
  • 网络Miss me;think of me
  1. 我不在时,你会不会经常想念我。

    If I 'm away , would you still think of me .

  2. 不要经常想念我

    Don 't think of me too often

  3. 我很想念我的家人。

    I miss my family a lot .

  4. 我很想念我的家人。

    I miss my family very much .

  5. "但随着年龄的增长,"阿德琳说,"我越来越想念我的哥哥,我意识到这是我们唯一剩下的东西。"

    " But as I grew older , " Adeline says , " and missed my brother more and more , I realized that was the only thing we had left . "

  6. 我也会想念我的树屋。

    I 'm also going to miss my tree house .

  7. 我为什么想念我的老朋友?

    Why   do   I   miss   my   old   friends ?

  8. 我会想念我的朋友的。

    I 'm going to miss my friends .

  9. 安娜:初中时代结束了。我会想念我所有的老师的。

    Anna : Junior high school days are over . I 'll miss all of my teachers .

  10. 苏珊:如果是的话,我会住在学校,每周回家一次。我会想念我的父母和家里的美味佳肴。我每周都得自己洗衣服。

    Susan : If so , I will live in the school and go home once a week . I 'll miss my parents and the delicious food at home . I have to wash my clothes by myself every week .

  11. 我很想念我的朋友刘希。

    I really miss my friend Liu Xi .

  12. 我多么想念我的父母亲呀!

    How I miss my parents !

  13. 我想到了《我想念我自己》(StillAlice)里的茱丽安·摩尔(JulianneMoore)。我在最近的一篇专栏里提到过这部电影,很高兴看到摩尔能实至名归地拿到一座金球奖剧情类电影最佳女主角。

    I think of Julianne Moore 's in " Still Alice . " I mentioned that movie in a recent column , and I was happy to see Moore win a richly deserved Golden Globe , for best actress in a drama .

  14. 如果我走了百老汇会想念我的

    Broadway 's Not Gonna Miss Me If I 'm Gone .

  15. 当我受伤时,我就会想念我的爱人。

    When others hurt me , I would miss my love .

  16. 我没有天天都在想念我父亲吗

    That I don 't miss my father every single day ?

  17. 想念我吗?很普通的问题。

    Did you miss me ? It 's a normal question .

  18. 当我想到大海,我就很想念我的父亲。

    When I think of the sea , I miss my dad .

  19. 对,我是想念我的主人!想极了!句子发音。

    Yes , I miss my owners ! A lot !

  20. 我很想念我家人朋友和我的家乡。

    I miss my family , friends , and country so much .

  21. 我想知道他是否也常常因为想念我而在半夜惊醒

    I wonder if he lays awake at night missing me

  22. 你曾有没有过想念我?

    Was there something about me that you particularly missed ?

  23. 我想念我的书,我的椅子还有花园。

    I miss my books . And my armchair and my garden .

  24. 我只是想念我的儿子了

    I. .. I guess I just miss my son .

  25. 我好想念我家乡间屋子的壁炉。

    Aw , I miss our fireplace in the country .

  26. 一路上,母亲不停地说想念我。

    Along the way , mother incessantly said missing me .

  27. 很多姑娘也会想念我的。

    A lot of girls are going to miss me .

  28. 当我感觉不开心时,就忍不住想念我的家人。

    I can 't help missing my family when I feel upset .

  29. 我回家是因为我想念我的妻子

    I actually came home because I miss my wife .

  30. 不知上次一别之后他可否想念我。

    I doubt he misses me after our last meeting .