
  • 网络When I think of you;When I Thinking of You;When I Miss You
  1. 当我在想你的时候你会不会正好也在想我。

    When I think of you you will just miss me .

  2. 在欢乐与泪水之间,我看清了我自己,感到有点孤单,在我想你的时候。

    Between laugh and tears , I Look at myself , Feeling a bit lonely , When I think of you !

  3. 否则我想你的时候却找不到你。

    Not being able to see you when I miss you .

  4. 因为,每当我想你的时候,总会发现你无处不在。

    Because I always feel you ubiquitous when I miss you .

  5. 当我想你的时候,我看着月亮。

    When I miss you , I see the moon .

  6. 你想你的时候到空中广告。

    Times you want your advert to go on air .

  7. 妈妈,想你的时候我爱你;

    Mommy , I love you when I miss you ;

  8. 我想你的时候,你在想我吗?

    I thought your time , you are thinking me ?

  9. 想你的时候心里隐隐地疼痛,伴随着甜蜜的快乐。

    When I miss you , my heart aches accompanied with sweet happiness .

  10. 我想你的时候我也会这样做。

    So , anytime I miss you , I 'm gonna do the same .

  11. 想你的时候我快乐,不想你的时候我寂寞。

    Missing you , I am happy ; If not , I feel lonely .

  12. 想你的时候,我会偷偷哭泣

    I cried secretly when I missed you

  13. 然而,即使我的影集中没有你,想你的时候心里依然是甜蜜的。

    However , even if my album do not you think your heart is still sweet time .

  14. 这个会花费一些时间,但是这将会是一个特别经济的礼物,而且以后妈妈在想你的时候还可以拿出来看。

    This can be a little time consuming but can make a great frugal gift and she can enjoy it whenever she misses you .

  15. 当我想你的时候,我不需要走的很远,我只要看看我的内心就能找到你。

    When I miss you , I don 't have to go far * I just have to look inside my heart because that 's where I 'll find you .

  16. 想你的时候,总是了勾起过去的点滴,因为有你存在我的记忆,才能给想你写一个幸福的概念。

    While missing you , I would always think of every drop in the river of the past , for only your existence in my mind can fully define the happiness of missing you .

  17. 心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!

    Listening to my heart beating . Seeing how much I love you , I dare to admit how much I love you . When thinking of you , I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you !

  18. 第二天,男孩对女孩说:“以后晚上不要关机,好么?我想你的时候找不到你,心会不安。”从那以后,女孩开始另一种习惯——整夜都不关机。

    The next day , the boy asked the girl to leave her cell phone on at night because when he needed to find her and could not , he would be worried . From that day forth , the girl began a new habit . Her cell phone never shuts down at night .

  19. 我想你吹牛的时候我看得出来。

    I think I can tell when you 're bluffing .

  20. 其他人想杀死你的时候我还爱着你。

    I loved you when everyone else wanted you dead .

  21. 从不去想没有你的时候多苦涩。

    Nor think the bitterness of absence sour .

  22. 可是我想你睡觉的时候可以抱着我,走路的时候可以勾住我的手,吃饭的时候可以把不好吃的菜放到我的盘子里,比这都更多更多。

    But I really want you can hold me in your arms when we sleep , take my hand when we walk together , put the food you do not like into my plate , and much more than these !

  23. 我并不想在你工作的时候打扰你,莉莉。

    I don 't want to botheryou at work , lili .

  24. 因为我想在你伤心的时候给予你安慰。

    Because I wanted to give you consolations when you felt down .

  25. 我想你写论文的时候可能会用到它。

    I thought you might use it for your paper .

  26. 你知道吗,我想你这么大的时候。

    You know when I was at your age .

  27. 昨天我想把你带走的时候你说的话很对

    Yesterday when I tried to take you away , you were right .

  28. 别人想引起你注意的时候。

    When someone wants to get your attention .

  29. 因为每次我想你要走的时候。

    Cause every time I think you gone .

  30. 我在想你下飞机的时候。

    I-i 'm thinking that when you land .