
  • 网络high light intensity
  1. 新疆高光强条件下小麦群体光合能力的研究

    Research on the Canopy Photosynthesis Capacity of Wheat on Condition of High Luminous Intensity in Xinjiang

  2. 结果表明,玉米PEPC基因导入水稻后,在高光强下光合速率提高50%,光合作用的光抑制减轻。

    The results showed that the photosynthetic rate under high light intensity increased by 50 % and photoinhibition of photosynthesis alleviated after the introduction of PEPC gene from maize into rice .

  3. 促进细胞色素b-559在高光强或低光强下都为红光还原。

    Pyocyanine reversed the effects of CCCP so as to promote the reduction of cytochrome b-559 by red light of both high and low intensities .

  4. 甘蓝叶片的光合午休现象是对中午较高温度和高光强的一种适应,PSⅡ反应中心的可逆失活和依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散在防御光破坏方面起着重要作用。

    Midday depression of photosynthesis during bright days was the adaptive mechanisms to high temperature and strong light stress .

  5. 即将离体叶片放入水中经高光强处理,造成低CO2、低O2、高光强的人工光氧化条件,经过这种筛选压可选出耐光氧化的材料。

    The appearances of photooxidation in various materials were detected when the excised leaves were submerged in water under low CO_2 and low O_2 with high light .

  6. 两品种的群体光补偿点为180~190μE·m-2·s-1,鲁谷10号对高光强的利用率高于矮88。

    The canopy light compensate points of two varieties were from 180 to 190 μ E. m-2 . s-1 . Utilization efficiency for higher intense solar radiation of Lugu No.

  7. C4(CAM)植物的这一优势在高温、高光强、干旱等逆境条件下尤为明显。

    These advantages of C4 plants are especially valuable under the circumstance of high temperature , high light intensity and drought .

  8. PAL活性为光所诱导,与内皮层的栓化没有直接的相关性。在高光强条件下生长的幼苗茎中抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量比低光强和暗中的高。

    PAL activity , which was induced by light , was not directly correlated with suberization of endodermis .

  9. 而高光强下,过多的光能造成PS11反应中心的失活,PQ库无法得到电子而处于氧化状态,光合机构由状态2转向状态1。

    Over much light irradiance caused PS II reaction center reversible inactivation and PQ pool could not .

  10. 结果:高光强时,0.5Hz反应b波上叠加有子波。

    RESULTS : There were some small oscillatory waves overlapped on the 0.5 Hz response b wave .

  11. 最后,还以惯性约束核聚变(ICF)点火器为例,讨论了超高光强激光的应用。

    Finally , taking the ICF fast ignitor as an example , the application of the ultrahigh-intensity laser is presented .

  12. 高光强下生长的叶片具有较高的叶绿素a、b,总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量,以及较高的叶绿素a/叶绿素总量和叶绿素a/b比值。

    Higher contents of chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b , total chlorophyll and carotenoid and a higher ratio of chlorophyll a / b was found in plant leaves grown under high light density ( 400 cmol · m - 2 · s - 1 ) .

  13. 但是未泵浦的EDFA由于铒离子系统的吸收作用存在一种饱和吸收现象,这种饱和吸收作用使得未泵浦的EDFA在一个高光强下有很低的吸收系数。

    However , a kind of saturable absorption effect has been introduced in unpumped EDFA based on the absorption of the Erbium system which means a lower absorption coefficient in higher intensity .

  14. 另外,高光强也提高盐胁迫条件下幼苗的存活率,但是功能缺失突变体的死亡率明显高于间条件下的野生型和DELLA功能获得突变体,表明盐胁迫条件下DELLA起到关键的作用。

    Additionally , high light increased seedling survival rate in all the lines under slat stress , although death rate was significantly higher in loss-of-function mutant as compared to wild-type and gain-of-function mutant .

  15. 低浓度乙烯(1~10ppm)可诱导蚕豆幼苗茎在高光强下产生内皮层;

    Formation of endodermis in stem grown under high intensive light is induced by low concentration ethylene ( 1 ~ 10 ppm ) .

