
  1. 屈光矫正后用CAM刺激仪和HeNe弱激光视功能治疗仪治疗。

    After refractive correction , they were treated with CAM in combination with He Ne weaken laser .

  2. 两组肾功能治疗12个月后比较,均无显著性差异(p0.05)。

    Renal function groups were compared after 12 months of treatment , there was no significant difference ( p0.05 ) .

  3. 多功能治疗仪降低产后出血量的临床观察采用辐射聚合方法制备了聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPA)均聚物、N?

    The Function of Poly-function Therapy Device for Reducing Postpartum Hemorrhage Hydrogels of poly N ?

  4. 结论硫氮卓酮使HCM患者VP增加,表明VP对评价药物对左心室舒张功能治疗效应具有重要应用价值。

    Conclusions Diltiazem causes VP to increase in patients with HCM , demonstrating that Vp is of important value in assessing the effects of drugs on diastolic function .

  5. 为探讨电刺激小脑顶核(Fastigialnucleus,FN)对眼循环障碍性疾病的疗效,应用脑循环功能治疗仪刺激FN,治疗28例眼循环功能障碍疾病,观察治疗前后视力、视野、视网膜电图的改变。

    Twenty eight patients with ischemic ophthalmopathy were treated by electrical stimulation of fastigial nucleus ( FN ) . The visual acuity , visual field and electroretinogram were examined before and after the treatment .

  6. 目的探讨VLH-D型多功能治疗仪早期预防女性压力性尿失禁的临床效果,总结其护理要点。

    Objective To discuss the clinical effect and summary the nursing features of VLH-D type multi-function therapeutic instrument in early prevention of female stress urinary incontinence .

  7. 方法:用WD-6000多功能治疗仪(恒定磁场强度为0.6T,转速为240r/min)对10只新西兰兔和30例运动系统疾病或癌症疼痛患者进行磁场处理,9例患者(对照组)接受假磁场处理。

    METHODS : New Zealand rabbits and voluntary patients with pain were treated with magnetic field , using the HMF 6 000 multifunctional therapeutic equipment ( magnetic field intensity of 0.6 T and rotational speed of 240 r / min ) .

  8. 手部深度烧伤早期功能治疗

    Early Term Function Treatment on Deep Degree Burn Hand

  9. 电脑控制多功能治疗仪的研制

    Development of the microcomputer-controlled multifunctional physiotherapy apparatus

  10. 子宫内膜癌保留生育功能治疗的进展

    Development in fertility-preserving treatment of endometrial carcinoma

  11. 加压药物灌注联合多功能治疗仪治疗慢性前列腺炎

    The Treatment of Chronic Bacteria Prostatitis by Multifunction Instrument Combined with Adding Press Druggery Perfusion

  12. 方法用微波多功能治疗仪。

    Methods Microwave multi - function equipment .

  13. 脑循环功能治疗仪的作用机理及临床效果

    Cerebral circulation function therapeutic apparatus of the role of the mechanism and clinical effect of

  14. 结果:经脑循环功能治疗仪治疗及有效的护理后患者意识水平明显改善。

    Result : For whom treated with CVFT and effective nursing strategy , the consciousness level was improved significantly .

  15. 结果:1.观察两组实验动物的神经功能治疗组较对照组缺损症状较轻。

    The defective symptom of treatment group is less than the control group via observation of their neurological function . 2 .

  16. 结论:通过脑循环功能治疗仪治疗和有效的护理措施,能够改善脑损害导致的意识障碍,促进患者意识的恢复。

    Conclusion : CVFT plus effective nursing strategy would improve consciousness impairment resulted from cerebral injury and contribute to the recovery of consciousness function .

  17. 前言:目的:观察脑循环功能治疗仪治疗脑损害致意识障碍患者的治疗效果及护理对策。

    Objective : To identify the effects of cerebrovascular functional treatment ( CVFT ) on consciousness impairment resulted from cerebral injury and pursue a feasible nursing strategy .

  18. 方法:使用微波多功能治疗机,通过微波辐射探头直接作用于囊肿,使囊肿组织坏死、脱落。

    Methods : by means of poly-function microwave apparatus to beat 67 cases with cyst of oral mucous glands . Through the radiating-probe of microwave apparatus , to act directly on the cyst , make the tissue of cyst necrose and fall off .

  19. 面肌功能训练治疗Bell面瘫的临床观察

    Therapeutic effect of facial muscle 's function training on Bell 's facioplegia

  20. 类固醇激素配合功能训练治疗Bell′s面瘫的疗效观察

    The effect of corticosteroids and function training in the treatment of bell 's palsy

  21. 目的:观察经关节镜下行LARS(ligamentadvancedreinforcementsystem)人工韧带移植重建膝关节后交叉韧带损伤患者膝关节功能的治疗结果。

    AIM : To study the therapeutic results of posterior cruciate ligament ( PCL ) injury arthroscopic reconstruction with ligament advanced reinforcement system ( LARS ) artificial transplantation .

  22. 目的:探讨AO技术结合CPM功能锻炼治疗肱骨髁间骨折的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the outcome of humeral intercondylar fracture treated by AO technique combined with CPM exercise .

  23. 目的探讨Y形钢板内固定结合CPM功能锻炼治疗肱骨髁部粉碎性骨折的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome of humeral condylar comminuted fractures treated by Y shaped plate fixation combined with CPM exercise .

  24. 但关于ETS的分泌、代谢机制及其影响因素,特别是在气压损伤性中耳炎咽鼓管功能和治疗中的作用至今未见研究报道。

    However , there is scarcely report on the mechanism of its secretion and metabolism , especially its effect on prevention and treatment of BM .

  25. 治疗组患者治疗后第7天肾上腺皮质功能较治疗前有显著性增高(P0.05),与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The level of adrenal cortisol in the trial group 7 days after treatment were significantly higher than that before treatment ( P0.05 ), compared with the control group there is a significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 正确的手术时机选择、稳定的内固定、保护关节附属结构、BMP植入、正确关节功能康复治疗,对提高疗效有明显影响。

    Correct choice of operation occasion , stable internal fixation , protection of the knee joint structure , BMP graft and correct function rehabilitation show significant impact on curative effects .

  27. 所有患者由ICU医生行重要器官功能支持治疗;对有明确腹腔感染病灶,经非手术治疗效果不理想或病情加重的患者进行外科干预。

    All patients by doctor of ICU support for life and organ function ; the lesions of abdominal infection , surgical intervention by non operation treatment effect is not ideal or sicker patients .

  28. 结果:治疗组肝脏储备功能较治疗前明显升高(P0.05),与对照组比无统计学意义(P0.05);

    Results : Sixty days after treatment , the hepatic function of reserve in treatment group was higher ( P0.05 ) . There was no statistically significance in hepatic function of reserve in treatment group , compared with control group .

  29. 目的:探讨MODS患者在连续性血液净化(CBP)过程中应用局部枸橼酸抗凝对凝血功能及治疗效果的影响。

    Objective : To discuss the influence of local citrate anticogulation ( RCA ) in continuous blood purification ( CBP ) during the treatment of MODS patients on blood coagulation function and its treatment effect .

  30. STG-2000多功能创伤治疗仪对骨折愈合和运动系统慢性损伤的疗效评估

    Evaluation of the curative effect of STG-2000 multi-function wound treatment instrument on healing of fracture and chronic injury of locomotor system