
  • 网络collective excitation
  1. TR唯象模型中的集体激发对比热的贡献

    Contribution to the Specific Heat due to the Collective Excitations in TR Phenomenological Model

  2. 超流费米原子气体中的集体激发及其相互作用研究

    Investigations on Collective Excitations and Their Interactions of Superfluid Atomic Fermi Gases

  3. 对K~±介子引起原子核~(40&48)Ca集体激发的研究

    The study of collective excitation of the nuclei ~ ( 40-48 ) ca by Kaon mesons

  4. 通过引入动态碰撞频率(dynamicalcollisionfrequency)考虑了动态屏蔽、电子的集体激发以及离子的关联等效应。

    By introducing a dynamical collision frequency , the effects of dynamical screening , collective excitation of electrons and correlation of ions are taken into account .

  5. 泛函积分方法于Dicke模型中的临界温度和集体激发谱

    The Functional Integrals Method , Critical Temperature and Collective Exciation Spectrum in the Dicke Model

  6. 由于经历了相对论修正的集体激发和两体碰撞两种主要的能量损失机制,使得侧月3在DT核中不断损失能量,并将能量全部沉积在靶中。

    The REB continuously loses energies when passing through the DT core because of experiencing two main energy-loss-mechanics such as the collective excitation and the two-body collision with relativistic modification .

  7. 微波强场中的光谱激发现象规范场的集体激发

    The Phenomenon of Spectrum Excitement in Microwave Strong Field

  8. 基于原子系综集体激发的量子存贮

    Quantum Storage Based on Collective Excitations in Atomic Ensemble

  9. 在线性型分子晶体中的局域性集体激发特性

    Properties of Localized Excitation in Linear Molecular Crystals

  10. 上述这些现象都与磁有序物质集体激发有关。

    The above phenomena are all related to the collective excitations of magnetic ordered material .

  11. 重偶偶核的α结团现象与集体激发的统一描述

    An unified description of the α - clustering and collective excitations in heavy even-even nuclei

  12. 偶偶变形核的集体激发能谱&Ⅱ.基带能谱的分析

    The collective excitation spectra in even-even deformed nuclei ⅱ . analysis of the ground band

  13. 在超低温度下,物理系统会表现出有序性质,集体激发。

    In the low temperature physical properties of the system will show an orderly , collective excitation .

  14. 以空穴层为表面层的第Ⅱ类半无限半导体超晶格中的表面集体激发模式

    Surface Spectrum of Electron Collective Excitations in Type - ⅱ Semiconducting Superlattice with the Hole-Layer as the Surface Layer

  15. 在此基础上,我们讨论了简并费米气体的能隙及集体激发。

    Based on it , we study the energy gap and the collective excited modes of the degenerate Fermi gases .

  16. 以磁振子&声子相互作用研究海森堡系统的集体激发与因瓦效应动力学

    The Study of Collective Excitations and Invar Effect Dynamics in Heisenberg System Based on Magnon-phonon Interaction interaction of magnetic dipoles

  17. 在波数大于一定值时,子带间的集体激发衰减为单粒子激发。

    Only if the wave vector increased up to a critical value , the intersubband collective excitations decayed into single-particle excitation region .

  18. 考虑到液晶作为有相互作用的多体系统,多体效应或集体激发对宏观性质有重要的影响。

    Considering that the liquid crystals are many-body system , so many-body effect or collective excitation can have an important effect on macroscopic properties .

  19. 一定数目的俘获原子组成的系综,在高极化极限下,原子内部能级跃迁与光场的耦合导致原子的集体激发,原子之间是全同的。

    The coupling between the atoms in an ensemble and the light field will deduce the collective excitation of atoms in the limit of large polarization .

  20. 在介电函数张量理论基础上得到了二子带模型和三子带模型下系统中集体激发和单粒子激发存在的条件。

    On the basis of dielectric function tensor theory , we have got the existing conditions of the single particle excitation and the collective excitation in the two-subband and three-subband model .

  21. 理论结果表明:随着等离子体温度的上升,由集体激发引起的能量损失逐渐减小,而由两体碰撞引起的能量损失逐渐增加。

    We show that with the increase of the plasma temperature , the energy loss caused by the collective excitation gradually decreases while that caused by the two-body collision opposes it .

  22. 研究其荧光发射光谱特性,在485nm处观察到表面自由电子集体激发导致的表面等离子体共振发射峰,其位置不随激励光波长的变化而移动。

    The control for obtaining Au nanoparticles with different diameters can be attained . The emission spectral features show a surface plasma resonance peak of gold nanoparticles at 485 nm , which results from the collective excitation of the free electron gas .

  23. 原子系综由于存在集体激发增强效应和多种延长自旋波退相干时间的技术而成为实现量子存储的理想选择。

    Atomic ensemble is an ideal media for the realization of the quantum memories due to the collective enhancement effect in it . Another reason is that there are several kinds of the techniques for atomic ensemble to prolong the coherence time of the spin wave .

  24. α-Fe2O3超微粒的集体磁激发现象

    Collective magnetic excitations in α - fe_2o_3 ultrafine particles

  25. 微晶的尺寸小于10um时,穆斯堡尔谱将受到磁化方向起伏,即超顺磁弛豫与集体磁激发的影响。

    Spectra of microcrystals with dimensions smaller than about 10 nm are influenced by the fluctuations along the magnetization direction , i. e. , superparamagnetic relaxation and collective magnetic excitations .

  26. 它可以为集体行动激发心理动力。

    It can mobilize psychological resources for collective action .

  27. 本文应用麦克斯韦方程和适当的边界条件导出了有限的类型&Ⅱ半导体超晶格的集体表面激发色散关系的一个解析表达。

    An analytical expression for dispersion relation is derived for collective surface exitations of model type-11 finite semiconductor superlattices using Maxwell 's Equations and appropriate boundary condition .

  28. 核物质里π介子的吸收与类声集体模式的激发

    Sound-like collective mode excitation with pion absorption in nuclear matter

  29. 跟核物质主要特性相一致的相对论性平均场理论被用来研究核物质里的类声集体模式的激发。

    The relativistic mean field theory consistent with bulk properties of nuclear matter is extended to study the excitations of the sound-like collective modes in nuclear matter .

  30. 它可以用来处理复杂的集体工作,可以激发员工的创造力,可以使组织变的更为灵活。

    It can be used to deal with the complexity of the collective work , can stimulate the creativity of employees , and can make the organization more flexible .