
  • 网络or a friend;Still Friends
  1. 即使分手了,他们还是朋友。

    Even though they 've split up they 're still friends .

  2. 我不知道你们还是朋友

    I didn 't know that you guys were still friends .

  3. 关于这个主题,我想要么我品味很差,要么是个笑话,还是朋友圈都get不到意思的那种。

    Considering the subject matter , I think that 's either in poor taste - or a joke that is easily lost on my social media friends .

  4. Reddit用户还为这对新婚夫妇出了个绝妙的报复点子,建议在他们这对朋友(如果到时候还是朋友的话)的婚礼上宣布怀孕的消息。

    Reddit users have helpfully come up with the perfect revenge , suggesting that the newlyweds announce that they are expecting at their friend 's wedding - if they are indeed still friends .

  5. 你是听从自己的直觉还是朋友的意见?

    Do you listen to your instincts , or your friends ?

  6. 我和他还是朋友,我们希望对方幸福。

    We remain friends and wish each other the best .

  7. 不管什么,我们还是朋友,对不对?

    No matter what , we 'll still be friends . right ?

  8. 但我们还是朋友

    Well , you know , we 're still friends .

  9. 不做恋人,我们还是朋友。

    At the root of our relationship was a friendship .

  10. 好吧,好吧。很高兴咱们还是朋友。

    Good . good . I 'm glad we 're still friends .

  11. 那我们还是朋友,对吧?

    Well , we could still be friends , right ?

  12. 意见不同归不同,朋友还是朋友。

    It is possible to disagree and yet be friendly .

  13. 我知道你们还是朋友

    and I know that you 're still friends .

  14. 不论是敌人还是朋友,他都向他们巧取豪夺。

    From foe and from friend he 'd rap and he 'd ran .

  15. 汉娜你们还是朋友的时候她都差点撞飞�

    Hanna , Mona tried to run you over when you were friends .

  16. 我们现在还是朋友对吗?

    Blair : We are friends now , right ?

  17. 这或许是既分手还是朋友的简便方法。

    It 's an easy way to break up and still be friends .

  18. 悲伤的脸是为了亲人还是朋友。

    Either for the parting of relatives or the part from the friends .

  19. 他现在是朋友,以后还是朋友。

    He is a friend and will remain so .

  20. 不管怎么样我希望我们还是朋友。

    Bobby : Well , anyway , I hope we can be friends .

  21. 不是这样的你知道我们还是朋友

    It 's not like that , you know , we 're still friends

  22. 洋葱伯克氏细菌是我们的敌人还是朋友?

    Burkholderia cepacia : our enemy or friend ?

  23. 你俩还是朋友对吧

    You two are still friends , right ?

  24. 现在他们还是朋友,分开只是因为时机不对。

    They are still friends . The timing just wasn 't right for them .

  25. 我们是情人还是朋友?

    Are we in love or just friends ?

  26. 网络是敌人还是朋友?

    Is network an enemy or a friend ?

  27. 这样,姑娘们还是朋友。她们互相分享彼此的秘密。

    So the girls remained friends . They all shared each other 's secret .

  28. 和解了大家都还是朋友。

    Reconciliation of all or a friend .

  29. 然而,他们还是朋友。

    However , they are still friends .

  30. 而且前提是,我们还是朋友。

    And that we 're still friends .