

  19. 针对不同的查询要求,分析适合于无线传感器网络局部查询和全局查询的查询路由协议是论文的主要研究内容。

    The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the energy efficient local query and global query protocols for wireless sensor networks ( WSN ) .

  20. 并通过路由模块记录查询与应答节点之间的关系,以便为后续相似查询进行有效的路由转发,避免不相关的节点收到查询。

    And then using the routing module to record the relationships between query and response nodes , in order to do an effective routing forward to the succeeding similar queries , and avoid some uncorrelated nodes getting the query messages .

  21. 在矢量数据查询方面,本文设计了基于希尔伯特空间填充曲线的矢量数据查询算法,仿真结果表明,该算法能够降低矢量数据查询的路由跳数及响应时延。

    On the vector data query algorithms , a vector data query algorithm based on the Hilbert space filling curve is designed . The simulation result shows that the algorithm can reduce routing hops and shorten response delay on the vector data query .