
  1. 虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。

    I still love you even though I 'd like to wring your neck .

  2. Even不过,你母亲还是爱你一样。

    Even though , your mother still love you the same .

  3. 即使失败了,我们还是爱你的。

    We 'll still love you , even if it blows .

  4. 改过,我们还是爱你的。

    Mend one 's ways , we still love you .

  5. 你讨厌我,但我还是爱你。

    You hate me , but I love you all the same .

  6. 我是喜欢你还是爱你呢?

    Oh , my god , can you tell me .

  7. 但没关系,我还是爱你。

    It 's all right . I still love you .

  8. 那可真是不过她们还是爱你的

    That 's very ... they still love you though .

  9. 就算你离开我我也还是爱你,你知道吗?

    Even if you leave me I still love you , do you know ?

  10. 虽然你离开我,但我还是很爱你!

    Although you have left me , I love you no less .

  11. 吃饭也分开。她还是很爱你。

    We eat in separate rooms . she 's still madly in love with you .

  12. 你可以试着把她追回来。我想她还是爱着你的。

    You can try to get her back . I think she still loves you .

  13. 即使你打扫的不干净,你妈还是会爱你的。

    Your mother won 't love you any less if you 're not a neat freak .

  14. 虽然他是这么说的,可我相信他还是爱着你的。

    In spite of what he said , I think he 's still in love with you .

  15. 你不是希望这样她会意识到还是在爱你的吧?

    Are you sure this isn 't you hoping that she 'll realize she 's still in love with you ?

  16. 我真心爱你,淑,虽然我等了你这样久毫无所得,我还是真心爱你。

    I do love you , Sue , though I have danced attendance on you so long for such poor returns .

  17. 你若需要再度服药,就服吧我还是一样爱你。

    If you need the medication again , go ahead and take itI will love you through that , as well .

  18. 你若需要再度服药,就服吧——我还是一样爱你。

    If you need the medication again , go ahead and take it - I will love you through that , as well .

  19. 你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。

    U r so lucky , coz you can choose to love me or not , but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more .

  20. 我们发现,即使仍旧暴躁、神经质、事业不顺,有时大声讲话、喝酒过量,对着电视新闻骂娘,他还是爱着你。

    We found men who love us even though we 're still cranky and neurotic , haven 't got our careers together , and sometimes talk too loudly , drink too much and swear at the television news .

  21. 还是有想要爱你的冲动。

    Still want to love you impulse !

  22. 即使我们再也见不到对方了,我还是会一直爱你的

    Even if we never see each other again , I will love you always .

  23. 她还是会很爱你的。

    She 'll still love you .

  24. 无论是白昼还是夜晚,我爱你不息。

    Whether it is day or night , I love you , is always flooded .

  25. 愿你永远记住即使在你最感孤独的时候还是有人爱着你理解你。

    Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there , even when you feel most alone .