
  • 网络Set Cover;set covering;set covering problem
  1. 首先讨论常用的确定型选址模型,包括位置集合覆盖模型、最大覆盖模型、备用覆盖模型、p中值模型、p中心模型、固定费用设施选址模型(无容量限制和有容量限制)。

    First , the most used determinate location models are discussed , include location set cover model , maximum covering location model , backup covering location model , p-median model , p-centre model , ( un - and capacitated ) fixed charge location model .

  2. 这就是经典的集合覆盖问题(SCP)。它是NP-hard类的最优化组合问题。

    This is the classic Set Cover Problem ( SCP ), which is also one of NP-Hard combinatorial optimization problems and one of the most well-studied problems .

  3. 通过指定权函数的形式,两个模型对应的最优化问题能够映射成带权的集合覆盖问题,采用贪婪策略能够得到近似比不超过lnn+1的近似算法,其中n是被监测节点的数目。

    A greedy algorithm could be used to solve these problems with an approximation ratio ln n + 1 , where n is the number of monitored nodes .

  4. 集合覆盖问题已经被证明为NP完全问题,所有的NP完全问题都不能在多项式算法时间内求解。

    It is known that Set-Covering problem has been proved to be a NP-Complete problem , yet all NP-Complete problems can not be solved in polynomial time algorithm .

  5. 基于集合覆盖模型的城市ULS物流节点选址分析

    Analysis on Locations for Urban ULS Logistics Links Based on Set Covering Model

  6. 它的数学本质是最小集合覆盖问题,是一个NP-C问题。

    Aggregated Multicast can actually be attributed to minimal set cover problem , which is an NP-complete problem .

  7. 将二分图故障传播模型的故障诊断问题转化为集合覆盖问题,借鉴启发式贪婪算法,设计了最大覆盖算法MCA和MCA+。

    By transforming the fault diagnosis in bipartite FPM into a set-covering problem , two window-based fault localization algorithms MCA ( Max-Covering Algorithm ) and MCA + are proposed , based on the heuristic greedy algorithm .

  8. 另外,给出了集合覆盖贪心算法对冗余度为n1的加权冗余测试集问题的近似比的紧密下界(2o(1))lnn(1)。

    In addition , this paper shows the tight lower bound ( 2 o ( 1 )) lnn ( 1 ) of the approximation ratio of set cover greedy algorithm for the weighted redundant test set with redundancy n 1 .

  9. 实验结果表明LYDE在集合覆盖问题上有优良的求解效果,并且求解性能优于遗传算法,展现了LYDE在离散问题上的应用潜力。

    The experiment result shows LYDE has an excellent performance and has a faster convergence rate and a higher precision than genetic algorithm . The application of LYDE for discrete problem is promising .

  10. 测试集问题的集合覆盖贪心算法的深入近似

    Deep Approximation of Set Cover Greedy Algorithm for Test Set

  11. 所有这些路径的集合覆盖了整个程序段。

    The whole program is covered by all the paths .

  12. 基于集合覆盖的决策表约简方法及其应用

    Reduction Way and Its Application of Decision-making Table based on Set Covering

  13. 一类集合覆盖问题的下界

    A Lower Bound for a Class of Set Covering Problems

  14. 一种基于集合覆盖和可信度因子的多故障诊断模型

    A Multi-Faults Diagnostic Model Based on Set-Covering and Certainty Factor

  15. 一种遗传算法在集合覆盖问题中的应用研究

    Study on genetic algorithm application in set covering problem

  16. 带权集合覆盖问题的一种随机近似算法

    Randomized approximation algorithm for weighted set cover problem

  17. 问题就成为了带有权重的集合覆盖问题。

    This is the Weighted Set Cover problem .

  18. 本文提出一种确定边界条件的一般方法,并称集合覆盖法。

    In this paper , a general method for determining the boundary conditions is presented .

  19. 聚合组播问题实质上是最小集合覆盖问题,可以用自适应拉格朗日松弛算法来解决。

    A self-adaptive Lagrange Relaxation Algorithm that can achieve global optimal solution was used to solve it .

  20. 分析和比较了集合覆盖和禁忌搜索两种高效布局算法的优化性能和计算时间。

    The optimization quality and computation time of set covering arid tabu search algorithms were analyzed and compared .

  21. 一种确定快速最优及能控性问题伴随方程边界条件的方法&集合覆盖法

    A method for determining boundary conditions of the adjoint equations for time optimal and controllability problems & the sets covering method

  22. 本文引入评价矩阵的概念,并使用近似集合覆盖算法的思想,对上述模糊规则归纳方法做了改进。

    In this paper , the above approach is improved by introducing evaluation matrix and using the idea of approximate set-covering algorithm .

  23. 基于随机性集合覆盖模型的伤病员后送运力预计及优化配置仿真模型设计

    Designing a simulative model for the forecast and optimal placement of casualty evacuation assets based on the probabilistic location set covering problem

  24. 通过将失效链路推断问题映射为最小集合覆盖问题,提出了一种基于启发策略的失效链路推断算法。

    Through the problem of lossy links inference is mapped to minimal set-cover problem , the algorithm based on heuristic strategy is proposed .

  25. 它在求解复杂组合优化问题上显示出强大的优势,已经成功解决过旅行商问题、分配问题、调度问题和集合覆盖问题等。

    It has been successfully applied in many complicated optimization problem such as TSP , assignment problem , scheduling problem , set covering problem .

  26. 通过几种算法的仿真结果对照表明,用蚁群算法求解集合覆盖问题是有效的,蚁群算法得到的解是比较理想的。

    The contrast of several algorithm proves that using the ant colony algorithm to solve the problem of set covering is efficiency and feasible .

  27. 本文论述了将适于诊断型专家系统使用的最小集合覆盖模型推理方法用于分类模型的原理,并对最小集合覆盖模型进行了理论完善和算法实现。

    This paper discusses the principle of applying the reasoning method of the smallest set covering model which is suitable to diagnosis expert system to the classification model .

  28. 蚁群算法在很多复杂的组合优化问题上已有成功的应用,其出色的优化能力给集合覆盖问题的求解提供了新的思路。

    Ant colony algorithm has been applied successfully to many complicated optimization problems . Its excellent optimization ability provides a new idea to the solution of Set-Covering problem .

  29. 本文提出了一种基于集合覆盖的迭代算法,并且分别研究了单层无线传感网络和两层无线传感网络下的可靠中继节点配置问题。

    We propose a set-cover based iterative algorithm for this problem which is to place minimum number of relay nodes for the reliability of two typical networks : single-tiered network and two-tiered network .

  30. 对两种基本电路进行分析后,可以对测试集优化问题建立相应的集合覆盖模型,从而将测试集优化问题转化为集合覆盖问题。

    After two kinds of basic electric circuits are analyzed , test set optimization problem can be modeled as Set-Covering problem , so that test set optimization problem is converted to Set-Covering problem .