
  • 网络trunking mobile communication
  1. 一种基于DSP的数字集群移动通信系统

    A Digital Trunking Mobile Communication System Based On DSP Technology

  2. 基于TETRA数字集群移动通信系统开发的TETRA终端,通过数据业务可以发送和接收状态消息和短数据业务消息,利用短数据业务完成终端导航定位功能。

    Terminal based on TETRA digital trunking mobile communication system could send and receive status and short data service message , and achieve navigation and location through short data service .

  3. MOTOROLA单区多基站集群移动通信系统

    Motorola Trunking Mobile Communication System for Multiple Base Stations in Single Cell

  4. TETRA数字集群移动通信系统设备的性能测试

    The Performance Measurement of Equipments of Terrestrial Trunked Radio System

  5. 针对我国铁路的应用情况,提出了集群移动通信系统依托于有线网、星型网和Internet模型等的网络结构,并就网络互联所采用的技术做了介绍。

    With respect to the applications of trunked mobile communication system in railway , this article suggests several network structures including dependence on wired network , star shape and internet model etc. and the technologies of network interconnection is introduced .

  6. 新一代数字集群移动通信系统iDEN

    A New Generation Dispatch Mobile Communication Systems & iDEN

  7. 本文就基于CDMA技术的数字集群移动通信系统网络规划与应用的几个方面进行了阐述,包括无线网络、核心网络、计费系统。

    Several aspects about the planning and application of the trunking communication network on basiced CDMA were introduced simply in the paper , including wireless network , corn network and billing system .

  8. 本文通过在CDMA网络中实现一个基本的集群移动通信系统,讨论了使用CDMA技术实现集群系统的可行性,探讨集群通信系统与公共蜂窝系统融合的可能性以及用CDMA技术实现集群通信的优越性。

    This article discuss the feasibility of implementing Trunking System in public digital cellular communication using CDMA through implementing a basic trunking system in CDMA net and the feasibility of amalgamation of traditional Trunking System and PUBLIC Digital Cellular Communication .

  9. CKT-8800数字信令集群移动通信系统中交换单元测试系统的设计

    Design of Switching Unit Testing System for CKT-8800 Digital Signalling Trunking Mobile Communication System

  10. 我国已颁布了基于TETRA标准和美国MotorolaiDEN标准的《数字集群移动通信系统体制》电子行业标准,TETRA数字集群系统在我国得到了广泛的应用。

    The criterion of digital trunked mobile communication system in electronics industry which is based on TETRA criterion and Motorola iDEN criterion has been issued in China . TETRA system has been used in many domains .

  11. 论文介绍欧洲电信标准协会推出的新一代数字集群移动通信系统(TETRA)的技术先进性、功能特性、网络结构和无线设备特性,并介绍了其发展现状和前景。

    The paper introduces a new digital trunking standard-TETRA , and analyses its advantages , network interfaces , functions and the properties of wireless equipments . At last , the author mentions the situation and prospects of the TETRA 's development .

  12. 由ETSI制定的无线集群移动通信标准&TETRA标准中的很多功能是为满足警察和其他公共安全部门的特殊要求而设计的,这些特殊要求中包含了安全方面的要求。

    TETRA ( Terrestrial Trunked Radio ) is a series of standards made by ETSI on digital radio trunking communications system . Many functions of TETRA are designed to meet the special requirements of police and other public safety organizations , which include information security .

  13. 集群移动通信系统在指挥调度中具有不可替代的作用。

    Trunking mobile communication system plays an irreplaceable role in dispatching .

  14. 浅谈山区铁路集群移动通信弱电场区的处理方案

    The Disposal for Week Electric Field Area of Trunking Mobile Communication

  15. 多区集群移动通信系统的话务量模拟和分析

    Traffic Analog and Analysis for the Multicell Trunked Mobile Communication System

  16. 集群移动通信中文管理系统的实现

    The Implementation of Control System in Chinese for Trunking Mobile Communication

  17. 使用MPT&1327信令的准传输集群移动通信系统

    The Quasi Transmission Trunking Mobile Communication System Using MPT-1327 Signaling

  18. 光纤直放站在铁路集群移动通信系统中的应用

    The Application of Optical Repeater Station in Railway Trunking Mobile Communication System

  19. 铁路集群移动通信系统码字的应用

    The Application of Air Interface Signaling Standard of Trunked Mobile Communication System

  20. 数字集群移动通信系统随机多址预约信道分析

    A packet reservation random access protocol for digital trunking systems

  21. 一种专用的山区宽地域集群移动通信网设计

    The Design of Special Trunking Mobile Communication Network Applicable in Wide Mountain Area

  22. 一种集群移动通信系统研究

    Study on a Kind of Trunking Mobile Communication System

  23. 成都市数字集群移动通信系统的规划设计

    Project of the Chengdu Digital Trunking Mobile Communication System

  24. ACTIONET&可靠的集群移动通信系统

    ACTIONET & A Reliable Trunked Mobile Communications System

  25. 集群移动通信系统网络设计施工中的防雷措施

    Measures for Lighting Protection of Network Design and Construction of Trunked Mobile Communication System

  26. 集群移动通信的发展

    The Development of Trunked Mobile Commumication Cluster Computing

  27. 集群移动通信系统是专业移动通信系统发展的高级阶段。

    Trunked radio system is a high level development stage for the PMR system .

  28. GB15539-1995集群移动通信系统技术体制

    Technical specifications for trunked mobile radio systems

  29. GB/T15874-1995集群移动通信系统设备通用规范

    General specification for trunked mobile communication system

  30. 无线调度通信系统的高级发展阶段称之为集群移动通信系统。

    Trunked mobile communication system is a advanced developing stage of Wireless dispatcher 's communication system .