
  • 网络high temperature coating
  1. 分析了注汽管线的腐蚀原因及注汽管线对外防腐涂料的要求,研制了WH-92型高温涂料,经现场应用.达到了预期效果;

    Through analyzing corrosion reason of steam injection line and requirements for outer corrosion-inhibiting coating of the line , WH-92 high temperature coating is developed . After field application , the desired results have been achieved .

  2. 高温涂料在加热炉上应用的实践

    Theory and practice of application of high temperature coating mixture on heating furnace

  3. 选用自制的梯形聚甲基倍半硅氧烷和梯形聚苯基倍半硅氧烷为基料制备出了耐高温涂料(PRSI)。

    The heat resistant coatings ( PRSI ) is prepared with the self-made trapezoid polymethylsilsesquioxane and polyphenylsilsesquioxane as the binders .

  4. 还简单介绍了HT型水性耐高温涂料和WP型水性云母氧化铁涂料。

    Also described in the article are HT waterborne heat resistant coatings and WP waterborne micaceous iron oxide coatings .

  5. FZ-15新型耐高温涂料

    Fz-15 new type of heat-resistant coating

  6. 两种新炉用耐热铸钢-R45和H18新型耐高温涂料

    New Heat Resistant Coating

  7. 核设施、设备用耐高温涂料的研制

    Development of Heat - Resistant Coatings for Nuclear Facilities and Equipment

  8. 常温固化环氧改性有机硅耐高温涂料的研制

    Development of Room Temperature Curing Epoxy Resin Modified Silicone Heat-resistant Coating

  9. 低成本有机硅改性耐高温涂料的研制

    Development of High-Temperature Resistant Silicone Modified Coatings with Low Cost

  10. 抗燃气流冲刷、烧蚀的耐高温涂料的研制

    Development of high-temperature paint with burnt gas stream erode and ablation resistance

  11. 室温自干型有机硅耐高温涂料的研究新型高温耐火保温板的制备及其性能

    Preparation and Characteristic of New Type High-Temperature Fire-Resistant Insulation Board

  12. 有机硅耐高温涂料二次成膜机理的探讨

    Discussion on Two-Step Film-Forming Mechanism of Silicone Heat Resistant Coatings

  13. 常温固化有机硅/聚氨酯耐高温涂料的制备及性能研究

    Development of Ambient-Curable High-Temperature Organosilicone / Polyurethane Paint and Study on Its Performance

  14. 柔性石墨用耐高温涂料的研制

    Development of High-Temperature Resistant Coatings for Flexible Graphite

  15. 该耐高温涂料可采用喷涂法成型,工艺性能良好,操作简单。

    The coating has good processability and can be spray-coated and easy to operation .

  16. 梯形聚甲基/苯基倍半硅氧烷耐高温涂料的制备和性能测试

    Preparation and Performance Test of Heat Resistant Coatings Containing Trapezoid Polymethyl ( Phenyl ) Silsesquioxane

  17. 采用逆水解法进行氯硅烷水解&缩聚反应,制备了适用于耐高温涂料的甲基苯基硅树脂。

    The methyl phenyl silicone resin for heat resistant coatings was prepared by converse hydrolysis-polycondensation of chlorosilane .

  18. 新型有机-无机复合耐蚀耐高温涂料的制备研究

    Study on the Preparation of the Organic and Inorganic Compound Coating with Corrosion and High Temperature Resistance

  19. 针对以上结果,在本研究中,对高温涂料防止容器材料受熔融铝硅介质腐蚀进行了研究探讨。根据容器材料所遭受腐蚀环境的特点,采用了自行研制的几种高温涂料。

    The high temperature coating which was self-made against corrosion of container materials in melting Aluminum is also studied .

  20. 有机硅耐高温涂料的防腐蚀性能研究

    Modeling for Multi-directional Magnetic Property of Anisotropic Grain-oriented Silicon Steel Study on performance of corrosion protection of silicone heat resistant coating

  21. 研究高温涂料分析中的干扰因素及消除办法,建立高温涂料的分析方法。

    The interference factors for high temperature coating and its elimination method were researched , and the analytical procedure were built up .

  22. 研究用磷酸铝作粘结剂配制铸铁件用高温涂料。

    An investigation was carried out on using aluminum phosphate colloid as binder to produce a kind of hi-temperature-resistant coating for iron castings .

  23. 高温涂料喷号机,其设备构造简单,使用性能稳定,是理想的方坯标识设备。

    High temperature dope marking machine , which has a simple structure and runs steadily , is an ideal marking machine for billet .

  24. 您可以和他们联系吗?并咨询一下如果只用普通钢材配合高温涂料是否价格上还有得商量?

    Could you contact them and let us know if you can get the price down by using regular steel with high temperature paint ?

  25. 结果表明,制备的环氧-有机硅耐高温涂料具有良好的耐高温性能,可以达到耐450℃高温的要求。

    As a result , the kind of epoxy-silicone coating is of highly heating-resistant property , and able to achieve heat-resistant requirement of 450 ℃ .

  26. 通过对高温涂料保护熔覆后的试样进行正火处理,可以改善基体的组织和性能,消除因高温熔覆对基体材料带来的不利影响。

    The adverse effects of high temperature on the matrix material can be overcome by means of the normalizing treatment after the high-temperature protective coating cladding .

  27. 以刚玉粉和钛白粉为颜填料,以环氧改性有机硅树脂为基料,制备了环氧改性有机硅耐高温涂料。

    The epoxy modified organosilicane heat-resistant coatings is prepared with emery and titanium white as pigment and filler , with epoxy modified organosilicane resin as binder .

  28. 研究了以陶瓷颗粒为骨料,磷酸二氢铝为基料,添加多种无机填料的金属用耐磨耐高温涂料。

    An abrasion resistant coatings on metal substrates , based on ceramics as aggregate and monobasic aluminum phosphate as binder , mixed with various fillers , has been developed .

  29. 本研究工作将充实高温涂料的基础研究,为耐高温(400℃~700℃)涂料提供一个高质量、高效能、低成本的配制技术路线。

    This research will enrich the basic research of high-temperature coating , A high performance , low-cost preparation of technical route is provided for the high temperature ( 400 ℃ ~ 700 ℃) coating .

  30. 从生产硬硅钙复合高温涂料的原料及配方阐述开始,介绍生产工艺操作过程、设备情况以及研制过程中的关键技术。

    The article made an introduction to the process , equipment and key technique of the paint during the development and . manufacture from the beginning of the material preparation and their formulation description .