
  1. 还记得吗,c表明提供一个C类型作为参数。

    Recall that_c_indicates that you 're providing a C type as the argument .

  2. 我们上次在IBM的营销会议上见过,还记得吗?

    B : We met last month at the IBM sales conference , remember ?

  3. 这是我的小Peter,还记得吗?

    A : Maggie , this is my little Peter , remember ?

  4. 还记得吗,我们上次看过的二进制数,从2到n是一个很大的数。

    Remember , we saw that last time looking at the binary numbers . 2 to the n is a big number .

  5. 还记得吗,一个TOPIC对象的访问权隐式授予对主题树中TOPIC所在位置以及该位置以下的所有主题字符串的访问权。

    Remember that access to a TOPIC object implicitly grants access to any topic strings at or below that TOPIC in the topic tree .

  6. 还记得吗,“items”表中的XML列包含一个“CustomerID”元素。

    Recall that the XML column in the " items " table contains a " CustomerID " element .

  7. 还记得吗?05年的时候,拜纳姆作为史上最年轻的球员踏入了NBA。

    Remember , back in '05 , Andrew Bynum was the youngest player ever drafted into the NBA .

  8. JMS函数选择器&我们介绍过如何作为服务查看接收JMS消息的应用程序,还记得吗?

    JMS Function Selector & Remember that we explained how we view the application receiving the JMS message as a service ?

  9. 我们上次说到了A型血和B型血的人,但是你还记得吗,我告诉过你还有AB型血的人。

    Dialogue So we talked about blood type As and blood type Bs , but do you remember me telling you there was also a blood type AB ?

  10. 一名女孩因不堪忍受凌辱而上吊身亡,还记得吗,我们几周前曾经讲过PhoebePrince的事。

    A girl who hanged herself allegedly because of bullies , remember talking about Phoebe Prince in that story for weeks .

  11. 还记得吗,我们的示例表(Transactions历史表)对于每个月都有一个单独的分区,而我们是每天添加一次或多次数据。

    Recall our sample table ( Transactions history table ) has a separate partition for each month , yet we are adding data one or more times per day .

  12. 你还记得吗,头儿的儿子与Jesse玩,把他左臂弄折了?

    You remember when the chief 's son was playing with Jesse and broke his left arm ?

  13. 还记得吗?1990年,CarlSaga在航海者太空飞船经过土星的时候,调转其方向面对地球。

    Do you remember when Carl Sagan turned the Voyager spacecraft back towards the Earth , in 1990 after it just passed Saturn ?

  14. 还记得吗,GWT是作为JavaScript运行的,因此GWT应用程序向远程服务器发出的任何调用都受到同源策略的限制。

    Now recall that GWT runs as JavaScript , and so any calls a GWT application makes to remote servers is limited by the same-origin policy .

  15. 你还记得吗?上次见面你最后的一句话是

    Do you remember ? It was your last word to me

  16. 我不能让人们相爱,还记得吗?

    I can 't make anybody fall in love , remember ?

  17. 那人说这条路不在地图上,还记得吗?

    The guy said it wasrt on the map , remember ?

  18. 妮琪,你还记得吗?那是我最喜欢的地方。

    Nikki , you remember ? That was your favorite place .

  19. 你们还记得吗&不,你们肯定忘了。

    Do you remember & no , of course you wouldn 't.

  20. 你可以把头靠在我的肩膀上,还记得吗?

    You can lean your head on my shoulder , remember ?

  21. 这就是我跟你说过的那个人。还记得吗?

    That 's the man I told you about . remember ?

  22. 灵魂由三个独立的部分或说功能组成还记得吗?

    That it consists of three separate parts , or faculties ?

  23. 上个星期你不肯帮我,还记得吗?

    You wouldn 't work for me Iast week , remember ?

  24. 但谁在片中扮演亚里士多德你们还记得吗?

    Who played Aristotle in that film , do you remember ?

  25. 当然,克隆羊多利,还记得吗,

    Yes , of course . Dolly the Sheep , remember ?

  26. 说好了不谈公事的,还记得吗

    No business talk . That was the deal , right ?

  27. 你还记得吗和男孩们约会的情形吗?

    You remember what it was like dating teenage boys .

  28. 你被移到七楼了,还记得吗?

    You were moved here to the seventh , remember ?

  29. 只要想想那位浪子的父亲,你们还记得吗?

    Just look at the father of the prodigal son .

  30. 还记得吗?你们都看过这个?

    Remember that ? You 've all seen that before ?