
  1. 我昨天见到他了——突然间,我意识到我还爱着他。

    I saw him yesterday and ─ bam ! ─ I realized I was still in love with him .

  2. 弗朗西斯觉得约翰可能还爱着她。

    Francis thought it likely John still loved her .

  3. 他好使性子,还爱挑毛病。

    He is very temperamental and critical .

  4. 你真的告诉Ron医生你还爱Mike?

    You actually told Dr. Ron that you still love Mike ?

  5. Dan承认了自己还爱着Blair,想要打电话告诉她,但是Blair正好在找一个能够躲避狗仔队的地方,于是寂寞男孩布鲁克林的阁楼似乎就成了最佳地点。

    Dan admitted that he still loves Blair and called her to tell her , but Blair was looking for a place to escape the paparazzi and Lonely Boys Brooklyn loft seemed like the best place to do so .

  6. 在听卡拉·布鲁尼唱着“Quelqu’unm’aditquetum’aimaisencore”的时候,你就能毫不费力地学会了一句完整的句子“有人告诉我你还爱我”。(有时候歌词翻过来会失去美感,哈哈)

    From listening to Carla Bruni singing " Quelqu'un m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore " , you will learn , almost effortlessly , a complete sentence : " Someone told me that you still loved me " ( Sometimes , songs lose their beauty when they are translated ; - ) )

  7. 如果我倒下了或者出局了,你还爱我吗?

    Would you love me if I was down and out ?

  8. 如果你能明白这句话,说明你还爱我。

    If you would understand this sentence , you still love me .

  9. 如果你还爱我,请接受我吧。

    Accept me for what I am , if you want me .

  10. 玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你,还爱你的杏眼。

    Rose , Rose , I love you with your almond eyes .

  11. 除此之外,我还爱她的善良。

    In addition to that , I love her kindness .

  12. 当我年老了,头发灰白了,你还爱我吗?

    Will you still love me when I 'm old and grey ?

  13. 罗兰,你说耶稣还爱我么?

    Do you think Jesus still loves me , roland ?

  14. 问题是,你是否还爱她?

    The point is , do you still love her ?

  15. 我还爱着你,罗斯

    I 'm still in love with you , Ross .

  16. 最新调查表明,男人比女人还爱“八卦”。

    Men are bigger gossips than women , according to new research .

  17. 只要我还爱你,这力量便能支撑我永生。

    So long as I love thou my love motivates my life !

  18. 她觉得她还爱你什么

    She still thinks she 's in love with you . What ?

  19. 其他人想杀死你的时候我还爱着你。

    I loved you when everyone else wanted you dead .

  20. 但是我坦白了我的谎言,而且她还爱我。

    But I confess the lies , and she still loves me .

  21. 你爱他吗?我是说,还爱他吗?

    Do you love him ? I mean , still ?

  22. 如果你还爱他,你的集合来了。

    So if you do still love him , there 's your in .

  23. 可是你并没有忘记张杰,反而还爱着他。

    But you have not forgotten Zhang Jie , but still love him .

  24. 那就是我们都还爱你。

    That we feel the same way about you .

  25. 而且我知道他还爱着他妻子。

    And I know he still loved his wife .

  26. 我比爱自己的生命还爱你,我很害怕。

    I love you more than life , and now I 'm terrified .

  27. 他已不知道还爱着露丝,露丝甚至已根本不存在。

    He did not know that he loved Ruth .

  28. 如果你还爱我,我也依然非常爱你。

    If you still love me . I also love you very much .

  29. 我是说……如果你还爱的话?

    I mean ... If you still love me ?

  30. 她虽然还爱着基布尔先生,但对他有了一丝轻蔑。

    She still loved Mr. Keble , but felt a touch of contempt .