
huán yuán qì fēn
  • reducing atmosphere
  1. 钙钛矿型铝酸钇(YAP)晶体在还原气氛中的稳定性

    On the stability of yttrium - aluminate perofskite ( yap ) crystal in reducing atmosphere

  2. 利用XRD研究了采用不同稳定剂制备的钛酸铝陶瓷在850℃还原气氛下(铝熔体中)的热分解率。

    The thermal decomposition behaviors of aluminum titanate ceramic prepared with various stabilization additives at reducing atmosphere at 850 ℃( aluminum melt ) were studied by means of XRD .

  3. 本实验以无机盐为原料,采用溶胶凝胶法制备了La2NiO4薄膜,并在中性和弱还原气氛下得到了单一的K2NiF4相。该薄膜结构均匀,为一种多孔的纳米粒子膜。

    Thin film of La_2NiO_4 has been prepared by sol-gel process with nitrate as raw materials .

  4. 还原气氛下Al2O3-SiC-Si3N4复相材料的反应烧结过程

    Sintering Process of Al_2O_3-SiC-Si_3N_4 Composites at Reduction Atmosphere

  5. 强还原气氛中,不同高硫煤种对总F、总P含量的变化无显著影响。

    At the Strong reduction atmosphere , the total fluorine and the total phosphorus content do not change significantly in different kinds of high-sulfur coal condition .

  6. 工艺因素对还原气氛下铝热法制备Al2O3-TiB2复相陶瓷的影响

    Effect of technological factors on Al_2O_3-TiB_2 composite by aluminothermic reaction in reduction atmosphere

  7. 由熔体法在中性还原气氛中生长出SrTiO3∶Cr单晶。

    SrTiO_3 : Cr single crystal was grown in neutral reduction atmosphere by melt method .

  8. 首先制作多孔玻璃,通过掺杂溶液浸渍,制备掺Co和Ce高硅氧玻璃,并研究了在还原气氛下热处理玻璃的光谱性能。

    The glasses were prepared by first immersing the porous glasses into the solution containing the doped_ions . The high_silica glasses containing Co and Ce were then obtained after sintering .

  9. 还原气氛下金属-半导体催化体系Pt/MoO3和Pt/Co3O4中电荷和物种传递特性的研究

    Comparison of the Features of Charge and Species Transfer under Reductive Atmosphere between Two Kinds of Metal-Semiconductor Catalysts : Pt / MoO_3 and Pt / Co_3O_4

  10. 研究了重力分离SHS法制备的陶瓷内衬复合管,在还原气氛下进行高温处理过程前后,复合管中陶瓷与钢管间的过渡层组织形态、组织分布的变化和过渡层中的裂纹的变化情况。

    Before and after heat-treatment in reductive gas , transformation of microstructure morphology and distribution of the coatings and interface in pipes produced by SHS gravitational separation method are studied in details .

  11. 在实验所用的不同非还原气氛中,CaSO4在O2/CO2气氛下的热稳定性最好,其次是O2/N2气氛、CO2气氛、N2气氛。

    Among the various reduction atmospheres tried in the Lab , the thermal stability of CaSO_4 is highest in a O_2 / CO_2 atmosphere , followed in sequence by O_2 / N_2 , CO_2 and N_2 atmospheres .

  12. 还原气氛下,试样无明显的分层现象,SiAlON相的形成温度约在1600℃左右,多呈针状、纤维状或不规则状。

    The specimens sintered carbon reduction atmosphere have no obvious layering phenomenon , the formation temperature of SiAlON is about 1600 ℃, the crystal shape of them is acicular , fibriform or anomalous .

  13. 采用溶胶-凝胶法在低温、还原气氛下制备了SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+纳米长余辉光致发光材料。

    Long persistent phosphorescence SrAl_2O_4 : Eu 2 + , Dy 3 + nano_particle phosphor was synthesized by the sol-gel method under a reducing atmosphere at lower temperature .

  14. 作为固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)的电解质材料,必须具有足够高的离子电导率、在氧化和还原气氛下的稳定性,和足够高的强度和韧性以及可制作性和低成本等优点。

    For the application in SOFC , the electrolytes are required to have a high oxygen ionic conductivity , good chemical stability and high mechanical strength in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres , and must be easy to preparation with low cost .

