
hái yǒu
  • there is still some left
  • still;furthermore;in addition
  1. 手术以后她还有点站不稳。

    She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation .

  2. 他们距山顶还有100米远。

    They were still 100 metres off the summit .

  3. 这卷胶卷还有三张没拍。

    There are three exposures left on this roll of film .

  4. 从今天算起还有12个星期。

    There are 12 weeks to go , counting from today .

  5. 还有几件小事需要了结。

    There are still a few loose ends to tie up .

  6. 如果他帮不上忙,总还有约翰呢。

    If he can 't help , there 's always John .

  7. 还有一件事我想问你。

    There 's another thing I 'd like to ask you .

  8. 还有其他一些餐馆价钱稍微便宜些。

    There are other restaurants where you can eat less expensively .

  9. “还有别迟到。”她补充说道。

    ' And don 't be late , ' she added .

  10. 你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。

    Call me if you have any problems regarding your work .

  11. 看来未必还有座位。

    It 's doubtful whether there 'll be any seats left .

  12. 如果你还饿的话,还有一份酸奶。

    There 's a yogurt left if you 're still hungry .

  13. 除了那么多工作,他还有财务困难。

    Quite apart from all the work , he had financial problems .

  14. 这张桌子还有一个人的位置。

    There 's room for one more at the table .

  15. 你可以借用我的钥匙——我还有一套。

    You can borrow my keys ─ I have a spare set .

  16. 她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。

    There is still a faint hope that she may be cured .

  17. 当然,这首诗里还有更深层的含义。

    There are , of course , deeper meanings in the poem .

  18. 此外,还有一点要说。

    There is , in addition , one further point to make .

  19. 还有数百人在拥挤不堪的体育场外等候。

    Hundreds more people were waiting outside the jammed stadium .

  20. 我以前从来不知道艾伦还有这样的一面。

    This is a side of Alan that I never knew existed .

  21. 我们往后还有很多艰苦工作要做。

    We 've got a lot of hard work ahead .

  22. 电脑程序还有一些残留问题。

    There are still a few residual problems with the computer program .

  23. 离演出开始还有五分钟,剧场里已座无虚席。

    It 's five minutes to showtime and the theatre is packed .

  24. 还有非常非常多的工作没有做。

    There is still an immense amount of work to be done .

  25. 有一群小孩在等着,还有无数记者。

    There was a bunch of kids waiting and zillions of reporters .

  26. 除了音乐,我们还有很多共通点。

    We have lots of things in common besides music .

  27. 除了我们所讨论的之外,还有其他因素。

    There are other factors over and above those we have discussed .

  28. 还有地方再放一件行李。

    There 's room for one more piece of luggage .

  29. 车上还有我的位置吗?

    Is there enough room for me in the car ?

  30. 还有几份档案要先看一看。

    There are a couple more files to read first .