
  1. 通过试验得出以下结论:压入修补料在1000℃时的烧结和碳结合程度决定其高温结构强度和耐磨性。

    The conclusions have obtained from the experiment : the injection 's high temperature strength and abrasion determined on the sinter degree at 1000 ℃ and the C bonding degree .

  2. Ni基高温单晶合金结构强度与寿命研究方法分析

    The analysis of mechanical methods for strength and life assessment of structures made of Ni-base single crystal superalloys

  3. 发现在玻璃转变温度下有两个结构弛豫过程,提高淬火速度则增加高温结构弛豫强度,而冷加工则增加低温部份的弛豫强度。

    It is found that there are two structural relaxation processes at temperature of amorphous change , and that structural relaxation strength at high temperature is increased with quenching velocity and it is increased with cold working at low temperature .

  4. 因此,高温下钢结构高强度螺栓连接的性能也是钢结构抗火研究的一个重要组成部分。

    So property of high-strength bolt connection of steel structures at high temperatures is an important part of researches against fire of steel structures .