
guó yíng
  • state-run;national;state-operated
国营 [guó yíng]
  • [national;state-operated;state-run] 国家的,属于国家政府的,由国家政府经管或提倡的

  • 一条国营柏油路

国营[guó yíng]
  1. 韩国一直在设法应对外国投资者在其商业领域日益增强的地位,而该行业曾是家族财阀(chaebol)和国营企业的天下。

    South Korea has been grappling with the growing role of foreign investors in its business sector , once the preserve of family-run chaebol and state-operated companies .

  2. 本文探讨了有关国营企业的几个问题。

    The article deals with some questions concerned with state-operated enterprises .

  3. 在国营商店里经常连一些基本食品都买不到。

    Basic food products are frequently unavailable in the state shops .

  4. 发生争执的一个根源就是国营公司的私有化方案。

    A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies .

  5. 建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。

    Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors

  6. 遗憾的是,他又玩起了老一套的数字游戏,吹嘘说目前属于公有部门的国营企业已不到300家。

    Regrettably , he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector .

  7. 国营农场把试验田划给这个小组负责。

    The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group .

  8. 国营企业家业大。

    A state-owned enterprise is big and well-off .

  9. 国家保障国营经济的巩固和发展

    The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy .

  10. 该公司过去的总部位于北京,隶属于国营的中国科学院(chineseacademyofsciences)。

    It was based in Beijing under the Chinese Academy of Sciences , the state-run research institution .

  11. 也许这已在预料之中,中国国营机构中国发展银行(chinadevelopmentbank)最近已划拨逾10亿美元来帮助小型企业退出美国证券交易所。

    Perhaps in anticipation , China Development Bank , a state-run institution , has recently set aside more than $ 1 billion to help smaller firms leave American exchanges .

  12. 国营林场总收入GM(1,1)及预测分析

    Prediction analysis of the total income gm ( 1,1 ) model of the state-run Forestry Farm

  13. 很多HIV病毒携带者现在能活得更久,是因为他们接受了ART治疗,而前政府曾一度禁止国营诊所使用这种治疗方法。

    Many of those infected with HIV are living longer because they are being given treatment which a previous government refused to make available in state clinics .

  14. 在市场经济制度逐步建立和不断完善过程中,尤其是我国加入WTO之后,国营企业面临着一个全新的社会经济环境。

    In the course of building and perfecting our market economy system , especially after China entered WTO , state-owned corporation faces one bran-new society economy environment .

  15. GATT在其成立之初就对国营贸易企业表现出相当程度的关注,制定出一系列规则对其进行约束,这些规则伴随GATT/WTO的发展而逐步演进。

    The rules on state trading enterprises were established and developed with the evolution of GATT / WTO .

  16. 随着经济发展,我国民间资本日益雄厚,并有了投资基础设施建设的需求,内资BOT有了较高的呼声。国营企业、民营企业、个人投资越来越多参与到基础设施建设中。

    More and more state-owned enterprises , private enterprises , individual investment begins to take part in infrastructure .

  17. 现在政府或许能够出售国家铝业公司(nationalaluminiumcompany)、移动电话公司bsnl以及其它国营企业的更多股份。

    Now the government might be able to sell further stakes in state-controlled national aluminium company , mobile phone company bsnl and others .

  18. 本周,黑龙江省一座由国营龙煤矿业控股集团(longmeiminingholdinggroup)经营的煤矿发生爆炸,100多人遇难。

    This week more than 100 people died after an explosion at a mine in Heilongjiang province run by the state-owned Longmei mining holding group .

  19. 但是,一些工作组成员再次表示,中国应作出承诺,以保证所有国营贸易企业遵守《WTO协定》的要求。

    However , some members of the Working Party again stated that China should undertake a commitment to ensure that all state trading enterprises complied with the requirements of the WTO Agreement .

  20. 作为国营大企业,面临着激烈的市场竞争,特别是Al2O3&SiO2专业生产厂家,还把产品主要定位在钢铁行业。

    As a state-owned key enterprise facing with intense market competition , especially as a special plant that manufactures " Al2O3-SiO2 " products , LuoYang Refractory Group Co , ltd.

  21. 世贸组织的裁决要求中国终止由国营企业垄断海外图书、电影及DVD的进口和分销。

    The WTO ruling demands an end to state enterprise monopolies on the import and distribution of foreign-made books , films and digital video discs .

  22. 国营的全聚德烤鸭店(QuanjudeRoastDuck)已经在奥运主会场附近的新店推出了奥运菜肴。

    Elsewhere , the state-owned Quanjude Roast Duck has Olympic dishes already on the menu at a new branch near the main stadium .

  23. 1998-2003年期间专业户表现出全要素生产率提高,而国营农场TFP则在下降。此外,专业户不仅采用的技术在进步,而且其纯技术效率也在提高;

    From 1998 to 2003 the TFP of farmers owned by farmer is increasing with the increasing of pure technical efficiency and technique progress .

  24. 在今日审理结束与下一步过程之间,可能会相隔一段时间,大约几天,史密斯告诉国营的澳洲广播电台(ABCRadio)。

    There may well be some time , a matter of days between the end of the hearing today , and those further processes , Mr Smith told ABC Radio , the country 's state broadcaster .

  25. 但GATT/WTO的运作历史表明上述以GATT第17条为基础的国营贸易企业规则是薄弱的,需要通过改革以加强纪律。

    The rules on state trading enterprises , whose basic regulation is in GATT Article XVII , still remain a weak part of the whole WTO legal framework and should be strengthened through reformation .

  26. 香港嘉里物流中国区副总裁苏耀明(garyso)表示,与公路和航空运输相比,内河航运和国营铁路系统的监管限制多得多。

    Gary so , vice-president of the mainland Chinese arm of Hong Kong-based Kerry Logistics , says regulation of waterways and the state-run rail system remains far more restrictive than in trucking or air freight .

  27. 国营DRDO已开发出了先进的防空(反倾销协定)的大气层内拦截和普里特维防空(PAD)的为胞外大气层拦截导弹系统。

    The state-run DRDO has developed the Advanced Air Defence ( AAD ) system for endo-atmospheric interception and the Prithvi Air Defence ( PAD ) missile for exo-atmospheric interception .

  28. 和许多人一样,1991年苏联解体时,Valera丢掉了他在一个国营煤矿的工作。

    Like many others , Valera lost his job at a state run mine when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 .

  29. 运用GM(1,1)模型及灰色系统预测技术,对福建省国营卫闽林场未来若干年内总收入进行动态预测,并对结果予以分析与讨论。

    GM ( 1,1 ) - model and Grey System prediction technology were adopted in this paper to predict the coming year 's total income of weimin state-run forestry farm of Fujian province in a dynamic way , and the result analysis and discussion were also focused upon .

  30. 我国快递开始于1979年日本OCS与中外运的合作,经过三十多年的发展,目前市场上出现了国际巨头、国营、民营快递企业各自竞争场面。

    Our country express began in 1979 in Japan OCS and Sinotrans cooperation , after thirty years of development , appeared on the market at present international giant , state-owned , private enterprises express their respective competitive scene .