
  • 网络clearing
  1. 广泛的市场参与是通过集中清算复苏单一名称CDS市场不可或缺的条件。

    Broad market participation is integral to reviving single-name CDS via centralised clearing .

  2. 美国监管机构预计将在未来某时制定规则,要求对单一名称CDS进行集中清算,此前监管机构已对指数交易提出类似要求。

    At some point US regulators are expected to write rules requiring central clearing for single-name CDS , following similar requirements for index trades .

  3. 如果国会只要求衍生品必须集中清算,那些abacus产品就是集中清算的,这难道不足以表明高盛是遵守法律的吗?

    If Congress requires only that derivatives be centrally cleared , and those in abacus were , is that not sufficient to show Goldman complied with the law ?

  4. 批评者们还辩称,集中清算将提高企业的对冲成本。

    Detractors also argue central clearing will raise hedging costs for companies .

  5. 与其它金融市场不同,外汇没有集中清算市场。

    Unlike other financial markets , there is no centrally-cleared market for foreign exchange .

  6. 在去年危机期间,集中清算保护了股票期权、黄金期货以及能源期货衍生品市场。

    Central clearing protected the markets for equity-option , gold-future and energy-future derivatives during the meltdown last year .

  7. 银行、资产管理机构和对冲基金宣扬的解决方案是全面采用集中清算。

    The solution touted by banks , asset managers and hedge funds is the broad adoption of central clearing .

  8. 为解决第一个问题,衍生品行业表示将报告所有交易,不管交易是否为集中清算。

    To address the first problem , the industry says it will report all trades , whether centrally cleared or not .

  9. 监管者必须在适当的领域实施集中清算,并把我们资本市场的诚信,放在少数利己主义人士的利润之前。

    Regulators must implement central clearing where appropriate and put the integrity of our capital markets ahead of the profits of a self-interested few .

  10. 该计划明智地提出,将对那些签订非集中清算、非标准化衍生品协议的银行、交易商以及其它机构,提高基于风险的资本或担保要求。

    The plan wisely proposes increased risk-based capital or collateral requirements for those banks , dealers and others entering into non-cleared , non-standardised derivatives positions .

  11. 如今,如果所有这些交易商都在明智地处理这些风险,交易集中清算,那么或许没有什么好担心的。

    Now , if all these dealers are handling these risks sensibly , and trades are centrally cleared , there may be no reason to worry .

  12. 然而,关键在于,非集中清算的互换协议的初始保证金实际数额,通常少于清算机构要求的数额。

    A sticking point , however , is that the actual amount of initial margin for a non-cleared swap is typically less than that required by a clearing house .

  13. 它将挥舞着厚厚的计划书和66页的项目说明书,其中包括免责条款,并披露发行公司是一家在开曼群岛注册的特殊目的公司,该公司在交易所上市,并进行集中清算。

    It will wave a lengthy prospectus and a 66-page pitch book , which disclaimed liability and disclosed a Cayman Islands special purpose issuer , an exchange listing and centrally clearing .

  14. 相反,他们的重点在于,推出衍生品集中清算平台等措施,减少交易对手风险,从而找到缓解“互连”问题的方法。

    Instead the focus is on finding ways to mitigate the " interconnectivity " problem by reducing counterparty risks via measures such as the introduction of a centralised clearing platform for derivatives .

  15. 监管部门正努力推动衍生品到交易所交易,或至少进行集中清算,这是纽约证交所-泛欧交易所与德意志交易所从合并中看到的机会之一。

    Regulators are trying to push derivatives on to exchanges , or at least to being centrally cleared , which is one of the opportunities NYSE Euronext and DB see from the merger .

  16. 文章以铁矿石场外掉期交易为例,介绍了近年来商品市场上场外掉期产品集中清算机制的构成,并研究了它的发展特征。

    This paper takes iron ore OTC swaps as an example to introduce the structure of centralized clearing of OTC swap products in the commodities market , and summarizes the features of its development .

  17. 有区域中心模式,即城市建立信息交换中心,对于本地卡的跨行业务就直接在城市中心进行交换,异地跨行业务再转发到总中心进行集中清算;

    Regional-center pattern : information-exchange center is built in a city which is only charge of the inter-bank business affairs of local card and inter-bank business affair of out-of-town cards will be transferred to the headquarter information-exchange center .

  18. 但就像过去20年的股票期权及能源市场的情况一样,集中清算所带来的价格透明度提高,能够让不那么频繁交易的用户(如企业)以更优惠的价格参与交易,从而降低成本。

    But as in the equity-option and energy markets over the past two decades , increased price transparency through central clearing enables less frequent users , such as corporations , to enter into trades at better prices , reducing costs .

  19. 通过集中化清算降低银行的资本要求,有望使单一名称CDS更受欢迎,有助于改善更大范围内的信用市场的流动性。

    By reducing capital requirements for banks , via centralised clearing , the hope is that single-name CDS become popular , helping improve broader credit market liquidity .

  20. 随着新上收业务在后台集中,收付清算部将面临巨大的人员压力。

    With backstage-centralization of the new collection of business , the P & RCentre will face a great personnel pressure .

  21. 经过探索,江铜成立了资金结算中心,通过搭建结算平台,集中结算,彻底清算了集团内部三角债,提高了集团资金运行效率和对所属单位资金控制力度。

    After the establishment of JCC 's cash settlement center , the capital utilization and control on unit members are greatly improved .