
  1. 证券投资基金是最典型的集合理财产品。

    Securities investment fund is the most typical collective financing product .

  2. 金融危机过后随着市场的回暖,集合理财产品也开始有所回转。

    With the market picking up , collection of financial products begins to turn .

  3. 基金和券商集合理财产品有着不同的投资风格,而他们的投资偏好都会反映在所持有股票的某些属性上。

    Whether the fund or brokerage set of financial products , their investment preferences are bound to reflect on some properties of the stock .

  4. 本文主要阐明了集合理财产品的定义、包含品种、特点以及集合理财产品在我国的发展过程、经验教训和现在所呈现的态势。

    This paper describes the definition of a collection of financial products , including varieties and characteristics and collection of financial products in our understanding of the development process , lessons learned and the situation now presented .

  5. 其次,本文搜集了这27只集合理财产品自2005-2010年各季度的净值,通过分析期间净值的变化来观察这27只集合理财产品的变现情况。

    Secondly , this article is to be collected 27 set of financial products from 2005 to 2010 the net value of each quarter , by analyzing the changes in net worth during this 27 to observe the realization of a collection of financial products .

  6. 本文认为,虽然券商集合理财产品在发展过程中仍存在许多问题,但现在看来券商集合理财产品总体表现不错,未来仍有很大发展空间。

    This paper argues that , although the broker set of financial products in the development process there are still many problems , now it seems the whole set of financial products broker performed well in the future there is still much room for development .

  7. 一些机构并不看好券商集合理财产品,他们认为券商集合理财计划前景堪忧,券商只注重发行规模与数量而大大忽略了产品本身,缺乏创新。

    Some collection agencies are not optimistic about the brokerage of financial products , they believe that the collection of financial planning woeful broker , broker of the issue by focusing on the size and number and largely ignored the product itself , the lack of innovation .