
  • 网络functional refractories
  1. 连铸用功能耐火材料的发展

    Development of functional refractories for continuous casting

  2. 浸入式水口是连铸用关键功能耐火材料之一,其使用效果直接影响连铸效率和铸坯质量。

    Submerged entry nozzle is one of the most important functional refractories for continuous casting process .

  3. 连铸用无碳功能耐火材料的研究进展

    Research on carbon - free functional refractories for con - casting system

  4. 随着连铸技术的发展,连铸用功能耐火材料之一的浸入式水口也取得了很大的发展。

    With the development of the continuous casting , the submerged entry nozzle which is functional refractories for continuous casting also is quickly developing .

  5. 滑动水口作为连铸过程中的功能耐火材料,其是否安全、可靠和高效对提高连铸比和工作效率,降低生产成本有着重要意义。

    The slide gate as a functional refractory with security , reliability and high efficiency plays an important role in continuous casting process to increase the ratio of the continuous casting and efficiency and decrease the cost of production .