  16. 本文进一步研究转PEPC基因水稻的光合保护能力,看到玉米PEPC基因导入水稻后,在高光强下光合速率提高50%,光合作用的光抑制减轻。

    This article would further investigate the photoprotective capability . The results showed that the photosynthetic rate under high light intensity had increased by 50 % and photo-inhibition of photosynthesis in PEPC transgenic was alleviated after the introduction of PEPC gene from maize into rice .

  17. 高山环境主要具有低温、高光强和生长季节短等特点。

    Alpine environment are characterized by low temperature , high light intensities and short growing periods .

  18. 光照强度与常绿阔叶植物越冬伤害密切相关,高光强可加重常绿阔叶植物的越冬伤害,但影响程度因树种喜光或耐荫的生态习性不同而异。

    Light intensity were correlated with the winter injury of broad-leaved evergreens . High light intensity could aggravate the winter injury .

  19. 然而钽酸锂晶体在高光强照射的情况下会产生光致散射,导致全息存储图像质量严重下降。

    However , light scattering can be induced by high light intensity in lithium tantalum , which results in serious holograph distortion .

  20. 在抽穗期,突变株系与亲本在中午高光强下受到的抑制相比,突变株系受到的抑制较小,而且在18:00以后几乎能恢复到早上6:00的水平;

    Like their parent , the mutant lines also had slight photoinhibition at noon and almost completely recovered after 18:00 at heading stage .

  21. 在高光强下,土壤微生物对于大花金鸡菊的叶生物量积累、总生物量积累和叶绿素荧光能力有抑制作用。

    Soil biota had negative effect on the leaf biomass , total biomass and the ability of photosynthesis of C. grandiflora at high irradiance .

  22. 更有甚者,高光强胁迫将使光氧化损伤率大于光合器官的修复速率。

    In extreme cases , high light stress can lead to the level of photo-oxidative damage exceeding the rate of repair to the photosynthetic apparatus .

  23. 光照强度对其吸收效率也会产生影响,较低光强下的吸收能力和吸收效率均高于黑暗和高光强条件。

    The uptake capacity and absorption efficiency of nutrients at the middle level of light intensity were higher than those at either dark or high light intensity .

  24. 适宜霍山3种石斛生长环境的相对湿度为80%左右,高光强、高温和低湿度抑制石斛生长。

    Environment of RH 80 % is available for dendrobiums growing , and high light intensity , high temperature and low RH will influence growth of dendrobium .

  25. 高温季节低光强叶幕区光合强度超过高光强区,因之在盛夏下层叶幕的同化作用不可忽视。

    However , when temperature is high , assimilation number of the leaf curtain with a low light intensity is larger than that with a high light intensity .

  26. 这种趋势表明,要想最大化油松幼苗的固碳量,高光强和高氮量的投入是必要的。

    This trend shows that , in order to maximize the amount of carbon sequestration of Pinus tabulaeformis , high light intensity and high nitrogen invest is necessary .

  27. 在西双版纳干热季作为林窗主要热力作用面之一的林窗地表面,在不同时段其最大光强的数值和出现区域以及高光强维持时期均存在较大差异;

    The gap ground stand in one of thermodynamic surface in the gap , the number and emerging zone of maximal light intensity and maintaining phase of high light intensity are different ;

  28. 结果表明:(1)在高光强、高温情况下喷施外源甲醇水溶液后,棉花作物叶片乙醇酸氧化酶的活性显著地持续下降。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) after spraying methanol of aqueous , in bright sunlight and high temperature conditions , the activity of GLO dropped significantly and long-term in foliar .

  29. 试验结果提示,高光强、高温情况下喷施外源甲醇水溶液增强棉花作物叶片光合作用效率,与其参与棉花作物的光呼吸代谢有关。

    The results also indicated that the methanol may involve in that metabolism of photorespiration and the mechanism of enhanced photosynthetic efficiency by spraying aqueous methanol on cotton in bright sunlight and high temperature conditions .

  30. 但是在高光强下,同成份与近化学比LiNbO3:Fe都可以达到106V/m量级的光致空间电荷场。

    In addition , it is shown that a light-induced space charge field of the order of 10 ~ 6 V / m is achievable in both the near-stoichiometric and the congruent LiNbO_3 : Fe with high intensities .