
jí hán shù
  • set function
集函数[jí hán shù]
  1. B值正鞅的诱导集函数的绝对连续性

    Absolute continuity of the induced set function from positive martingale with values in Banach lattice

  2. 集函数Γ作为连续统理论中的一种有用的工具是由Bellamy,D·P引入的。

    The set function Γ as a useful tool in continua theory was introduced by Bellamy , D.

  3. 研究了n集函数的多目标优化问题,在广义凸条件意义下,获得了n集函数优化问题的最优性条件和对偶结果。

    A multiobjective optimization problem involving n set functions is considered . Optimality conditions and duality results are obtained under generalized convexity conditions .

  4. 脑部MR图像的分割实验结果表明,该算法能够准确地提取相应的脑组织,同时大大地提高水平集函数的演化速度。

    Results of the brain MR image segmentation show that the algorithm can exactly extract the corresponding tissues of the brain and improve the evolution of the level set function .

  5. Pascal三角形矩阵的逆及一个可加集函数关系式

    The Inverse Matrix of Pascal 's Triangular Matrix and an Expression of Additive Set Function

  6. 本文将一种用于图像分类的用N个水平集函数划分N个区域的变分水平集方法推广到多相图像分割。

    In this paper , we proposed a new method using N level set functions to represent N regions , which was used in the classification of image processing , to apply in the multiphase image segmentation .

  7. 非可加集函数的Hahn分解

    Hahn Decompositions of Non - additive Set Function

  8. 本文给出从C(X,E)到F的算子T的集函数表示,其中X是紧Hausdorff空间,E和F都是Banach空间。

    The paper presents a representation for an operator T from C ( X , E ) to F by a set function m , where X is a compact Hausdorff space , E and F are both Banach spaces .

  9. 当一个数据聚集函数使用另一个数据集函数作为参数时,该参数取MDX值,而不是显示值。

    When one CUBE function uses another CUBE function as its argument , the argument takes on the MDX value rather than the display value .

  10. 经典测度论中所涉及到的集函数是满足可加性要求的,Hahn分解理论是很重要的定理。

    As we know , classical ( signed ) measure is a set function which is additive . Hahn decomposition theorem is very important .

  11. CV模型只能实现单目标的轮廓提取,主要原因是不能使水平集函数驱动的轮廓线在某些目标区域正确分裂,没有有效利用轮廓线的拓扑分裂信息。

    CV models just shed the light on single object contour extraction . The major cause is it makes the level-set-function driven contours to split in some targeted areas , which do not make use of topology split information of the contours effectively .

  12. 对于所有定义在R~d上的紧支集函数f(t),Weyl-Heisenberg框架恒等式()成立,且级数无条件收敛。

    There is a constent B > 0 , so that ( 2 ) . The Weyl-Heisenberg frame identity () holds for all compactly supported functions f ( t ) on Rd and the series converges unconditionally .

  13. 提出并建立了一种基于小波分析的多尺度统计模型,将该统计模型作为先验知识引入Mumford-Shah能量约束函数,从而指导水平集函数进行图像分割。

    This paper proposes and establishes a multi-scale statistic model scheme based on wavelet analysis , and adds it to the Mumford-Shah energy function for the better of the segmentation based shape prior .

  14. 集函数的微积分

    On the theory of differential and integral calculus of set functions

  15. 单调集函数的连续性与可测函数序列的收敛

    Continuity of Monotone Set Function and Convergences of Measurable Function Sequence

  16. 集函数有可列可加性的充要条件

    Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Countable Additivity of Set Function

  17. 取值于局部凸空间中抽象集函数的积分

    Integrals of Set - Functions Valued in Locally Convex Spaces

  18. 在图像分割中对水平集函数应用的研究

    The Research about Level Set Function Application in Image Segmentation

  19. 用于分组和集函数计算的并行排序方法

    Parallel sort algorithms for group - by and aggregation

  20. 取值于巴拿赫空间的绝对连续集函数

    On the Absolute Continuity of the Abstract Set Functions

  21. 使用多个水平集函数的变分水平集方法是其在多相分割中的应用。

    The variational level set method is a multiphase level set segmentation method .

  22. 采用位标集函数确定和跟踪流-固界面。

    The method defines and tracks fluid-solid interfaces with a level set function .

  23. 关于亚纯函数的精简唯一性象集函数的连续性

    On the reduced unique range sets of Meromorphic Functions

  24. 关于集函数Γ的结构

    On the structure of the set function Γ

  25. 集函数的广σ加性与广连续性

    Generalized sigma additivity and continuity of set function

  26. 完全加性的集函数的奇部

    Singular part of a totally additive set function

  27. 集函数多目标规划的广义凸对偶性

    Generalized Convex Duality for Multiobjective with Set Functions

  28. 最大化非减次模集函数问题的近似算法及其性能保证

    An approximation algorithm for maximizing a non-decreasing submodular set function and its performance guarantee

  29. n-集函数多目标规划的对偶

    Duality for multiobjective programming involving n-set functions

  30. 集函数的寻常上导数

    Ordinary upper derivative of a set function