  15. 根据热力学计算,在还原气氛下,通过引入Si3N4和提高Si的加入量等途径原位合成制备出SiAlON增强Al2O3-SiC-C浇注料是完全可行的。

    It is completely feasible that Al 2 O 3 - SiC-C castables strengthened by in situ synthesized SiAlON can be prepared by adding Si 3 N 4 and increasing the amount of Si at reducing atmosphere according to thermodynamic calculation .

  16. B-3样品固定700℃焙烧,CO气氛下U6+占样品中总铀量的百分数由16.5%降到4.1%,而空气条件下由16.5%降到6.2%,表明还原气氛焙烧更有利于降低样品中的U6+。

    For B-3 sample , U6 + percentage decreases from 16.5 % to 4.1 % and 6.2 % respectively at air and carbon monoxide atmosphere when the roast temperature is 700 ℃ . It shows that carbon monoxide atmosphere avails to decrease U6 + of sample .

  17. 通过控制二次风以下区段为还原气氛,使己二胺废水中的有机胺转化为NHi,然后它与由硝酸分解产生的NOx反应生成N2,可减少NOx排放量。

    By controlling the area under secondary air to be a reduction zone , the organic amine in the waste liquor turns into NHi , which further reacts with NOx decomposed from HNO 3 to form N 2 , leading to the reduction of NO x emission .

  18. 用变角X-射线光电子谱(VAXPS)分析了模型催化剂Rh/TiO2体系在还原气氛下的特点。

    The behaviour of the model catalyst Th / TiO_2 systen under the reduction atmosphere was investigated using variable angle X - ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( VAXPS ) .

  19. 结果表明,高温下煤中矿物质在弱还原气氛中的变化基本与CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三元相图相符,矿物质的变化主要由钙质硅铝酸盐控制。

    It is found that the phase composition and reactions of mineral matters are basically consistent with ternary phase diagram of CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3.The system of mineral matters is mainly dominated by the change of Ca-aluminosilicates .

  20. 在还原气氛下,在1300~1600K温度范围内,As在气相的含量由1300K时的51.82%升高至1600K时的97.28%,而在氧化物熔融体中的含量只有0.19%。

    At reduced environment the content of As increases from 51.82 % at temperature of 1300K to 97.28 % at 1600K , while the content of As is only 0.19 % in melted oxides .

  21. 熟料的化学成分、不同的烧成温度、熟料中的碱(R2O)含量和窑内还原气氛是影响硫铝酸盐水泥凝结时间的主要因素。

    The main factors influencing setting time of sulpho-aluminate cement are chemical compositions of clinker , different sintering temperature , alkali content ( R2O ) in clinker and reduction atmosphere within kilns .

  22. 对还原气氛二步烧结件进行渗铜处理,渗铜件抗拉强度为480MPa,延伸率为13%,冲击功为140J。

    The final parts sintered by two steps sintering in reducing atmospheres were then infiltrated with copper . The tensile strength of the material reached 480 MPa , elongation ratio 13 % and impact energy 140 J.

  23. 还原气氛烧成的熟料在水化初期放热迅速,前14h的放热总量明显大于正常煅烧熟料,但14h后水化放热量却明显低于正常烧成的熟料。

    The cement clinker released heat rapidly during the early hydrated course and total quantum of heat of 14 hours was more than that of the clinker sintered in oxidizing atmosphere , but it was less than the clinker sintered in oxidizing atmosphere 14 hours later .

  24. 还原气氛对水泥熟料矿物组成及显微结构的影响

    Effect of reducing atmosphere on composition and microstructure of cement clinker

  25. 在还原气氛中粉末将被还原而产生结构降解。

    In the reduction atmosphere , the powder could be decomposed .

  26. 还原气氛中γ-906型催化剂上羰基硫水解动力学研究

    Study on COS Hydrolysis Kinetics on Y-906 Catalyst in Reducing Atmosphere

  27. 还原气氛对表面层陶瓷电容器介电性能的影响

    The Influence of Reducing Atmosphere on Electric Properties of Semi-conducting Ceramic Capacitors

  28. 由于钢包精炼炉内的还原气氛,泡沫渣工艺中发泡剂的使用是必要的,课题研究中对常用的发泡剂进行了实验考察。

    Foaming agent was necessary in ladle furnace because its reducing condition .

  29. 箱式电炉产生还原气氛的方法

    The Methods to produce Reducing Atmosphere in Box Electric Furnace

  30. 低铁和杂质,以提高还原气氛;

    Low iron and impurities to enhance reducing atmosphere ;