
  • 网络Power-to-weight ratio;power weight ratio;power/weight ratio
  1. 夹心式纵振换能器具有结构坚固、制造工艺简单、功率重量比大、电声效率高等优点。

    Sandwich vertical vibration transducer has the advantages of solid structure , simple manufacturing process , big power-to-weight ratio and high electro-acoustical efficiency .

  2. 钕铁硼永磁材料在直流伺服电动机中的应用将导致效率的提高和功率重量比的增加,并且降低了时间常数。

    Utilization of the Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet in DC servomotor has resulted in improved efficiency and increased power-weight ratio , reduced time constant .

  3. 可调式液力装置兼有传统液力元件能容功率重量比大、隔离衰减扭振、过载保护等优良传动品质,同时还具有对工作机械实现无级调速的功能。

    Adjustable hydraulic equipment inherit the excellent transmission quality , such as power to weight ratio , isolation of torsional vibration overload protection , but also has the fuction of continuous adjustable speed to the load machine .

  4. 高压气动系统功率重量比大,相对低压系统刚度高,有较好的动态性能,有利于实现高速化和元件小型化,使气动技术有着更广阔的应用空间。

    High-pressure pneumatic system has advantages of high power weight radio , tremendous stiffness and good dynamic performance , and it is more conducive to high speed and miniaturization of components compared to low-pressure pneumatic system , so it wins broad application space .

  5. 先进太阳能热动力发电系统研究目的是提高系统的效率,提高功率/重量比,为将来太阳能热动力发电系统在空间的广泛应用打下基础。

    The research purpose of advanced solar energy dynamic system is to improve efficiency and lay a foundation for further wide use in space .

  6. 为解决这些问题,建议使用全封闭式永磁同步电动机作牵引电动机,它具有与传统的风冷式感应电动机相同的功率-重量比。

    To solve these problems , we propose to use totally enclosed permanent magnet synchronous motor as the traction motor , which has the same power-to-weight ratio as that of conventional ventilated type traction motors .

  7. 液压控制系统具有响应速度快、频带宽、刚度大、抗干扰能力强、执行机构的功率-重量比和扭矩-惯量比大等优点,在船舶自动舵执行机构中有广泛应用。

    Hydraulic control system had the advantage of high response speed , wide frequency band , large stiffness , strong ability to resist interference , high power-weight rate and high torque-inertia rate of etc. It have been extensive used in the transfer function of auto-rudder .

  8. 电液伺服控制系统以其功率&重量比大,系统响应快,负载刚性大,控制精度高的特点,广泛应用于冶金,矿山,船舶,工程机械,航空航天等工业控制领域。

    With large power / weigh ratio , fast response , high immunity to load variations and high level of control precision , the electrohydraulic servo control system has been widely used in many industrial applications such as metallurgy , mining , marine , construction machinery and aerospace .

  9. 尽管菲亚特500L的功率强于Countryman(160马力对121马力),但两车的功率重量比几乎是相同的,都在20磅/马力左右。

    Despite the 500L 's power advantage over the Countryman ( 160 vs. 121 hp ), the cars ' power-to-weight ratios are nearly identical , around 20 pounds per horsepower .

  10. 在性能表现方面,两车在直线前进中基本上平分秋色。尽管菲亚特500L的功率强于Countryman(160马力对121马力),但两车的功率重量比几乎是相同的,都在20磅/马力左右。

    Performance-wise , in a straight line , it is about a draw . Despite the 500L 's power advantage over the Countryman ( 160 vs. 121 hp ) , the cars ' power-to-weight ratios are nearly identical , around 20 pounds per horsepower .